Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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NO.6°I iCHECK 104A:CURRENTLYMARRIED E~VSECTION 6.QUESTIORS AND FILTERSNOT CIJRRENTLYMARRIED J'~FERTILITY PREFERENCESCODING CATEGORIESSKIPTO~619602CHECK 315:NEITHERSTERILIZED (~SHE ON HESTERILIZED [~+611603CHECK 225:NOT PREGNANT OR UNSURE [~IVNow I hmve some questionsabout the future.Would you Like to have(e/another) child orMould you prefer not tohave any (more) children?PREGNANT 9Now I have some questionsabout the future,After the child you areexpecting, would you Liketo have another child orwould you prefer not tohave anymore children?HAVE A (ANOTHER) CHILD .......... 1NOVA)RE/NONE .................... 2--SAYS SHE CANIT GET PREGNANT ..... 3UNDECIDED OR OK ................. 8.+604A604 CHECK 225:NOT PREGNANT OR UNSURE []IvHow long would you liketo wait from now beforethe birth of (o/another)child?iPREGNANT 9IVHow Long would you like towait after the birth ofthe child you are expectingbefore the birth of anotherchild?MONTHS ...................YEARS .................... 21 [ l JSOUN/NOW ...................... 994SAYS SHE CANIT GET PREGNANT...(ix)5OTHER 996(SPECIFY)I604AI If you became pregnant |n the next few weeks, would you II be hel~oy, unhappy, or would it not matter very much? IYES [~OK ............................ 998HAPPY ........................... 1UNHAPPY ......................... 2WOULD NOT HATTER ................ 3II I1611606 Go you intend to use a method to delay or avoid YES ............................. !pregnancy within the next 12 months? NO .............................. 2OK ............. ,,.,... .......... 8I~508I607 Do you inter~] to use s Fnethod at any time in I YES ............................. 1 Ithe future? I NO .............................. 2 ~510DK .............................. 8 ~610(>08 Nhen you use a method, which method would youprefer to use?~PILL ........................... 01IUO ............................ 02INJECTIONS ..................... 03CONDOR ......................... 04FEMALE STERILIZATION ........... 05MALE STERILIZATION ............. 06CALENDAR, COUNTING DAYS ........ 07WITHDRAUAL ..................... 08OTHER 09(SPECIFY)UNSURE ......................... 98611211 29

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