Cabbage Integrated Pest Management : An Ecological Guide.

Cabbage Integrated Pest Management : An Ecological Guide.

Cabbage Integrated Pest Management : An Ecological Guide.


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Literature and Internet Reference Listwww22: Shanmugasundaram, S. IPM of Diamondback Moth in South and South East Asia. The AsianVegetable Research and Development Center, Taiwan URL: http://www.nri.org/IPMForum/ipmwd/issue3/iss3uk03.htm (reviewed on 28/06/00)www23: Mitchell, E.R.; Tingle, F.C.; Navasero-ward, R.C., Impact of Cotesia plutellae (hymenoptera:braconidae) on control of diamondback moth (lepidoptera: plutellidae) in cabbage.TEKTRAN, UnitedStates Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service (updated 1998) URL: http://www.nal.usda.gov/ttic/tektran/data/000007/10/0000071055.html (reviewed on 28/06/00)www24: Boucher, J.; Nixon,G. et al. University of Connecticut <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Program.Preventing Bacterial Diseases of Vegetables with Hot-Water Seed Treatment. URL: http://www.lib.uconn.edu/CANR/ces/ipm/homegrnd/htms/54sedtrt.htm (reviewed 26/06/00).Boucher, J., University of Connecticut <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Program. Two Common, Late-Season,Cole Crop Diseases. Reprinted from Grower vol. 93-9, p.4-5. URL: http://www.lib.uconn.edu/CANR/ces/ipm/veg/htms/coledis.htm (reviewed 06/09/99)www25: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville AgriculturalResearch Center. Commercial biocontrol products for use against soilborne crop diseases. Last modified19 May 2000. http://www.barc.usda.gov/psi/bpdl/bpdlprod/bioprod.html (reviewed on 24/06/00)www26: Vos, J.G.M., 2000. Vietnam Showcase. <strong>Pest</strong> Cabweb. Biocontrol News and Information. March2000, Volume 21 No. 1. URL: http://pest.cabweb.org/BNI/BNI21-1/TRAIN.HTM (reviewed 25/06/00).Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California. UC <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong><strong>Guide</strong>lines(HTML Revised: March 21, 2000). COLE CROPS: DOWNY MILDEW(Peronosporaparasitica). URL: http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r108100311.html (reviewed on 04/04/99)Gay, J.D., Extension Plant Pathologist. The University of Georgia College of Agricultural & EnvironmentalSciences/Cooperative Extension Service. Leafy Greens and <strong>Cabbage</strong> Production. Diseases. URL:http://www.ces.uga.edu/pubcd/b1067-w.html#Mildew (reviewed 04/04/99)www27: Statewide <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Project. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources,University of California. UC <strong>Pest</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>lines: cole crops: leafminers. (Liriomyza spp.).URL: http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r108300311.html (Reviewed: 10/02/00)Shanmugasundaram, S. Director International Cooperation Program, The Asian Vegetable Researchand Development Center, Taiwan. IPM of Diamondback Moth in South and South East Asia. URL:http://www.nri.org/IPMForum/ipmwd/issue3/iss3uk03.htm (reviewed on 27/12/99)www28: Cheah, L.H. and Page, B.B.C.; 1997 The New Zealand Plant Protection Society Incorporated.Trichoderma Spp. For Potential Biocontrol Of Clubroot Of Vegetable Brassicas. URL: http://www.hortnet.co.nz/publications/nzpps/proceedings/97/97_150.htm (reviewed on 13/01/00)www29: Biocontrol Products Registered to Control Plant Diseases in the United States. URL: http://www.agf.gov.bc.ca/croplive/cropprot/may96.htm#biocont (reviewed on 06/09/99)www30: Cogger, C.G.;Sullivan, D.M.; Duncan, S.K., 1995. Backyard composting in the 1990s. Issuedby Washington State University Cooperative Extension. U.S. Department of Agriculture. URL: http://coopext.cahe.wsu.edu/infopub/eb1784/eb1784.html (reviewed on 02/06/00)www31: New Brunswick Department of the Environment. Building a hot compost pile. URL: http://www.gov.nb.ca/environm/comucate/compost/build.htm (reviewed on 02/06/00)www32: The Composting Council of Canada, Toronto, Ontario. At Home With Composting. URL: http://www.compost.org/back.html (reviewed on 02/06/00)197 <strong>Cabbage</strong> <strong>Ecological</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> - 2000

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