Optional Units - Cache

Optional Units - Cache Optional Units - Cache


HSC 3047: Support use of medication in social care settingsLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date2.3. Describe changes to anindividual’s physical or mentalwell-being that may indicate anadverse reaction to amedication.3. Understand roles andresponsibilities in the use ofmedication in social caresettings.3.1. Describe the roles andresponsibilities of thoseinvolved in prescribing,dispensing and supporting useof medication.3.2. Explain where responsibilitieslie in relation to use of ‘overthe counter’ remedies andsupplements.4. Understand techniques foradministering medication.4.1. Describe the routes by whichmedication can beadministered.4.2. Describe different forms inwhich medication may bepresented.4.3. Describe materials andequipment that can assist inadministering medication.5. Be able to receive, storeand dispose of medicationsupplies safely.5.1. Demonstrate how to receivesupplies of medication in linewith agreed ways of working.5.2. Demonstrate how to storemedication safely.5.3. Demonstrate how to disposeof un-used or unwantedmedication safely.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 144

HSC 3047: Support use of medication in social care settingsLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date6. Know how to promote therights of the individual whenmanaging medication.6.1. Explain the importance of thefollowing principles in the useof medication:• consent• self-medication or activeparticipation• dignity and privacy• confidentiality.6.2. Explain how risk assessmentcan be used to promote anindividual’s independence inmanaging medication.6.3. Describe how ethical issuesthat may arise over the use ofmedication can be addressed.7. Be able to support use ofmedication.7.1. Demonstrate how to accessinformation about anindividual’s medication.7.2. Demonstrate how to supportan individual to use medicationin ways that promote hygiene,safety, dignity and activeparticipation.7.3. Demonstrate strategies toensure that medication is usedor administered correctly.7.4. Demonstrate how to addressany practical difficulties thatmay arise when medication isused.7.5. Demonstrate how and when toaccess further information orsupport about the use ofmedication.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 145

HSC 3047: Support use of medication in social care settingsLearning outcomesThe learner will:Assessment criteriaThe learner can:Evidencerecorde.g. pagenumber &methodAssessorjudgementachievedInitial and date2.3. Describe changes to anindividual’s physical or mentalwell-being that may indicate anadverse reaction to amedication.3. Understand roles andresponsibilities in the use ofmedication in social caresettings.3.1. Describe the roles andresponsibilities of thoseinvolved in prescribing,dispensing and supporting useof medication.3.2. Explain where responsibilitieslie in relation to use of ‘overthe counter’ remedies andsupplements.4. Understand techniques foradministering medication.4.1. Describe the routes by whichmedication can beadministered.4.2. Describe different forms inwhich medication may bepresented.4.3. Describe materials andequipment that can assist inadministering medication.5. Be able to receive, storeand dispose of medicationsupplies safely.5.1. Demonstrate how to receivesupplies of medication in linewith agreed ways of working.5.2. Demonstrate how to storemedication safely.5.3. Demonstrate how to disposeof un-used or unwantedmedication safely.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 144

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