Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


HSC 3047: Support use of medication in social care settingsLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date8. Be able to record andreport on use of medication.8.1. Demonstrate how to recorduse of medication and anychanges in an individualassociated with it.8.2. Demonstrate how to report onuse of medication andproblems associated withmedication, in line with agreedways of working.Learner declaration of authenticity:I declare that the work presented for this unit is entirely my own work.Learner signature:Date:Assessor sign off of completed unit: HSC 3047I confirm that the learner has met the requirements for all assessment criteria demonstratingknowledge and skills for this unit.Assessor name:Signature:Date:For e-portfolio a signature is not required, providing the learner has a personalised and secure login.Additional information about the unit:Relationship to occupational standards –provided with the QCF unitHSC375HSC221HSC236© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 146

HSC 3047: Support use of medication in social care settingsGuidance for developing assessment arrangements for the unit:Guidance for developing unit assessmentarrangements – provided with the QCF unitAgreed ways of working will include policies andprocedures where these exist.An individual is someone requiring care or support.Active participation is a way of working thatrecognises an individual’s right to participate in theactivities and relationships of everyday life asindependently as possible; the individual is regarded asan active partner in their own care or support, ratherthan a passive recipient.Using medication correctly must ensure that theindividual receives:• the correct medication• in the correct dose• by the correct route• at the correct time• with agreed support• with respect for dignity and privacy.Practical difficulties may include:• lost medication• missed medication• spilt medication• an individual’s decision not to take medication• difficulty in taking medication in its prescribedform• wrong medication used• vomiting after taking medication• adverse reaction• discrepancies in records or directions for use.Additional unit assessment requirements -provided with the QCF unitThis unit must be assessed in line with Skills for Careand Development’s QCF Assessment Principles.Learning outcomes 5, 7 and 8 must be assessed in theworkplace.Unit assessment guidance - provided byCACHELearning outcome 5, 7 and 8 must be assessed in realwork environments by a qualified vocationallycompetent assessor. Simulation is not permitted.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 147

HSC 3047: Support use of medication in social care settingsGuidance for developing assessment arrangements for the unit:Guidance for developing unit assessmentarrangements – provided with the QCF unitAgreed ways of working will include policies andprocedures where these exist.An individual is someone requiring care or support.Active participation is a way of working thatrecognises an individual’s right to participate in theactivities and relationships of everyday life asindependently as possible; the individual is regarded asan active partner in their own care or support, ratherthan a passive recipient.Using medication correctly must ensure that theindividual receives:• the correct medication• in the correct dose• by the correct route• at the correct time• with agreed support• with respect for dignity and privacy.Practical difficulties may include:• lost medication• missed medication• spilt medication• an individual’s decision not to take medication• difficulty in taking medication in its prescribedform• wrong medication used• vomiting after taking medication• adverse reaction• discrepancies in records or directions for use.Additional unit assessment requirements -provided with the QCF unitThis unit must be assessed in line with Skills for Careand Development’s QCF Assessment Principles.Learning outcomes 5, 7 and 8 must be assessed in theworkplace.Unit assessment guidance - provided byCACHELearning outcome 5, 7 and 8 must be assessed in realwork environments by a qualified vocationallycompetent assessor. Simulation is not permitted.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 147

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