Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


CCLD FP OP 3.13: Support children’s knowledge and understanding of the worldLearner declaration of authenticity:I declare that the work presented for this unit is entirely my own work.Learner signature:Date:Assessor sign off of completed unit: CCLD FP OP 3.13I confirm that the learner has met the requirements for all assessment criteria demonstratingknowledge and skills for this unit.Assessor name:Signature:Date:For e-portfolio a signature is not required, providing the learner has a personalised and secure login.Additional information about the unit:Relationship to occupational standards –provided with the QCF unitSCD CCLD 309 - Implement frameworks for earlyeducation through the development of curriculumplanningGuidance for developing assessment arrangements for the unit:Guidance for developing unit assessmentarrangements – provided with the QCF unitUnit assessment guidance – provided bythe sectorThis unit must be assessed in accordance with Skills forCare and Development QCF Assessment PrinciplesHolistic plans:All aspects of learning are interlinked for young children© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 270

CCLD FP OP 3.13: Support children’s knowledge and understanding of the worldAssessment task – CCLD FP OP 3.13: Support children’s knowledge andunderstanding of the worldAn assessment task for this unit is available on request.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 271

CCLD FP OP 3.13: Support children’s knowledge and understanding of the worldAssessment task – CCLD FP OP 3.13: Support children’s knowledge andunderstanding of the worldAn assessment task for this unit is available on request.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 271

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