Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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HO. I QUESTIONSAND FILTERS I326 ttnat is the main reason you decided to use(CURRENT METHOD FRON 315) rather than sone othermethod of family plar~Mng?COOING CATEGORIESFAMILY PLAN. WORKER RECO@4HEND..01FRIEND/RELATIVE RECON4ENDED .... 02SIDE EFFECTS OF OTHER METHODS..03CONVENIENCE .................... 04ACCESS/AVAILABILITY ............ 05COST ........................... 06WANTED PERMANENT METHOD ........ 07HUSBAND PREFERRED .............. 08WANTED NORE EFFECTIVE METHOO...D9OTHER 10(SPECIFY)DOES NOT KNOW .................. 98~O TO~347328GWhet is the main reason you are not using a methodto delay or avoid pregnancy?WANTS CHILDREN ................. 01LACK OF KNOWLEDGE .............. 02PARTNER OPPOSED ................ 03COST TOO NUCH .................. 04SIDE EFFECTS ................... OSHEALTH CO#4CERNS ................ 06NARD TO GET METHODS ............ 07RELIGION ....................... 08OPPOSED TO FAMILY PLANNING ..... 09FATALISTIC ..................... 10OTHER PEOPLE OPPOSED ........... 11INFREQUENT SEX/UIFE AWAY ....... 12DIFFICULT TO GET PREGNANT ...... 13MENOPAUSAL/HAD HYSTERECTOMY .... 14INCONVENIENT ................... 15MENSTRUATION NOT RETURNED ...... 16BREASTFEEDIHG .................. 17OTHER 18(SPECIFY)DK ............................. 98328R I Do you know .here you can obtain a method of I YES ............................. 1 |I family planning? I NO .............................. 2 ~347328IWhere is that?(NAME OF PLACE)328G:vSATELLITE CLINICNENTIONED347A I In so~ places, there is a clinic set up for a day or II['--1part of a day in someone's house or in a school. Thisis catted a satellite clinic. During the past 3 monthswas there any such clinic in your village/mohairs?IIPUBLIC SECTORHOSPITAL/MEDICAL COLLEGE ...... 11FAMILY WELFARE CENTRE ......... 12THANA HEALTH CO~tPLEX .......... 15SATELLITE CLINIC .............. 14NEDICAL PRIVATE SECTORTRADITIONAL DOCTOR ............ 21QUALIFIED DOCTOR .............. 22PHARNACY ...................... 23OTHER PRIVATE SECTORSHOP .......................... 31FRIENDS/RELATIVES ............. 32FIELDWORKER, FWA ................ 41OTHER 51DOES NOT KNOW .................. 98.348 IYES ............................. 1 |NO .............................. 2 r348DOES NOT KNOW ................... 8 ~348I347B m Did you ever ViSit such a clinic? I YES ............................. 1 II I347c I Mat services did they provide?CIRCLE ALL HENTIONED.348 In the last month, have you heard or seen s messageabout family planning on:the radio?television?a billboard?a poster?227NO .............................. 2 ~348FAHILY PLANNING HETHOOS ......... AIHHUNIZATION ....................CHILD GROUTH MONITORING ......... COTHERDDOES NOT KNOW ................... EBIIRADIO ......................YES1"02TELEVISION ................. 1 2BILLBOARD .................. I 2POSTER ..................... 1 2

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