Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


HSC 2028: Move and position individuals in accordance with their plan of careAssessment task –HSC 2028 Move and position individuals in accordancewith their plan of careIntroductionMoving and positioning can be an integral part of your job role whether you work in education,childcare or adult care. As part of your induction into a new role in your work role you havebeen asked to prepare notes which:Task 1 links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1 and 1.2.• outline the anatomy and physiology of the human body in relation to the importanceof correct moving and positioning of individuals• describe the impact of specific conditions on the correct movement and positioning ofan individualTask 2 links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2.1 and 2.2.• describe how legislation and agreed ways of working affect working practices relatedto moving and positioning individuals• describe what health and safety factors need to be taken into account when movingand positioning individuals and any equipment used to do thisTask 3 links to learning outcome 6, assessment criteria 6.1 and 6.2.• describe when advice and/or assistance should be sought to move or handle anindividual safely• describe what sources of information are available about moving and positioningindividuals.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 200

HSC 2029: Meet food safety requirements when providing food and drink for individualsHSC 2029: Meet food safety requirements when providingfood and drink for individualsUnit reference T/601/9450 Level 2Credit value 2 GLH 15Unit aimThis unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It providesthe learner with the knowledge and skills required to meet food safetyrequirements when preparing, serving, clearing away and storing food.Learner name:CACHE Centre no:CACHE PIN:ULN:Learning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and dateLearning outcomes 2, 3, 4 and 5 must be assessed in real-work environments by a qualifiedoccupationally competent assessor.1. Understand the importanceof food safety measureswhen providing food anddrink for individuals.1.1. Identify potential food safetyhazards when preparing,serving, clearing away andstoring food and drink.1.2. Explain the importance ofimplementing food safetymeasures when providing foodand drink for individuals.1.3. Explain why personalprotective clothing should beused when handling food anddrink.1.4. Explain why surfaces, utensilsand equipment must be cleanbefore beginning a new task.1.5. Explain the importance ofclearing and disposing of foodwaste promptly and safely.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 201

HSC 2029: Meet food safety requirements when providing food and drink for individualsHSC 2029: Meet food safety requirements when providingfood and drink for individualsUnit reference T/601/9450 Level 2Credit value 2 GLH 15Unit aimThis unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It providesthe learner with the knowledge and skills required to meet food safetyrequirements when preparing, serving, clearing away and storing food.Learner name:CACHE Centre no:CACHE PIN:ULN:Learning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and dateLearning outcomes 2, 3, 4 and 5 must be assessed in real-work environments by a qualifiedoccupationally competent assessor.1. Understand the importanceof food safety measureswhen providing food anddrink for individuals.1.1. Identify potential food safetyhazards when preparing,serving, clearing away andstoring food and drink.1.2. Explain the importance ofimplementing food safetymeasures when providing foodand drink for individuals.1.3. Explain why personalprotective clothing should beused when handling food anddrink.1.4. Explain why surfaces, utensilsand equipment must be cleanbefore beginning a new task.1.5. Explain the importance ofclearing and disposing of foodwaste promptly and safely.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 201

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