Focused on the patient - Baylor Health Care System

Focused on the patient - Baylor Health Care System

Focused on the patient - Baylor Health Care System


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<str<strong>on</strong>g>Focused</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> specialized care 13The apheresis unit also performs procedures for <strong>patient</strong>s at <strong>Baylor</strong> University MedicalCenter. These c<strong>on</strong>sisted of plasma exchanges, leukopheresis, platelet-pheresis, and red cellexchanges. These procedures are c<strong>on</strong>sidered essential treatment for a variety of disordersin different fields of medicine: neurology, nephrology, hematology, and rheumatology, inadditi<strong>on</strong> to solid organ transplantati<strong>on</strong>.The unit is involved instudies exploring noveluses of adult stem cellsfor tissue repair.Collaborati<strong>on</strong> in research studies c<strong>on</strong>tinues to be a priority for <strong>the</strong> apheresis unit as wellas <strong>the</strong> marrow processing laboratories. Stem cells have been collected for <strong>the</strong> study ofdendritic cells in normal volunteers, as well as for research studies of dendritic cells for <strong>the</strong>Amanda SwinkAmanda Swink has cause for celebrati<strong>on</strong>: she recently reached<strong>the</strong> 1-year anniversary of a new, life-saving procedure. In 2006,23-year-old Amanda became <strong>the</strong> recipient of <strong>the</strong> first successfulcord blood transplant at <strong>Baylor</strong> University Medical Center atDallas. From birth, Amanda had a rare disorder called severecyclic neutropenia, which later degenerated into leukemia.Luckily, 6 years earlier a mo<strong>the</strong>r of a newborn boy voluntarilyd<strong>on</strong>ated her s<strong>on</strong>’s cord blood to a volunteer cord blood bank.This made <strong>the</strong> cord blood available to any pers<strong>on</strong> who mightneed it to treat cancer. Registry search experts at <strong>Baylor</strong> Dallasidentified <strong>the</strong> cord from this infant as a potential perfect matchfor Amanda.Amanda Swink and stepdaughter, Deanna, enjoying a Springday at <strong>the</strong> park.Amanda was hospitalized and prepared for transplantati<strong>on</strong>with chemo<strong>the</strong>rapy and radiati<strong>on</strong>. The cord blood unit wasflown by courier to <strong>Baylor</strong> Dallas where Amanda received itas a transfusi<strong>on</strong>. A year later, Amanda’s leukemia remains inremissi<strong>on</strong>, and she is enjoying a happy, productive and normallife.Stories such as Amanda Swink’s give us hope that <strong>the</strong> future of leukemia and cancers of <strong>the</strong> blood will so<strong>on</strong> be treated withsimple and easy-to-tolerate treatments. Innovati<strong>on</strong> and research remain <strong>the</strong> cornerst<strong>on</strong>es in <strong>the</strong> field or transplantati<strong>on</strong>.Improvements in survival and outcome are made daily. In fact, statistically <strong>the</strong> survival of <strong>patient</strong>s undergoing transplantati<strong>on</strong>has improved nati<strong>on</strong>ally, year by year, over <strong>the</strong> past decade. Such improvement gives hope that <strong>patient</strong>s may c<strong>on</strong>tinueto enjoy a quality of life that is superior to that of a <strong>patient</strong> undergoing cancer treatment.It is toward this end that <strong>the</strong> research team and program c<strong>on</strong>tinue to fund developed research activities and present <strong>the</strong>irdata at nati<strong>on</strong>al meetings. We c<strong>on</strong>tinue to strive for excellence in clinical and compassi<strong>on</strong>ate care.

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