Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


CCLD FP OP 3.2: Support children and young people with physical disabilitiesAssessment task – CCLD FP OP 3.2 Support children and young peoplewith physical disabilitiesIntroductionUnderstanding the needs of individual children and young people in your care is important. Inthis unit you will be exploring the underpinning knowledge required to work with children andyoung people with physical disabilities.Produce an information pack in three parts which:Task 1 links to learning outcome 1 assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6.Section 1: The scope• defines physical disability• identifies the main causes of physical disability• analyses the impact of physical disability on development and learning• explains how attitudes to physical disability may impact on the lives of children, youngpeople and their carers• explains the importance of the physical environment:- access / mobility- play- exercise- social relationships• explains the importance of a well prepared environment on the inclusion of childrenand young people with physical disabilitiesTask 2 links to learning outcome 2 assessment criteria 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.Section 2: Legislation• outlines current legislation and policy frameworks that are designed to promoteequality and inclusion for children and young people with physical disabilities• analyses the impact of current legislation and Codes of Practice in own work setting• explains the benefits of inclusion of children and young people with physicaldisabilities in mainstream settings• explains the challenges of inclusion of children and young people with physicaldisabilities in mainstream settings© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 162

CCLD FP OP 3.2: Support children and young people with physical disabilitiesTask 3 links to learning outcome 3 assessment criteria 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.Section 3: Roles and responsibility• outlines the statutory roles and responsibilities of those involved in provision forchildren and young people with physical disabilities- explains the processes involved in statutory assessments- explains how statutory assessments contribute to provision.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 163

CCLD FP OP 3.2: Support children and young people with physical disabilitiesTask 3 links to learning outcome 3 assessment criteria 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.Section 3: Roles and responsibility• outlines the statutory roles and responsibilities of those involved in provision forchildren and young people with physical disabilities- explains the processes involved in statutory assessments- explains how statutory assessments contribute to provision.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 163

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