Integrated Training Area Management EA and Final FNSI

Integrated Training Area Management EA and Final FNSI

Integrated Training Area Management EA and Final FNSI


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CHAPTER 2: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION ANDALTERNATIVESUSARAK proposes to institute a management plan for implementing the ITAM program. Thismanagement plan would provide a systematic approach to maintaining <strong>and</strong> improving its range <strong>and</strong>training l<strong>and</strong> infrastructure in support of USARAK’s mission to provide ready combat forces forworldwide joint military operations, crisis response, <strong>and</strong> peacetime engagements. In order to prepare itscombat forces, USARAK must be able to provide the best possible training facilities. This requiresongoing maintenance <strong>and</strong> improvements to training l<strong>and</strong> infrastructure, which is accomplished throughthe ITAM program.2.1 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE ALTERNATIVES2.1.1 Alternative 1: Continue ITAM Program without a <strong>Management</strong> Plan (No Action)Under the No Action Alternative, the ITAM program would continue to operate without a managementplan <strong>and</strong> without st<strong>and</strong>ard operating procedures for project implementation. As a result, ITAM projectswould occur on an ad-hoc basis with reduced ability for consistency between projects, potential for lessaccurate assessment of impacts, <strong>and</strong> limited contractor oversight. Projected ITAM projects for the nextfive years include approximately 1,000 acres of vegetation management <strong>and</strong> 500 acres of trail upgrades<strong>and</strong> road <strong>and</strong> pad hardening (Appendix A). NEPA analysis <strong>and</strong> documentation is required under thisalternative but has not been consistently fulfilled for ITAM projects (see Appendix C for a sample Recordof Environmental Consideration). Alternative 1 represents how ITAM is currently implemented atUSARAK.2.1.2 Alternative 2: Implement ITAM Program through a <strong>Management</strong> Plan (ProposedAction)Under Alternative 2, the ITAM program would continue to operate but would follow a management plan.The USARAK ITAM <strong>Management</strong> Plan would outline goals, objectives, measures of effectiveness, policy,procedures, <strong>and</strong> projects for each of the five components of the ITAM program. By st<strong>and</strong>ardizing ITAM’soperations, the management plan would allow ITAM to better fulfill its objectives (Section 1.2.1).General project categories are provided for each component of the ITAM program (Table 2.1). ITAM’splanning (TRI), education (SRA), <strong>and</strong> spatial data (GIS) programs do not involve direct contact withnatural resources, as do the management (LRAM) <strong>and</strong> monitoring (RTLA) programs. Therefore, generalproject categories for LRAM <strong>and</strong> RTLA represent st<strong>and</strong>ard operating procedures <strong>and</strong> best managementpractices that would be developed <strong>and</strong> followed for these programs. Detailed descriptions of the generalproject categories <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ard operating procedures are provided in the chapters of the management planidentified in the table. The management plan can be found on USARAK’s conservation website(www.usarak.army.mil/conservation/NEPA_home.htm). Best management practices are described inAppendix B.The implementation of st<strong>and</strong>ard operating procedures <strong>and</strong> best management practices for the LRAM <strong>and</strong>RTLA programs would provide consistency among management approaches, increase oversight, <strong>and</strong>streamline processes <strong>and</strong> procedures to improve ITAM program efficiency. The management plan wouldprovide the st<strong>and</strong>ardization necessary to allow ITAM to more easily predict possible impacts of projects<strong>and</strong> to determine efficacy of project procedures. As individual ITAM projects are identified, this <strong>EA</strong>would be utilized as the foundation for NEPA analysis. A checklist (Appendix C) would be used to_____________________________________________________________________________________________Environmental AssessmentUnited States Army Alaska, <strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Training</strong> <strong>Area</strong> <strong>Management</strong> Program<strong>Management</strong> Plan 9

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