Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


CYPOP 47: Support the development of positive behaviour in childrenCYPOP 47: Support the development of positivebehaviour in childrenUnit reference L/504/2206 Unit level 3Credit value 3 GLH 22Unit aimThe purpose of this unit is to develop the knowledge, understanding andskills of the learner to support children to develop positive behaviourLearner name:CACHE PIN:CACHE Centre no:ULN:Learning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and dateLearning outcomes 2, 3 and 4 must be assessed in the real work environment by a vocationallycompetent assessor.1. Understand principles ofsupporting the developmentof positive behaviour inchildren.2. Be able to establishbehavioural goals andboundaries with children.1.1. Outline theories of behaviourdevelopment in children.2.1. Communicate with a childabout their behaviouraccording to their level ofability and understanding.2.2. Support a child to gainunderstanding of expectationsabout their behaviour.2.3. Support a child to gainunderstanding of why goalsand boundaries must be setfor their behaviour.2.4. Work with a child, key peopleand others to identifybehavioural goals andboundaries that will supportpositive behaviour.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 273

CYPOP 47: Support the development of positive behaviour in childrenCYPOP 47: Support the development of positivebehaviour in childrenUnit reference L/504/2206 Unit level 3Credit value 3 GLH 22Unit aimThe purpose of this unit is to develop the knowledge, understanding andskills of the learner to support children to develop positive behaviourLearner name:CACHE PIN:CACHE Centre no:ULN:Learning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and dateLearning outcomes 2, 3 and 4 must be assessed in the real work environment by a vocationallycompetent assessor.1. Understand principles ofsupporting the developmentof positive behaviour inchildren.2. Be able to establishbehavioural goals andboundaries with children.1.1. Outline theories of behaviourdevelopment in children.2.1. Communicate with a childabout their behaviouraccording to their level ofability and understanding.2.2. Support a child to gainunderstanding of expectationsabout their behaviour.2.3. Support a child to gainunderstanding of why goalsand boundaries must be setfor their behaviour.2.4. Work with a child, key peopleand others to identifybehavioural goals andboundaries that will supportpositive behaviour.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 273

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