Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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If.CONHUNIYY-SASEO SERVICESNO.QUESTIONSCODING CATEGORIESSKIP TO12Is there a family planning worker who visits this village/mohairs?PROBE: Does a woman come to visit houses hare to talk aboutfamily ptannfng?YES.,. ..... ..... ..... °.... .... ..1NO.... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ...2 --~713What services does this family planning worker provide?a: Infor~ti~ abeut family ptanni~?FAMILY PLANNING INFORMATION:YES ............................. 1NO°° . . . . . °o, . . . . . . . . ,o . . . . . . oo..~DO NOT KNOW ..................... Bb: FamiLy planning methods?FAMILY PLANNING NETHOES:YES ............................. 1N O . . . ° ° ° ° ° ° ° . . . . . . o°°. . . . . °oo°oo2DO NOT KNO~ ..................... 8c: Helps at the temporary clinic they have sometimesin someone,s house (satellite clinic)?HELPS AT SATELLITE CLINICYES ............................. 1N O . . . ° ° ° . . . . . . oo..o, . . . . . ° . . . . . . 2DO NOT KNOW ..................... 8d: Takes women to clinic/hospital?TAKES TO CLINIC/HOSPITALYES ............................. 1N O . . . ° ° ° ° . . . . . . . o°.° . . . . . .o . . . . .DO NOT KNO~,J ..................... 8e: Takes children for iemanizations?TAKES CHILDREN FOR IMNUNIZATION:YES ............................. 1NO .............................. 2DO HOT KNO~ ..................... 8f: Vitamin A capsules for children7VITAMIN A CAPSULES:YES ............................. 1N O . . , , , . . . . . . . . oo,., . . . . . . o° . . . .DO NOT KNOW ..................... 814Where does the family planning worker Live?IF OUTSIDE VILLAGE/NOHALLA, GET DIRECTIONS.(WANE OF CBD k'ORKER)15How tong has this family planning worker been working inthis Village/mohairs?IF LESS THAN ONE YEAR, WRITE "00'%YEARS .................... ~ - ~DOES NOT KNOt# ................... 9B16Was there another family planning worker before the currentone?YESoo~° . . . . . . ,oo° . . . . . . . o, . . . . . . 1NO .............................. 2 -17Row Long ago did the first family planning worker startto work in this vittege/mohatta?IF LESS THAN ONE YEAR, MITE nOOn,YEARS AGO ................ I J JDOES NOT KNO~ ................... 9818Is there any health worker working in this village/mohatta?Y E S . . . = . . , , , , . . . . . . ,. . . . . . . . . , , , 1NO .............................. 2 - 10~of8235

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