Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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IV,INTERVIEW WITH FAMILY WELFARE VISITORI0.QUESTIONS COOING CATEGORIES SKIP TOWERE YOU ABLE TO INTERVIEW THE FW THAT IS NEAREST TO THIS YES ............................. 1 -- ~ 16VLLLAGE/14OHALLA? NO .............................. 2WHY NOT?FWC IS TO() FAR .................. IFWC HAS NO FWV .................. 2FW IS NOT AVAILABLE ............ 3OTHER 4(SPECIFY)We are doing • survey to determine the types of familyplanning <strong>and</strong> health services that are available in thisarea. i would Like to ask you a few questions.How Long have you been working at this Family WelfareCenter?YEARS ...................Hou tong ago was this FWC established? YEARS AGO ............... ~ - ~Miter services ere available at the FWC?CIRCLE ALL MENTIOWED. YOU t/~Y READ CODES TO HER.FAMILY PLANNING INFORMATION ..... AFAMILY PLANNING METHCX)S ......... BMENSTRUAL REGULATION ............ CANTENATAL CARE .................. DCHILDREN'S IMMUNIZATIONS ........ EORAL REHYORATION (ORS)..........FGROWTH MONITORING ............... GOTHERH(SPECIFY)What staff ere uorking st this FWC? I mean how many n~dicalofficers <strong>and</strong> medical assistants, etc. uork here?MEDICAL OFFICERS ............MEDICAL ASSISTANTS ..........FAMILY WELFARE VISITORS .....PHARMACISTS .................OTHER MEDICAL STAFF ......... [-~(SPECIFY)~nich of the following services do you yourself provide:family planning information?family planning services? Which ones:the pill?IUO insertions?injections?condoms?menstrual regutatfon?antenatal care?child immunisstlons?oral rehydrst|on?growth monitoring?YES NOFAMILY PLAN. INFORMATION...1 2FAMILY PLANNING SERVICES...1 2PILL ..................... 1 2IUD INSERTIONS ........... 1 2INJECTIONS ............... 1 2CONDONE .................. 1 2MENSTRUAL REGULATION ....... 1 2ANTENATAL CARE ............. 1 2CHILD IMMUN I SAT IONS ........ 1 2ORAL REHYDRAT ION ........... 1 2GROWTH MONITORING .......... 1 280o you organize satellite clinics? YES ............................. 1NO., ......... ooooooo ....... °°ooo223g

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