LT-2020 MR-2944 Installation and Operation Manual Rev.1 - Secutron

LT-2020 MR-2944 Installation and Operation Manual Rev.1 - Secutron LT-2020 MR-2944 Installation and Operation Manual Rev.1 - Secutron


MR-2944 Installation and Operator’s Manual4.0 Programming4.1 GeneralThe Annunciator Unit's service terminal is accessed through the 9-pin RS-232 serial port locatedon the bottom of the MR-2944 Driver Board. The programming cable uses pins 2, 3 and 5 straightthrough from DB9 male to DB9 female plugs. The serial port works at 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stopbit and no parity.When programming the Annunciator for the first time, the only item that MUST BEPROGRAMMED from the service terminal is the Annunciator's network ID (default value is 101).The network ID is shown on the top line of every screen to identify the panel being serviced. Tochange the panel's ID, first go to screen 16 by entering the command 16. Set Privilege Level2 by entering (code) where code is the Level 2 passcode (default 2222). To set the IDenter the command idN, where id is the network ID of the Annunciator, a number between 1 and254.All other required programming is taken from the database generated by the Modul-R HumanInterface program (MHI). Downloading the database into the MR-2944 annunciator isautomatically handled by MHI. See the Modul-R Human Interface Database Editor for details ondownloading databases.Non-required programming controlling the operation of the Alarm List and the communicationsparameters of the primary network port (if used) are set using the service terminal.There are three operating programs for the MR-2944. The AN4 program is used forcommunications to an MR-2900 network. The AN4A program is used for communications to anMR-2400. The AN4N program is used for communications to an MR-2900 when there is nodatabase requirement for the annunciator – essentially, this operating program forces the MR-2944 to behave like it’s predecessor, the MR-2924 (which could not accept a database). Theprogram loaded will be shown on Screen 2 of the service terminal. If the incorrect program isloaded, MHI can be used to send the correct one. See the Modul-R Human Interface DatabaseEditor for details on sending operating programs.4.2 Service Terminal ScreensAll screens have a common status line showing the current time, a diagnostic number, theannunciator's ID number and the screen number and name. Screens will also list keyboardcommands related to the screen's information. Some commands require a privilege level setbefore they can be used.The following screens are available:12

MR-2944 Installation and Operator’s ManualScreen Name Description0* Index List of all available screens.2 Miscellaneous Info A list of the program version, boards installed in the system andother information not listed elsewhere.7 Keypad Displays a list of each operator key function.8 Alarm List Config Display the current operating modes of the Alarm List, i.e. firstor last sequencing, and Auto or Manual restores. See §3.4Alarm List for a description of operation.Level 1 Commands0 R Set Alarm List to Automatic restore mode1 R Set Alarm List to Manual restore mode9* Alarm List List the first entries in the Alarm List. Up to 20 entries will beshown.Level 0 CommandsJ Page down0J Go to end of the listK Page up0K Go to beginning of the list10* MiscellaneousTroublesList of the current troubles.11* LEDs Display a grid showing the status of all LEDs. A dot (.) is off, anF is flashing, an asterisk (*) is on, and an R is on andresettable. The first row is zones 1 to 24, the second row iszones 25 to 48, etc. The common and hot key zones areidentified at the bottom of the screen.Level 0 Commands0 A Disable Trouble buzzer inhibit(15-255) A Set Trouble buzzer inhibit from 15 to 255 seconds14 Printer A copy of everything sent to the printer. This is useful forcapturing print-outs to a file. Note: Status line updating isdisabled while on this screen.15 Printer Status Displays the current printer status.16 Network Displays information about network communications. Thisincludes frames sent and received, frames in error and orphanmessages.Level 0 Commands0 V Clear counters on screen13

<strong>MR</strong>-<strong>2944</strong> <strong>Installation</strong> <strong>and</strong> Operator’s <strong>Manual</strong>4.0 Programming4.1 GeneralThe Annunciator Unit's service terminal is accessed through the 9-pin RS-232 serial port locatedon the bottom of the <strong>MR</strong>-<strong>2944</strong> Driver Board. The programming cable uses pins 2, 3 <strong>and</strong> 5 straightthrough from DB9 male to DB9 female plugs. The serial port works at 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stopbit <strong>and</strong> no parity.When programming the Annunciator for the first time, the only item that MUST BEPROGRAMMED from the service terminal is the Annunciator's network ID (default value is 101).The network ID is shown on the top line of every screen to identify the panel being serviced. Tochange the panel's ID, first go to screen 16 by entering the comm<strong>and</strong> 16. Set Privilege Level2 by entering (code) where code is the Level 2 passcode (default 2222). To set the IDenter the comm<strong>and</strong> idN, where id is the network ID of the Annunciator, a number between 1 <strong>and</strong>254.All other required programming is taken from the database generated by the Modul-R HumanInterface program (MHI). Downloading the database into the <strong>MR</strong>-<strong>2944</strong> annunciator isautomatically h<strong>and</strong>led by MHI. See the Modul-R Human Interface Database Editor for details ondownloading databases.Non-required programming controlling the operation of the Alarm List <strong>and</strong> the communicationsparameters of the primary network port (if used) are set using the service terminal.There are three operating programs for the <strong>MR</strong>-<strong>2944</strong>. The AN4 program is used forcommunications to an <strong>MR</strong>-2900 network. The AN4A program is used for communications to an<strong>MR</strong>-2400. The AN4N program is used for communications to an <strong>MR</strong>-2900 when there is nodatabase requirement for the annunciator – essentially, this operating program forces the <strong>MR</strong>-<strong>2944</strong> to behave like it’s predecessor, the <strong>MR</strong>-2924 (which could not accept a database). Theprogram loaded will be shown on Screen 2 of the service terminal. If the incorrect program isloaded, MHI can be used to send the correct one. See the Modul-R Human Interface DatabaseEditor for details on sending operating programs.4.2 Service Terminal ScreensAll screens have a common status line showing the current time, a diagnostic number, theannunciator's ID number <strong>and</strong> the screen number <strong>and</strong> name. Screens will also list keyboardcomm<strong>and</strong>s related to the screen's information. Some comm<strong>and</strong>s require a privilege level setbefore they can be used.The following screens are available:12

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