Motorola Wireless Broadband Overview Brochure

Motorola Wireless Broadband Overview Brochure

Motorola Wireless Broadband Overview Brochure


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The Industry’s Broadest Portfolioof <strong>Wireless</strong> Connectivity SolutionsWhether you need to deploy a whole new networkor extend an existing network to new locations,new users or new subscribers, <strong>Motorola</strong>’s indoorand outdoor wireless network solutions bring youup to high speed in the right way. And right away.The <strong>Motorola</strong> portfolio empowers you to capture,connect, communicate and control IP-based voice,video and data in real time both indoors and out-wi4 WiMAX solutionsoffer high performance,standards-based broadbandaccess that operates in licensedfrequencies. wi4 WiMAXsolutions provide on-demandhigh-speed connectivitythat follows the usereverywhere: indoors, outdoorsand on the move.Point-to-Point solutionsconsist of cost-effective highthroughputwireless Ethernetbridges and extensions thattransmit data with maximumreliability even under theharshest conditions and innon-line-of-sight situations.Point-to-Multipoint solutionsdeliver proven, scalableand interference-resistantconnectivity to multiplebusiness, institutional, municipalor residential locations.doors. It enables you to provide fixed, portable,nomadic and mobile applications. Equally important,deployment can be accomplished in days, not weeksor months.<strong>Motorola</strong>’s wireless connectivity solutions offer abroad range of flexible, cost-effective, mix-and-matchoptions to fit virtually any need with one holistic andpurpose-built wireless network solution:Mesh solutionsprovide cost-effective citywideand enterprise-wide wirelessbroadband connectivity andaccess. <strong>Motorola</strong> mesh networksoffer broad-area high-speed fixedand mobile coverage, even intough environments like portsand mining. They also helpmunicipalities provide highspeedwireless connectivitythat enables universal publicaccess, more robust publicsafety systems and increasedpublic works productivity.<strong>Wireless</strong> LAN solutionsoffer resiliency, security andperformance equal to that of awired LAN while delivering themobility, flexibility and costeffectivenessof wireless. Indoorand outdoor meshed accesspoints enable a cable-lessinstallation that substantiallyreduces network deploymentand maintenance costs andensures network availability inevery corner of the enterprise.END-TO-END SUPPORTFROM MOTOROLASERVICES<strong>Motorola</strong> is one of the telecommunicationindustry’sleaders in providing comprehensivesupport servicesto help you maximize yournetwork performance andmanagement: Design, Installation,Commissioning andProgram Management. Training, Maintenance andNetwork Optimization andManagement. Out-Sourcing andOut-Tasking, Hostingand Build, Operate andManage/Transfer services. End-User ApplicationDevelopment, ApplicationDelivery Framework andHosting.

A True End-to-End <strong>Wireless</strong> Ecosystem<strong>Motorola</strong>’s wireless connectivity solutions offer industry leading flexibility, enabling you to mix andmatch components to create your most effective and cost-efficient network solutions. <strong>Motorola</strong>delivers exceptional performance at every level of the network: Internet connection, infrastructureand access layers, and the last 100 feet including indoor WLANs.The <strong>Wireless</strong> Enterpriseis realized through <strong>Motorola</strong>’sconnectivity solutions that provideubiquitous indoor and outdoornetwork access to officebuildings, warehouses and otherfacilities without messy andcostly wired infrastructure.Governments use<strong>Motorola</strong>’s wireless solutionsto provide broad-area publicsafety access and high-speedcitywide connectivity foreGovernment initiatives.Service Providers use<strong>Motorola</strong> wireless solutionsto deploy and extend networksto reach new business andresidentialcustomers outdoors,indoors and on the move.4 x 2 = 8

Proven in the Toughest,Real World Environments<strong>Motorola</strong>’s wireless connectivity solutions are currentlyhard at work supplying efficient, cost-effectivewireless access in more than 10,000 networks in120 countries around the world. One of the bestways to demonstrate the flexibility and efficiencyof <strong>Motorola</strong> technology is to show you how someof our customers around the world are using oursolutions to help increase revenue streams, improvesafety, increase productivity, create community andenhance the bottom line. In the vast coalfields of the western United States,a large wireless service provider is helping one ofthe world’s most successful mining companiesstreamline surface mining operations using a<strong>Motorola</strong> Mesh network solution. Combined withthe provider’s proprietary service hardware interface,the mesh technology solution consolidates alarge portfolio of legacy applications into a commonnetwork and brings them up to Ethernet-readystandards. To accomplish this major task, the companyneeded the <strong>Motorola</strong> Mesh network’s highavailability, easy deployment, fast switching timesand low latency to monitor numerous haul trucks,bulldozers, drills, digging machines and otherequipment roaming a huge network of sites. The ultimate test for a company needing to providehigh-speed connectivity with remote facilities is anoil company with offshore oil drilling facilities. Whenone of Asia’s largest oil drilling operations needed toincrease business efficiency by connecting remotelocations, it faced the usual distance-based issuescommon to networking remote facilities. But itsoffshore oil drilling operations posed a second setof issues concerning the over-water link betweenthese facilities and the company’s main location. Thecompany chose to implement a <strong>Motorola</strong> Point-to-Multipoint solution. The network was fast and easyto install, and easily bridged the water hazards todeliver the business efficiencies of reliable, real-time,24/7 monitoring and control over the security andperformance of offshore and remote oil facilities. Access One of the world’s foremost manufacturersof energy equipment was experiencing expensiveinefficiency in providing high-speed connectivity tovisiting contractors and other business associates.The company needed a fast, simple, secure—andinexpensive—way of accommodating online accessfor both employees and visitors. The manufacturerdecided to deploy a <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> LAN usinga network comprised of wireless switches, accesspoints, mobility software and services. The systemprovides instant, secure access to vital informationfor employees and visitors alike, and helps the companysave significant dollars by eliminating the timepreviously spent on hard-wiring visitors’ laptops. A growing number of universities and grade schoolsare building indoor and outdoor wireless networksusing <strong>Motorola</strong> wireless connectivity solutions.Expanding their networks to remote campus buildingswhile offering new wireless voice, video anddata applications to both students and staff, theseschools are also saving money in avoided recurringleased line costs and wired-infrastructure capitalexpenditures. The end-to-end wireless campusnetworks are designed, deployed and managedwith the help of <strong>Motorola</strong>’s powerful One Point<strong>Wireless</strong> Suite. An independent telephone company, established inthe early 1960s, is continually looking for new waysto reach new customers and offer new services.After years of examining many forms of wirelesstechnology, the company chose <strong>Motorola</strong>’s Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint solutions to extend itsnetwork wirelessly rather than with wired DSL alternatives.Upon deployment, the company establisheda sister wireless company to reach remotely locatedcustomers in its own region and expand its reachinto the service areas of competitors. Today thecompany serves more than 3,500 customers withhigh-speed wireless access with a service area thatcovers approximately 15,000 households and morethan 200 square miles. In the Philippines, the country’slargest wireless services provider uses <strong>Motorola</strong>wireless broadband equipment to offer high-speedInternet and data services to residential and businesssubscribers across the nation. <strong>Motorola</strong>’s Point-to-Multipoint solution was selected due to it’s reliability,ease-of-installation and cost effectives compared towired alternatives—this allowed the serviceprovider to optimize capital expenditures by rollingout additional infrastructure as needed. Additionally,<strong>Motorola</strong>’s unique GPS-synchronized technologyminimized the risk of self-interference causingproblems in higher-density areas.

<strong>Motorola</strong> One Point <strong>Wireless</strong> Suite:Design, Deploy and Manage your <strong>Wireless</strong> NetworkAdvanced prediction engines in the One Point<strong>Wireless</strong> Suite design tools leverage <strong>Motorola</strong>’sdeep expertise in wireless technology and take theguesswork out of designing each network layerfor optimal coverage, capacity and performance.Network designs are then transferred to <strong>Motorola</strong>’smanagement software, which includes innovativenew map-based and unified network visualizationsthat let you see every network node at its actuallocation and manage your entire wireless networkfrom one screen—including the indoor and outdooraccess, distribution and backhaul layers. Real-timedevice polling and automated alerts enable easierperformance verification, security monitoring andfaster problem detection and resolution.PTP LINKPlanner. Simplifies design of point-topointlinks by accurately predicting achievable datarates, taking into account terrain profile and obstructionsbetween links, antenna heights and antennatype/size. Through integration with Google Earth,PTP LINKPlanner allows for exceptional real-worldlink path visualization of single or multiple linkdesigns.MeshPlanner. Helps design and verify outdoorwireless mesh networks and point-to-multipointbackhaul. The tool’s advanced predictive designcapabilities automate the process of determiningoptimum equipment placement while taking intoconsideration the impact of the physical environ -ment on the wireless signals.LANPlanner. Makes it easier to design and install802.11 a/b/g/n wireless LANs that deliver maximumperformance at minimum cost. LANPlanner makes iteasy to import a building layout and site informationfrom a variety of sources, then uses its embeddedlibrary of RF attenuation characteristics to create asite-specific three-dimensional model of the wirelessnetwork. A powerful, flexible and scalableoutdoor and indoor network deployment andmanagement solution. Its breakthrough map-basedvisualization capabilities using embedded Googlemaps, combined with advanced configuration, provisioning,alerting and reporting features, empowernetwork managers to holistically control the network’sindoor and outdoor access layer, distributionlayer and backhaul layer. Indoor management to theaccess point level is provided via one-click access tothe RF Management System.PTP LINKPlannerMeshPlannerLANPlanner Accepts WLAN designsfrom LANPlanner and manages WLAN sites, providingreal-time heatmaps of by-floor indoor coverage,detailed performance reporting and alert status.Alert status and easy one-click access is providedto the <strong>Motorola</strong> AirDefense solutions console.<strong>Motorola</strong> AirDefense Solutions. Provides 24x7monitoring of your wireless LAN to protect againstunauthorized access, safeguards proprietaryinformation and enables compliance withgovernment regulations for protectionof personal and financial ncial informationsuch as health and credit card data. RF <strong>Motorola</strong>AirDefenseDesign Deploy ManageOUTDOORINDOOR

Experience the <strong>Motorola</strong> Advantage<strong>Motorola</strong> is one of the most trusted resources forwireless communication solutions around theworld. Here are a few reasons why. First, <strong>Motorola</strong>’smore than 80 years of RF innovation and leadershipmake us the world’s most experienced wirelesscom munication resource. Second, we offer a broadarray of advanced technology options that areglobally proven in the real world. Third, we supportour customers with a rich portfolio of software andservice solutions.Finally, <strong>Motorola</strong> offers the world’s only trueend-to-end ecosystem of wireless broadbandconnectivity. And that makes <strong>Motorola</strong> the onlycompany in the world that knows wirelessbroadband inside and out.AWARD-WINNINGMOTOROLA WIRELESSBROADBANDThe wireless communicationsindustry alsorecognizes the powerand efficiencies of the<strong>Motorola</strong> wireless broadbandsolutions portfolio.In just the past twoyears, the <strong>Motorola</strong><strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Broadband</strong>platform has received anumber of prestigiousawards, including theNXTComm Award forInnovation, the WiMAXWorld Europe InnovationAward and the Queen’sAward for Enterprise inInnovation.

<strong>Motorola</strong>’s comprehensive portfolio of reliable and costeffectivewireless broadband solutions together with ourWLAN solutions provide and extend coverage both indoorsand outdoors. The <strong>Motorola</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Broadband</strong> portfoliooffers high-speed Point-to-Point, Point-to-Multipoint, Mesh,WiFi and WiMAX networks that support data, voice andvideo communications, enabling a broad range of fixed andmobile applications for public and private systems. With<strong>Motorola</strong>’s innovative software solutions, customers candesign, deploy and manage a broadband network, maximizinguptime and reliability while lowering installation costs.<strong>Motorola</strong>, Inc.1301 E. Algonquin RoadSchaumburg, Illinois 60196 U.S.A.www.motorola.com/wirelessbroadbandMOTOROLA and the stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.All other products or service names are the property of their registered owners.© <strong>Motorola</strong>, Inc. 2009

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