Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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442H442I442JAmong the I~rsons with whom you tstked about familyplanning, who ~outd you say helped you the most withyour decision about When to begin using family planningafter the birth of your baby?What else inftuenced your decision about When to beginusing family planning after the birth of your boby?CIRCLE ALL MENTiONED.Among the persons with Whom you talked about familyplanning, who would you say helped you the most withyour decision about which method to use?DOCTOR ......................... 01NURSE/MIDWIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OZPHARMACIST ..................... 03TRADITIONAL BIRTH ATTEND ....... 04FI ELDWORICER, FWA ............... 05HUSBAND ........................ 06MOTHER ......................... 07SISTER ......................... 08MOT HER - [ N - LAW .................. 09SISTER- IN-LAW .................. 10OTHER RELATIVE ................. 11OTHER 12(SPECIFY)RESUMED SEXUAL RELATIONS ........ ARESUMED MONTHLY PERiQOS ......... BBREASTFEEDIHG ................... CCHILDBEARING DESIRES ............ DRADIO/TV MESSAGES ............... EOTHERF(SPECIFY)NOTHING ELSE .................... GDOCTOR ......................... 01NURSE/MIDWIFE .................. 02PHARMACIST ..................... 03TRADITIONAL BIRTH ATTEND ....... 04FIELDWORKER, FWA ............... 05HUSBAND ........................ 06MOTHER ......................... 07SISTER ......................... 08MOTHER-IN-LAW .................. 09SISTER-IN-LAW .................. lOOTHER RELATIVE ................. 11OTHER 12(SPECIFY)442K| What else influenced your decision about which method EFFICACY OF METHOD .............. AIto use7PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE ............. BSAFETY OF METHOD ................ CCOMFORT/DISCOMFORT .............. DRADIO/TV MESSAGES ............... EOTHERF(SPECIFY)Are there any family planning methods that are not good I YES ............................. 1 I442L Ifor a woman who is bresstfeeding to use? I NO .............................. 2 ~442NDOES NOT KNOW ................... 3 ~442Nl442MWhich method(s) ere not good for a breastfeedingwoTP~n to use?CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED.PILL ............................AlUg .............................BINJECTIONS ...................... CCONDOM .......................... DFEMALE STERILIZATION ............ EMALE STERILIZATION .............. FSAFE PERIO0, COUNTING DAYS ...... GWITHDRAWAL ...................... HOTHERI(SPECIFY)442N| After childbirth, if a woman is giving only breastmilk I NO RISK ......................... I |to her child <strong>and</strong> she has not resumed her periods, do you| HAS RISK ........................ 2 ~451think she does not have any risk of getting pregnant? | DOES NOT KNOW ................... 3 .451I° ° Ipregnancy?MONTHS ....................206 24Il

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