Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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331 I would like to ask some questions about all of the (other) periods in the Last few yearsduring ttnich you or your partner used a method to avoid getting pregnant.USE CALENDAR TO PROBE FOR EARLIER PERIODS OF USE AND NONUSE, STARTING WITH MOST RECENTUSE, SACK TO BAISHAK 1395",USE NAMES OF CHILDREN, DATES OF BIRTH, AND PERIODS OF PREGNANCY AS REFERENCE POINTS.IN EACH V~TN e ENTER CODE FOR METHOD ON "0" FOR NONUSE IN COLUMN 1. IN COLUMN 2,ENTER CODES FOR DISCONTINUATION NEXT TO LAST MONTH OF USE.NUI4BER OF CODES ENTERED IN COLUMN 2 MUST BE THE SAME ASTHE MUNBER OF INTERRUPTIONS OF CONTRACEPTIVE USE IN COLUI4N 1ASK WHY SHE STOPPED USING THE METHOD. IF A PREGNANCY FOLLOWED# ASK UHETHER SHEBECAME PREGNANT UNINTENTIONALLY WHILE USING THE METHOD ON DELIBERATELY STOPPEDTO GET PREGNANT.ILLUSTRATIVE QUESTIONS:COLUMN 1:-When was the Last time you used a method? Which method uss that?-When did you start using that method? How tong after the birth of (NAME)?-How tong did you use the method then?COLUMN 2:-Why did you stop using the (METHOD)?-Did you become pregnant while using (METHOD), or did you stop to get pregnant,or stop for some other reason?IF DELIBERATELY STOPPED TO BECOME PREGNANTj ASK:"Now many months did it take you to get pregnant after you stopped using (METHOD)?AND ENTER 'O I IN EACH SUCH RONTN IN COLUMN 1.I:SATELLITE CLINICMENTIONED ~-]II347A| In so~e places, there iS a clinic set up for a day or Ipart of a day in so~neone~s house or in a school. Thisis catted a satellite clinic. During the past 3 monthsuas there any such clinic in your village/mohairs?IIYES ............................. 1 INO...... ........................ 2 - =348DOES NOT KNOW ................... 8 - ~348I I I347B Did you ever visit such a clinic? YES ............................. 1 INO .............................. 2 ~348I I I347c I What services did they provide?I FAMILY PLANNING METHOOS ......... A IIMMUNIZATION .................... BICIRCLE ALL MENTIONED.CHILD GROWTH MONITORING ......... COTHERD(SPECIFY)DOES NOT KNOW ................... EI348 In the last month, have you heard or seen a messageabout family planning on:the radio?television?s billboard?a poster?YESNORADIO ...................... 1 2TELEVISION ................. 1 2BILLBOARD .................. 1 2POSTER ..................... 1 2349 Is it acceptable or not acceptable to you forinforllmtion to be provided on the radio zbout:YESNOthe pill?condoms?injections?IUOs (colt,sterilizationLoop)?(TL)?PILLS ...................... 1 2CONDO~S .................... 1 2INJECTIONS ................. 1 2[OD........................ 1 2STERILIZATION, TL .......... 1 2200 ls

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