Reported speech - EOI de Langreo

Reported speech - EOI de Langreo

Reported speech - EOI de Langreo


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U¡EÉt 2fe Repofted speec h / reported question s / reporting verbsneponed <strong>speech</strong>; tense and modal changesooWe use reported <strong>speech</strong> when we want to say what someone else said.eg Jatson iaid he ias going to buy a new pair of trainer.s';il;p;;iill""iÁ íti" irre past {eg sá¡d), we usually have to change the tense of what the personactually said.Direct <strong>speech</strong>present simplepresentcontinuouspresent perfectsimplepresent perfectcontinuouspast simplepast continuouspast perfectsimplepast perfectcontinuous<strong>Reported</strong><strong>speech</strong>past s¡mPlepast continuouspast perfect simPlepast perfectcontinuouspast perfect simPlepast perfectcontinuouspast perfect simPle(no tense change)past perfectcontinuous (notense change)Example,!,m taking Lizzie shopp¡ng,' sa¡d Tim. ) Tim sa¡d he was taking Lizzie shopp¡ng''l,ve boughtTom a present,'saidTim. + Tim said he'd boughtTom a present.'l've been thinking about buying a cor,'saidTim' ¿ Tim said he'd beenthinking about buYing a car.'l spent six euros,'saidTim. t Ti^ toid h"A tp"nt ti*"''l was hoping to find a new top,'saidTim. s Tim said heA been hoping to nnaa new top.,lH looked everywherefor my credit card before lfound it,'saidTim. + T¡m sa¡dhe'd looked evárywhere for his credit card before he found it''l'd been looking for that bookfor weeks before I found it,' saidTim. + Tim saidhe'd been looking for that bookfor weeks before he found it'am/is/are going to was/were going to 'l'm going to go shoPPing,'sc idTim. ¿ Tim said hewas going to 9o shopptng.will would 'l'll need a credit card,'soidTn. ¿ Tim said hewould need a credit card.can could 'l can take Lizzie shopping,'saidTim. ¿ Tim said he coul!tatliz'e sh9!!!9'must / have tomay,4,had tomight'l must go to the supermarket,'saidTim. s Tim said he had to go to thesupermarket,'tmay go shopping later,'saidTim. ¿ Tim sa¡d he m¡ght go shopp¡nJV.F@51^*.h outll fact or when something is still true'{ 1¡1¡¿r"'' --]- / ,Most banks chargeTnterest,'saidTim. ¿ Tim said most banks charge interest'Zt-? -^/---J/-/ vWe do not need to make any changes to the verb tense or modal when we are reporting a scientifict Y tvtv)L uul tr\rneporteo seeech; pronoun and <strong>de</strong>termtner changes@ With reported <strong>speech</strong>,we also usually have to change some pronouns and <strong>de</strong>terminers'These changes inclu<strong>de</strong>:myDirect <strong>speech</strong><strong>Reported</strong><strong>speech</strong>his / her'l've lost my credit card,'saidTim.Examples Tim said he had lost his credit card'th¡s/that + noun the / that 'l love this sweater,'soidTim, + Tim said he loved the / that sweater.tdit was a lovely sweater.this/that+verb ir 'fn¡t ¡t t*"ly t*"ot"'l lovethose sweaters,'saidTim. ¿ he loved the / those sweaters'these/those + noun the / thoseTim saidsaid they were lovelY sweaters'these/those+verb they These are lovely sweaters,'saidTim. + Tim'd he was going to buY them.verb + these/those them 'l'm going to buy these,'saidTim. * Tim sa'f30

<strong>Reported</strong> <strong>speech</strong> / reported questions / repofting verbs Unit 2Lffiepomed <strong>speech</strong>; Éíme and place changes* *¡,h reported <strong>speech</strong>, we also usually have to change words and phrases connected to time and place'These changes inclu<strong>de</strong>:üirect <strong>speech</strong>here1-\ now / atthemomentrcmorrowtonightnextweeUmonth/year<strong>Reported</strong> <strong>speech</strong>then / at that momentthe next/following daY'lusuallyshophere,'saidTim.¿Timsaidheusuallyshoppedthere''l'm shopping at the moment,' said Tim. + Tim said he was shoppingthen / atthat moment.'l'm going shopping tomorrow,'saidTim' * Tim said he was goingshopping the next/following daY.'l'm going shopping tonight,'saidTim. * Tim said he was going'l'm going shopping nextweek,'saidTim' * Tim said he was goingshopping the following week.'l went shopping yesterday,'saidTim. * Tim said hed been shoppingthe day before / the Previous daY.last weel

Unit 21 Grammar¡1I-j I Rewrite as reported questions, beginning with the words given."::::'¡,: .1 'Have you had your ear pierced?'My mum asked me if,i.jl.::,!t-^- r --^^^ ^r - -^-. rL ^--i: 2 'Can I meet you there at s¡x o'clock tonight, Doug?'t,it ;'ii r..t:-- ..---a^l r^ l--^,..,..L^¡L^-Julian wanted to know whether,,-j:l 3 Are you still moving to Blackpool next week?'l:', liFiona asked Rod and Jenny whether4 'Does Graham have to wear a suit to work?'lasked Mrs Daley if Graham5 'Do you want someone to feed your cat while you're away?'Jan asked me if6 'Can you guess what l've given Lindsay for her birthday?'Daisy asked Wendy if7 'Do you love me or not, Gloria?'Fred asked Gloria whether8 'Will Simon be coming to the party tomorrow night'Adrian won<strong>de</strong>red whether9 'Tell me if you were anywhere near 34 Aylesford Street last night!'The police officer <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d to know whether SykesG Rewrite as direct questions.1 She asked me why I was thinking of quitting the gym.He asked her what the difference was between a refugee and an asylum seeker.They asked us how we had got on with Peter three days before.lasked them when they had last been on holiday.5She asked him which of them he preferred.6I asked you how you were going to get to Manchester tomorrow.Carl asked Megan who she had been out with the weekend before.Megan asked Carl what gave him the right to ask questions like that.t'g4

<strong>Reported</strong> <strong>speech</strong> / reported questions / reporting verbs Unit 27Ed Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.agree . apologis€ e ásk . claim . <strong>de</strong>ny o or<strong>de</strong>r "refuse e state "suggest . tell124567I910lf you want.... me a question, put your hand up.I ..................... ...... very clearly several times already that this government is notgoing to be blackmailed by terrorists.The general ..................... ...... the soldiers to retreat, which they did as quickly asthey could!lsabelle,.... that story about the giraffe. I love that story!Glenda still ............... to me for losing my CD player.lf you ...........trouble!l'd liketo cooperate with the police,you would have been in big.... waiting a few more days before we make a final <strong>de</strong>cision.The politician ................... ........ having done anything wrong, <strong>de</strong>spite the evi<strong>de</strong>nceagainst him.I ..................... ...... to help you with your homework, not do it all for you!Some thieves.... to be electricity meter rea<strong>de</strong>rs so they can gainaccess to people's houses.I Circle the extra word in each Iine.123456789101112131415@ffigq@sgpSomeone told to me a few months ago that getting a mortgage would be easy. Howwrong they were! When I first went into the bank,l asked if them how much I couldborrow.They refused that to answer even such a simple question, saying that I had toactually find a house before they could tell me whether they would have lend me themoney or not.l thought this was ridiculous and so told it a white lie, saying thatI had been already found a house.They finally said they would lend me the money, sothat was great.Then the problems started. A few weeks later a friend told me that abouta won<strong>de</strong>rful flat that was for sale. He suggested to our buying it together because it wasso large and I agreed.When I went back to the bank and said so I was planníng tobuy a flat with a friend, the bank manager <strong>de</strong>nied doing that he had ever said the bankwould give me a mortgage and claimed that he has had looked at my finances and knewI wasn't earning enough to borrow money.I begged with h¡m to have another look at myrecords as I knew he was wrong. Finally, he agreed me to reconsi<strong>de</strong>r my case andf35

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