Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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NO, [ J QUESTIONS ANO FILTERS i ;SKIPCOOING CATEGORIES J TOI350 During the test six months has anyone visited you in YES ............................. 1 ,352your house to talk to you about fmity planning or NO .............................. 2to give you any family planning method?DOES NOT KNOW ................... 8=-351 I Has a family planning worker visited you in the last / YES ............................. 1 IIsix months for another reason? ~ NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 2 ~ ]58DOEs NOT KNOW ................... 8 =3583531 When Was the last visit? MONTHS AGO ................. ['~I IF LESS THAN ONE MONTH AGO, WRITE '00 =. DOES NOT KNOW .................. 98354 I Did you receive any family planning supplies fram the J YES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II fietdworker during the last visit? I NO .............................. 2 =]57355 I What supplies did you receive? PILLS ........................... 1CONDOHS ......................... 2iNJECTiON ....................... 3OTHER(SPECIFY)4I 1357¢357I356 I HOW many cycles/condoms? I CYCLES/CONDOHS ............. ~ I357 Thinking back to all the visits you have ever had fromfamily planning workers, which methods of avoidingpregnancy did they discuss with you?CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED.PILLS ........................... AI U~oo. ........ ,,° ...... ,.,. ..... aINJECTIOW ....................... CCONDOMS ......................... DFEMALE STERILIZATION ............ EMALE STERILIZATION .............. FNEVER DISCUSSED ................. Gever refer you to a clinic for any reason? NO .............................. 2~DOES NOT KNOW ................... 81=358357B Why did she refer you to a clinic? FOR STERILIZATION ...............TO GET AN IUD INSERTED ..........12TO GET INJECTION ................TO GET OTHER FP METHOOS .........3&FOR TREATMENT OF SIDE EFFECTS...5FOR OTHER HEALTH REAS~S ........ 6OTHER 7(SPECIFY~3s~ Do yo. think that ~st of the .o~. you kno. use s~ I ,ES ............................. 1 Ikind of family planning method? I NO .............................. ZDOES NOT KNOW ................... 8I e°°" ° nnn ° I ............................. Irelative, or anyone else? NO .............................. ZIfacility for any reason? NO .............................. 2 =401361 I Did anyone at the health facility speak to you about I YES ............................. 1 II family planning methods during any of your visits this I NO .............................. 2 Iyear?201 19

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