Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


CYPOP 47: Support the development of positive behaviour in childrenLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date2.5. Record agreed behaviouralgoals and boundaries in linewith work settingrequirements.3. Be able to support children tounderstand their behaviour.3.1. Support a child to developunderstanding of when theirbehaviour is acceptable andwhen it is unacceptable.3.2. Support a child to developunderstanding of theconsequences of:• acceptable behaviour• unacceptable behaviour.3.3. Support a child to developrecognition of the benefits ofpositive behaviour forthemselves, key people andothers.3.4. Work with a child to developan understanding of why theybehave in certain ways.3.5. Work with a child to developan understanding of how theyare feeling when they engagein unacceptable behaviour.4. Be able to support children toachieve behavioural goalsand adhere to agreedboundaries.4.1. Support a child to identifybehaviours that show thatthey are meeting behaviouralgoals or plans.4.2. Work with key people andothers to provide consistentsupport to a child to help themmeet behavioural goals andagreed boundaries.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 274

CYPOP 47: Support the development of positive behaviour in childrenLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date4.3. Use stimulating andachievable activities toengage children to supportthem to meet agreedbehavioural goals andboundaries.4.4. Provide constructive feedbackto a child on meetingbehavioural goals and agreedboundaries.4.5. Use praise to reinforcepositive behaviour in a child.4.6. Support the positivebehaviour of children throughown actions.4.7. Use agreed interventions tohelp a child end an instanceof unacceptable behaviour.4.8. Work with a child to developtheir understanding of whythey engaged in unacceptablebehaviour.4.9. Work with a child to developtheir understanding of howthey might have behaveddifferently.4.10. Record progress towards theachievement of behaviouralgoals in line with work settingrequirements.4.11. Record instances ofunacceptable behaviour inline with work settingrequirements.4.12. Access help and supportwhere there are concernsabout the behaviour of a child.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 275

CYPOP 47: Support the development of positive behaviour in childrenLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date2.5. Record agreed behaviouralgoals and boundaries in linewith work settingrequirements.3. Be able to support children tounderstand their behaviour.3.1. Support a child to developunderstanding of when theirbehaviour is acceptable andwhen it is unacceptable.3.2. Support a child to developunderstanding of theconsequences of:• acceptable behaviour• unacceptable behaviour.3.3. Support a child to developrecognition of the benefits ofpositive behaviour forthemselves, key people andothers.3.4. Work with a child to developan understanding of why theybehave in certain ways.3.5. Work with a child to developan understanding of how theyare feeling when they engagein unacceptable behaviour.4. Be able to support children toachieve behavioural goalsand adhere to agreedboundaries.4.1. Support a child to identifybehaviours that show thatthey are meeting behaviouralgoals or plans.4.2. Work with key people andothers to provide consistentsupport to a child to help themmeet behavioural goals andagreed boundaries.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 274

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