Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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Ill.INTERVIEW WITH F~ILY WELFARE ASSISTANTIO.QUESTIONSCOOING CATEGONIESSKIP TOW~ERE YOU ASLE TO INTERVIEW THE FWA IN THIS VILLAGE/NOHALLA?YES ............................. 1 -- • 16NO. ..... ............ ....... .....2WHY SOT?NO FMAWORKS HERE ............... 1NOT AT HOME ..................... 2OTHER 3(SPECIFY)We are doing a survey to determine the types of familyplanning <strong>and</strong> health services that are available in thisarea. I would Like to ask you a few questions.Which organization do you work for?BANGLADESH GOVERNHENT/NOHFW ..... 1NOM-GOVERNNENTAL ORGANIZATION...2IF NGO, WRITE ORGAN%ZATION NANE:Do you work full-ti~ or ~rt-ti~?FULL TIHE ....................... 1PART TINE ....................... 2How tong have you been working in this vittage/mhalla?YEARS ................... ~ ]IF LESS THAN 1 YEAR, WRITE "00".What services do you provide?YES YESSPOHT PRONED NOFIRST CIRCLE "1" FOR ALL SERVICES SHE NENTIONS SPONTANEOUSLY.FOR THOSE SHE DOES HOT NENTION, PROSE AND CIRCLE EITHER"2" OR "3 n, AS APPROPRIATE.FANILY PLANNINGINFORNATION ......... I 2 3FP NETHOOS ............ 1 2 3TAKES WOMEN TO CLINIC.1 2 3TAKES CHILDREN TOGET INNUHIZED ....... 1 2 ]GIVES VITANIH A ....... 1 2 3OTHER(SPECIFY)Do you keep a List of all the households Living in yourassigned area?YES ............................. 1NO........... ............ .......ZDid you receive aW basic training before you started workingas a family planning worker?YES ............................. 1NO .... .......o .......... ........2How Long did that basic training Last?IF LESS THAN ONE WEEK, WRITE "00". IF SHE DOES NOTRENEHBER, WRITE "98".WEEKS ................... [ - ~10What did the training cover?CIRCLE ALL NENTIONED.SIDE EFFECTS OF NETHOOS ......... AHOW NETHOOS WORK ................ SINTERPERSONAL COMNUHICATIONSo...CRECORD KEEPING .................. DOTHERE(SPECIFY)11Since that thee, have you attended any refresher course orany other training related to your job?YES ............................. 1NO==..°.. .......... °° ...........5 of 8237

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