Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


CCLD FP OP 3.11: Support children’s mathematical developmentLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date2.5. Explain how mathematicaldevelopment is supportedthrough the combination ofadult-led activities and childinitiatedactivities.2.6. Explain how holistic planssupport access tomathematical learning forevery child in the settingincluding those with specificrequirements.2.7. Develop a holistic plan whichincorporates mathematicallearning.3. Be able to use activities forchildren’s mathematicaldevelopment.3.1. Deliver a holistic plan whichincorporates the developmentof mathematical learning.3.2. Use mathematics withchildren in everyday activitiesand routines to support theirlearning and development.3.3. Provide both structured andspontaneous opportunitiesand activities that developchildren’s knowledge andapplication of mathematics.3.4. Use encouragement andpraise when supportingchildren’s mathematicaldevelopment.4. Be able to reflect on ownperformance in supportingchildren’s mathematicaldevelopment.4.1. Evaluate how own practicehas contributed to children’smathematical development.4.2. Adapt own practice to meetchildren’s mathematicaldevelopment needs.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 256

CCLD FP OP 3.11: Support children’s mathematical developmentLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date4.3. Identify training anddevelopment needs for self toimprove performance insupporting the use ofmathematics.Learner declaration of authenticity:I declare that the work presented for this unit is entirely my own work.Learner signature:Date:Assessor sign off of completed unit: CCLD FP OP 3.11I confirm that the learner has met the requirements for all assessment criteria demonstratingknowledge and skills for this unit.Assessor name:Signature:Date:For e-portfolio a signature is not required, providing the learner has a personalised and secure login.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 257

CCLD FP OP 3.11: Support children’s mathematical developmentLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date2.5. Explain how mathematicaldevelopment is supportedthrough the combination ofadult-led activities and childinitiatedactivities.2.6. Explain how holistic planssupport access tomathematical learning forevery child in the settingincluding those with specificrequirements.2.7. Develop a holistic plan whichincorporates mathematicallearning.3. Be able to use activities forchildren’s mathematicaldevelopment.3.1. Deliver a holistic plan whichincorporates the developmentof mathematical learning.3.2. Use mathematics withchildren in everyday activitiesand routines to support theirlearning and development.3.3. Provide both structured andspontaneous opportunitiesand activities that developchildren’s knowledge andapplication of mathematics.3.4. Use encouragement andpraise when supportingchildren’s mathematicaldevelopment.4. Be able to reflect on ownperformance in supportingchildren’s mathematicaldevelopment.4.1. Evaluate how own practicehas contributed to children’smathematical development.4.2. Adapt own practice to meetchildren’s mathematicaldevelopment needs.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 256

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