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Focused on the patient - Baylor Health Care System

Focused on the patient - Baylor Health Care System


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38<str<strong>on</strong>g>Focused</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> innovati<strong>on</strong>Oncology Publicati<strong>on</strong>s in 20071. Batts ED, Maisel C, Kane D, Liu L, Fu P, O’Brien T, Remick S, Bahlis N,Gers<strong>on</strong> SL. O6-benzylguanine and BCNU in multiple myeloma: a phase IItrial. Cancer Chemo<strong>the</strong>r Pharmacol 2007;60(3):415–421.2. Blum JL, Dees EC, Vukelja SJ, Amare M, Gill DP, McMah<strong>on</strong> RT, IlegboduD, Asmar L, O’Shaughnessy JA. Phase II trial of capecitabine and weeklypaclitaxel in <strong>patient</strong>s with metastatic breast cancer previously treatedwith every-3-week taxane <strong>the</strong>rapy. Clin Breast Cancer 2007;7(6):465–470.3. Boland CR. Clinical uses of microsatellite instability testing in colorectalcancer: an <strong>on</strong>going challenge. J Clin Oncol 2007;25(7):754–756.4. Boland CR, Koi M, Chang DK, <strong>Care</strong><strong>the</strong>rs JM. 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Goldberg RM, Ro<strong>the</strong>nberg ML, Van Cutsem E, Bens<strong>on</strong> AB 3rd, BlankeCD, Diasio RB, Gro<strong>the</strong>y A, Lenz HJ, Meropol NJ, Ramanathan RK,Becerra CH, Wickham R, Armstr<strong>on</strong>g D, Viele C. The c<strong>on</strong>tinuum of care: aparadigm for <strong>the</strong> management of metastatic colorectal cancer. Oncologist2007;12(1):38–50.17. G<strong>on</strong>g Y, Yan K, Lin F, Anders<strong>on</strong> K, Sotiriou C, Andre F, Holmes FA, ValeroV, Booser D, Pippen JE Jr, Vukelja S, Gomez H, Mejia J, Barajas LJ, HessKR, Sneige N, Hortobagyi GN, Pusztai L, Symmans WF. Determinati<strong>on</strong>of oestrogen-receptor status and ERBB2 status of breast carcinoma: agene-expressi<strong>on</strong> profiling study. Lancet Oncol 2007;8(3):203–211.18. Harris L, Fritsche H, Mennel R, Nort<strong>on</strong> L, Ravdin P, Taube7 S, SomerfieldMR, Hayes DF, Bast RC Jr; American Society of Clinical Oncology. 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Relapse risk in <strong>patient</strong>s withmalignant diseases given allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantati<strong>on</strong>after n<strong>on</strong>myeloablative c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>ing. Blood 2007;110(7):2744–2748.26. Ko<strong>on</strong> EC, Ma PC, Salgia R, Welch WR, Christensen JG, Berkowitz RS,Mok SC. Effect of a c-Met-specific, ATP-competitive small-moleculeinhibitor SU11274 <strong>on</strong> human ovarian carcinoma cell growth, motility, andinvasi<strong>on</strong>. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2007 Nov 16 [Epub ahead of print].27. Kuhn JG, Chang SM, Wen PY, Cloughesy TF, Greenberg H, Schiff D,C<strong>on</strong>rad C, Fink KL, Robins HI, Mehta M, Deangelis L, Raizer J, Hess K,Lamborn KR, Dancey J, Prados MD; for <strong>the</strong> North American Brain TumorC<strong>on</strong>sortium and <strong>the</strong> Nati<strong>on</strong>al Cancer Institute. 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