Cabbage Integrated Pest Management : An Ecological Guide.

Cabbage Integrated Pest Management : An Ecological Guide.

Cabbage Integrated Pest Management : An Ecological Guide.


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Major Diseases of <strong>Cabbage</strong>Deficiency of magnesium may occur both on acid soils and on soils containing ample supplies of lime,especially where this has been added. It is most prevalent on light soils under conditions where themagnesium is readily leached away, like in wet seasons. The deficiency may become apparent afterseveral years of routine manuring with inorganic fertilizers.In acid soils, magnesium limestone may be applied to counteract the deficiency. Other magnesiumcontaining fertilizers like magnesium sulfate can also be used, preferably before the seedlings aretransplanted. The turning-in of green manures and the use of farmyard manure or compost also tend topreserve supplies of magnesium in the soil.List of related disease exercises from CABI Bioscience/FAO manual:3-A.1. Study of symptom development of leaf spots: classroom exercise3-A.2. Study of symptom development of leaf spots: field exercise3-A.3. Effect of infection of the seed bed3-A.4. Effect of the use of infected planting material3-A.5. Test effect of hot water seed treatment3.B.1. Seed drenching/coating to manage damping-off3-A.6., 3.B.2 and. 3.D.2. Use of subsoil to manage diseases in the nursery3-A.7., 3. B.3. and 3.D.4. Soil solarisation to manage diseases in the nursery3-A.8., 3. B.4. and 3.D.3. Steam sterilisation to manage diseases in the nursery3-D.5. Test effect of soil solarisation in the field3-A.9. Test effect of infected crop debris in the field3-E.4. Sanitation measures to manage cabbage soft rot3-A.10. and 3-E.2. Effect of rain on the spread of diseases3-A.11. and 3.E.1. Spread of diseases by farming tools3-A.12. and 3-E.5. Test different cultivars for resistance to diseases3-A.13. Pruning and plant compensation3-E.3. Pruning of infected shoots versus fungicide application3-A.14. Restricted fungicide use to manage leaf spots3-A.16. Study of spread of a fungal leaf spot3-D.1. Pot experiments to test whether root diseases are soil-borne3-D.6. Effect of liming on clubroot of cabbage3-F.9. Virus or nutrient deficiency?<strong>Cabbage</strong> <strong>Ecological</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> - 2000172

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