Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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NO.QUESTIONS AND FILTERSCODING CATEGORIESSKIPTO509 What is the main reason you do not intend to usea methnd?WANTS CHILDREN ................. 01LACK OF KNOWLEDGE .............. 02PARTNER OPPOSED ................ 03COST TOO NUCR .................. 04SIDE EFFECTS ................... 05HEALTN CONCERNS ................ 06HARD TO GET NETHOOS ............ 07RELIGION ....................... 08OPPOSED TO FANILY PLANNING ..... 09FATALISTIC ..................... 10OTHER PEOPLE OPPOSED ........... 11INFREQUENT SEX ................. 12DIFFICULT TO GET PREGNANT ...... 13NENOPAUSAL/HAD HYSTERECTOMY .... 14INCONVENIENT ................... 15OTHER 16(SPECIFY)OK ............................. 98510 DO you think that your wife approves Or disapproves | APPROVES ........................ 1 |of couples using a method to avoid pregnancy?. I DISAPPROVES ..................... 2DOES NOT KNOW ................... 8511 How often have you talked to your wife about I NEVER ........................... 1 Ifamily planning in the last year? I ONCE OR TWICE ................... 2NORE OFTEN ...................... 35130' ou - I ............................. Ithe nuntber of children you would Like to have? NO .............................. 2IDo you think your wife wants the same |number of children that you want, or does she wantmoreor fewer than you want?IISANE NUNBER ..................... 1 IHORE CHILDREN ................... 2FEUER CHILDREN .................. 3DK . . . . . ..,o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 8514 bo you allow your wife to go out atone (or with | YES, ALONE ...................... 1 |your children) to buy household items or visit I YES, WITH CHILDREN .............. 2relatives? NOT ALLDt~ED TO GO OUT ........... 3OTHER 45151 °gener d°Y°° r°v °rOis r°ve° s I ' ovEs ........................ Iusing a method to avoid pregnancy? DISAPPROVES ..................... 2516 CHECK 216:HAS LIVING CHILD(HEN) []/IvIf you could go beck to thetime you did not have anychildren <strong>and</strong> could chooseexactly the number of childrento have in your whole life,how many would that be?NO LIVING CHILD(REN)[~1VIf you could chooseexactly the number ofchildren to have inyour whole life, howmany would that be?RECORD SINGLE flURBER OR OTHER ANSWER.NUNBER ..................... ~-~OTHER ANSWER 96(SPECIFY)IIII517 How many of these would you Like to be boys <strong>and</strong> how manywould you Like to be girts?BOYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .GIRLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .EITHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UP TO GO0 ....................... 95OTHER 96(SPECIFY)231 H-13

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