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LLUK 313: Engage fathers in their children’s early learningAssessment task - LLUK 313 Engage fathers in their children’s earlylearningIn your work role you have been asked to run a support group for fathers in your localcommunity. The first session will deal with how to engage in their child/children’s early learning.Prepare notes for this session which show that you can:Task 1 links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5.Note 1: Policy and research• explain key research studies that show the importance of fathers’ involvement in theirchildren’s early learning• summarise the role of a father in family life, structure and functioning in diversecommunities• explain the concept of positive home learning environments and ways of promotingand supporting them• explain why it is important to work in partnership with fathers• explain the importance of clear principles and policies to support the engagement offathers in their child’s early learningTask 2 links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.Note 2: working in partnership• explain and demonstrate a range of strategies that can be used to build confidence infathers from diverse communities to contribute to their child’s early learning• explain and demonstrate the use of key relationship building strategies and/or skillsinvolved in working in partnership with fathers from diverse communities• explain and demonstrate the use of key communication strategies and/or skillsinvolved in working in partnership with fathers from diverse communitiesTask 3 links to learning outcome 3, assessment criteria 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.Note 3: Barriers to involvement• explain personal, social and cultural barriers to fathers being involved in theirchildren’s early learning• explain and demonstrate a range of strategies to help overcome barriers to fathers’involvement in their child’s early learning• explain how attitudes can be barriers to engaging fathers in their children’s earlylearning© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 128

LLUK 313: Engage fathers in their children’s early learningTask 4 links to learning outcome 4, assessment criteria 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.Note 4: Reflective practices• reflect on ways of working with resident and non-resident fathers to help them providesupport for their children’s early learning• identify and explain support and changes needed to improve own skills andknowledge and build on their own practice• explain culturally sensitive ways of working with fathers to help them provide supportfor their children’s early learning.© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 129

LLUK 313: Engage fathers in their children’s early learningAssessment task - LLUK 313 Engage fathers in their children’s earlylearningIn your work role you have been asked to run a support group for fathers in your localcommunity. The first session will deal with how to engage in their child/children’s early learning.Prepare notes for this session which show that you can:Task 1 links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5.Note 1: Policy and research• explain key research studies that show the importance of fathers’ involvement in theirchildren’s early learning• summarise the role of a father in family life, structure and functioning in diversecommunities• explain the concept of positive home learning environments and ways of promotingand supporting them• explain why it is important to work in partnership with fathers• explain the importance of clear principles and policies to support the engagement offathers in their child’s early learningTask 2 links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.Note 2: working in partnership• explain and demonstrate a range of strategies that can be used to build confidence infathers from diverse communities to contribute to their child’s early learning• explain and demonstrate the use of key relationship building strategies and/or skillsinvolved in working in partnership with fathers from diverse communities• explain and demonstrate the use of key communication strategies and/or skillsinvolved in working in partnership with fathers from diverse communitiesTask 3 links to learning outcome 3, assessment criteria 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.Note 3: Barriers to involvement• explain personal, social and cultural barriers to fathers being involved in theirchildren’s early learning• explain and demonstrate a range of strategies to help overcome barriers to fathers’involvement in their child’s early learning• explain how attitudes can be barriers to engaging fathers in their children’s earlylearning© CACHE 2013 Version 5.0 128

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