Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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NO,502CHECK ]15:SECTION 5.FERTILITY PREFeReNCeS¢~JESTIOHS AND FILTERS I COOING CATEGORIESNEITHERSHE OR HESTERILIZED 9 ~ S T E R I L I Z E DNow Ihave some questions about the future.Would you like to have a (another) child or would youprefer not to have any more children?NAVE A (ANOTHER) CHILD .......... 1NO MORE/NONE .................... 2SAYS WIFE CAN'T GET PREGNANT....]UNDECIDED OR DK ................. 8SKIPI~510I!504503 How tong would you like to wait from now before thebirth of e (another) child? HONTHS ................... 1 I I IYEARS .................... 2SOON/NO~ ...................... 995OTHER 996(SPECIFY)DK ............................ 998YES ~-~=510 II I i505 Do you intend to use a method to delay or avoid YES ............................. 1 •507pregnancy within the next 12 months? NO .............................. 2DK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sthe future? NO .............................. 2 r509DK .............................. 8 r509507When you use a method, which method would youprefer to use?PILL ........................... 01IUD ............................OZINJECTIONS ..................... 03CONDOM ......................... 04FENALE STERILIZATION ........... 05HALE STERILIZATION ............. 06CALENDAR, COURTING DAYS ........ 07WITHDRAWAL ..................... 08OTHER 09(SPECIFY)UNSURE ......................... 98~510508 Where can you get (NETHO0 HENTIONED IN 507)?(NARE OF PLACE)PUBLIC SECTORHOSPITAL/NEDICAL COLLEGE ..... 11FANILY WELFARE CENTRE ........ 12THANA HEALTH CO~4PLEX ......... 13SATELLITE CLINIC ............. 14NEDICAL PRIVATE SECTORTRADITIONAL DOCTOR ........... 21QUALIFIED DOCTOR ............. 22PHARNACY ..................... 23OTHER PRIVATE SECTORSHOP ......................... 31FRIENDS/RELATIVES ............ 32FIELDWORKERj FWA ............... 41OTHER 51ISPECIFY)DOES NOT KNOt/ ................. 98~510H'12230

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