Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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iO.9QUESTIONS COOING CATEGORIES SXIP TO1How often do you hold satellite clinics? NO.OF TINES ~ PER 140NTH !10;mich of the following ~g services ere usually y offerred at the YES NO tsatel t ite clinic:family ptenning information?family planning services? Which ones:the pitt?IOD insertions?injections?cnndocn6?menstrual regut at ion?antenatal care?child immunisat inns?orst rehydrat inn?grcut h gv)nitor ing?FARILY PLAN. 1NFORRAT%OR...1 2FANILY PLANNING SERVICES...1 2PILL ..................... 1 2ILl{) INSERTIONS ........... 1 2INJECTIONS ............... 1 2CONDONS .................. 1 2NENSTRUAL REGULATION ....... 1 2ANTENATAL CARE ............. I 2CHILD INNUNISATIORS ........ I 2ORAL REHYDRAT ION ........... 1 2GROWTH NONI TON I NG .......... 1 211go you ever go to an individual client's house to insertlUOs?YES..... ..... .. ....... • ...... ...1NO.... .... .. ...... ... .... .......212Do you ever go to an individual client,s house to give heran injection?YES .... • .............. .. ....... .1NO... ...... .. ...... .. ...... .....213Do you have any problems in organizing satelliteclinics?YES,. ...... . ....... . ....... • .... 1NO.. ...... .. ...... .. ..... .. ..... 214;mat problemdo you have?15Since you were first trained, did you attend any refresher YES ............................. 1course or any other training related to your job? NO .............................. 216Old you ever receive training on ho~ to insert IUDs? YES ............................. INO. ............. ..o.,,o.. ...... .217Did you ever receive training on menstrual regulation? YES ............................. INO. ..... .. ..... ...,.,,.. ...... ..218Did you ever receive training on how to deal Mith side YES ............................. I ieffects of contraceptive ~thnds? NO .............................. 219;men s w~n c~s to you for family ple~ing s~ice, do you EXPLAINS ALL NETHOOS ............ I :explain about all family planning methods or do you only tellher about one or two methods?ONlY ONE OR TQiO ................. 220Can you please describe for me what are the possible sideeffects of using the pitt?21If • wol~n forgets to take a pitt one day, what should shedo?22Can you please describe for me what are the possible sideeffects of using the injection?2]if • wmn has an appointment to have her next injection ona certain day <strong>and</strong> she cames 3 or 4 days late, do you giveher the injectlnn or do you tell her to come back after herher next menstrual period?240GIVE HER INJECTION THEN ......... 1TELL HER TO WAIT UNTIL PERIOO...2

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