Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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NO. IQUESTIONS AND FILTERSCODING CATEGORIESSKIPI TO323 Where did you obtain (METHOD) the Last time?323A Where did the sterilization take place?(NAME OF PLACE)3231Did you pay for the service you received there?PUBLIC SECTORHOSPITAL/MEDICAL COLLEGE ..... 11FAHILY WELFARE CENTRE ........ 12THANA HEALTH COMPLEX ......... 13SATELLITE CLINIC ............. 14MEDICAL PRIVATE SECTORPRIVATE CLINIC, DOCTOR ....... 21TRADITIONAL DOCTOR . . . . . . . . . . . 22PHARMACY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23OTHER PRIVATE SECTORSHOP ......................... 31FRIENDS~RELATIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . 32FIELDMORKER, FWA ............... 41OTHER 51(SPECIFY)DOES HOT KNOW ................. 98YES,,, ............. o°°ooo.o°°...1WO=,°,°°°°°°ooo°°o°oooo ........ °2DOES NOT KNOW ................... 8p-325AIUSING (USED) OTHERMETHOD~325J B325I/no obtained the (pills/condemns) the last time yougot them?RESPONDENT ...................... 1glFE ............................ 2SON/DAUGHTER .................... 3OTHER RELATIVE .................. 4OTHER 5(SPECIFY)I~325B325AI Have you yourself ever been to a health facility, a I YES ............................. 1 II doctor, or a shop to get (pills, condoms)? | NO .............................. 2 r325J32eel Did anyone there ever tell you about side effects or YES ............................. 1other proble~ns that you might have using this method? NO .............................. 2CANNOT REHENBER ................. 8I325cI Did anY th're"er tell Y°U about °ther'hods I ............................. Ithat you might use? NO .............................. 2CANNOT REMEMBER ................. 8325H Did you get the method that you wantod? YES ............................. 1 ,325JI I NO .............................. 2 | '3251 Which method did you ~ant? PILL ........................... 01IUO ............................ 02INJECTIONS ..................... 03COflDON ......................... 04FEMALE STERILIZATION ........... 05MALE STERILIZATION ............. 06SAFE PERIOD, COUNTING DAYS ..... 07WITHDRAWAL ..................... 08OTHER 09(SPECIFY)325J I When a couple is making a decision, sometimes the hus- iJbend has more influence, s~etimes the wife has mre Iinfluence <strong>and</strong> s~caetimes other people have more infLuencelIn your fmityj who hid the most |nftuence In decid|ng Ito use ramify planning the first time you used a |method?I325K; CHECK 314:CURRENTLY USINGNOT USING A NETHCOA METe(X) [~ (OR BLANK)RESPONDENT HAD MORE INFLUENCE...1WIFE HAD MORE INFLUENCE ......... 2BOTH HUSBAND AND UIFE EQUAL ..... 3OTHER RELATIVE .................. 4OTHER 5(SPECIFY)II ~328~226

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