Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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i. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONNO.OUESTIONS COOING CATEGORIES SKIP TO1How far is it from here to the thane headquarters in mites? MILES ................... ~ - ~IF LESS THAN 1 MILE, mITE 'O0'.IF 97 MILES OR MORE, WRITE 97IF UNKNOWN RECORD ~98~(BUT TRY TO GET AN ESTIMATE).!How fen is it from here to the district headquarters in miles MILES ................... I I IIF LESS THAN 1 MILE, WRITE =O0%]F 97 MILES OR MOREl WRLTE 97IF UNKNOWN RECORD '98~(BUT TRY TO GET AN ESTIMATE).in this vittege/mohaila are there any mother,s clubs or YES ............................. 1Ladles associations? NO .............................. 2In thLs viLlege/mohalia is there a Grameen Sank? YES ............................. 1NO .............................. 256In this village/mohairs are there any cottage industries YES ............................. 1of BSIC? NO .............................. 2iIIn thLs viLlage/mohalla is there any cooperative society? ~ YES ............................. 1NO.,.. . . . . . . . . . o., . . . . . . . . . ,,,,.27In this viilage/mohalla are there any NGOs having income- YES ............................. 1generating activities? NO .............................. Z8in this vlltage/mohatta is there a television for the YES ............................. 1community?. NO .............................. 2What proportion of the households in this vJt[age/mohalla ALL/ALMOST ALL .................. 1live in one room? HOST/MORE THAN HALF ............. 2I LESS THAN HALF .................. 3VERY FEW/NONE ................... 4i10What proportion of the households in this vlttage/mohat[a ALL/ALMOST ALL .................. 1live in non-pukka houses? MOST/MORE THAN HALF ............. 2LESS THAg HALF .................. 3VERY FEW/NONE ................... 411 PLease tell me if the following things are in this village/mohetla.MILESis there a Madrasha here? IF YES, WRITE "00". IF NO, ASK:How far is it to the nearest Nadrasha? IF DONmT KNOW, PUT 98.is there a primary school here?NADRASHA SCHOOL ..........PRIMARY SCHOOL ........... ~ - ~Is there a high school here?HIGH SCHOOL ..............Is there a post office here?POST OFFICE ..............Is there e daily market here?DAILY MARKET .............iN there m weekly market here?WEEKLY MARKET ............is there a cinema here?NOTE: FOR EACH, IF iN VILLAGE/NOHALLA e WRITE "00".IF NOT IN VILLAGE/NOHALLA e ASK HOW FAR. WRITE IN MILES.iF DO NOT KNOW, WRITE "98". IF MORE THAN 97~ WRITE "97"CINEMA ...................2of8234

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