Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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3.6 Birth IntervalsInformation on birth intervals provides insight into birth-spacing patterns which have far-reachingimpact on both fertility <strong>and</strong> child mortality levels. Research has shown that children born too soon after aprevious birth are at increased risk of dying at an early age. Table 3.11 shows the percent distribution ofbirths of order two or greater that occurred in the five years before the B<strong>DHS</strong> by the number of months sincethe previous birth.Table 3.11 Birth intervalsPercent distribution of non-first births in the five years preceding the survey by number of months since previous birth,according to demographic <strong>and</strong> socioeconomic characteristics, <strong>Bangladesh</strong> <strong>1993</strong>-94Number of months since previous birthCharacteristic 7-17 18-23 24-35 36-47 48+Mediannumber of Numbermonths since ofTotal previous birth birthsAge of mother15-19 17.6 21.7 36,1 18.6 6.0 100.0 26,0 17520-29 8.9 12.1 35.5 22.1 21.5 100.0 33.9 331130-39 6.2 11.5 30,1 22.9 29.3 100.0 36.6 161640 + 7,3 8.9 28.7 21.2 33.9 109.0 37.5 307Birth order2-3 8.2 11.8 31.9 21.9 26.1 100.0 35,4 27514-6 7.8 11.6 34.5 22.4 23.7 100.0 34.6 18847 + 9.7 13.6 36.8 22.8 17.1 100.0 31.5 774Sex of prim" birthMale 8.4 10.9 33.2 22.2 25.4 100.0 35.2 2707Female 8.1 13,2 33,8 22.2 22.6 100.0 34.3 2701Survival of prior birthLiving 5.5 11.3 33.8 23.5 25.9 100,0 35,8 4533Dead 22.6 15.9 32.0 15.4 14.1 100.0 26.4 875Res/denceUrban 7.2 12.2 25,6 21.8 33.2 100.0 37.4 497Rural 8.4 12,0 34.3 22.2 23.1 100.0 34.4 4912DivisionBarisal 8.6 11,7 28,7 25,1 25.9 100.0 36.3 350Chittagon8 8,7 12.9 36.5 22.4 19.4 100,0 33,4 1751Dhaka 8,7 12.0 33.4 21.1 24,8 100.0 34.4 1633Khalna 7.1 10.1 28.2 22.2 32.5 100.0 37.7 531Rajshahi 7,6 11,7 33.0 22.4 25.3 100.0 35,3 1144EducationNo education 8.1 12.0 35.2 22.5 22.3 100.0 34.3 3432Primary incomplete 7.7 12,9 32.6 22.6 24.3 100.0 34.9 915Primary complete 11.1 10.7 29.7 23,0 25.5 100.0 35,0 498Secondary/Higher 8.0 12.3 27,9 18.8 33.0 100.0 36.9 563Total 8,3 12,0 33.5 22.2 24.0 100.0 34.7 5409Note: The interval for multiple births is the number of months since the preceding pregnancy that ended in a live birth.34

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