Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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NO.QUESTIONS AND FILTERSCODING CATEGORIES;O TO325J IWhen a couple is making a decision, sometimes the husb<strong>and</strong>has more influence, sometimes the wife has moreinfluence <strong>and</strong> sometimes other people have mere influenceIn your family, who had the most influence in decidingto use family planning the first time you used •methed?RESPONDENT HAD MORE INFLUENCE...1HUSBAND HAD MORE INFLUENCE ...... 2BOTH HUSBAND AND WIFE EQUAL ..... 3OTHER RELATIVE .................. 4OTHER 5(SPECIFY)I 325K I CHECK 315:CURRENTLY USING r~NOT USING A METHO0k METHOD LT--J (BLANK)v326 What is the main reason you decided to use(CURRENT NETHO0 FROM 313) rather than some othermethod of family planning?[-7FAMILY PLAN. WORKER RECQI414END..01FRIEND/RELATIVE RECOMMENDED....02SIDE EFFECTS OF OTHER METHOOS..O3METHOD EASY TO USE ............. 04ACCESS/AVAILABILITY ............ 05COST ........................... 06WANTED PERMANENT METHO0 ........ 07HUSBAND PREFERRED .............. 08WANTED MORE EFFECTIVE METHOO...09OTHER 10(SPECIFY)DOES NOT KNOW .................. 983271AreyouhavingsnyheatthprobtemsinusJng I YES ............................. 11(CURRENT METHOD)? NO .............................. 2 ~328C328 What health problems are you having with using (METHOO)?CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED.I~EIGHT GAIN ..................... AWIEIGHT LOSS ..................... BTOO MUCH BLEEDING ............... CHYPERTENSION .................... DHEADACHE ........................ ENAUSEA .......................... FNO MENSTRUATION ................. GWEAK/TIRED ...................... HDIZZINESS ....................... IOTHERJ(SPECIFY)DOES NOT KNO~ .................. K328A I When you first started having these probteme, did | YES ............................. 1 |I anyone talk to you about these problems? I NO .............................. 2 ~328ClWho talked to you about these problems?FIELDWORKER, FWA ................ 1STAFF AT SATELLITE CLINIC ....... 2STAFF AT FAMILY WELFARE CLIIC...3RELATIVE, FRIEND ................ 4OTHER 5(SPECIFY)328CI Areyouhsvingenyotherproblems inusing l YES ............................. I II (CURRENT METHOO)? I HO .............................. 2 ~3293280 What other problems are you having?CIRCLE ALL MENTIONED.HUSBAND DISAPPROVES ............. A--OTHER RELATIVE DISAPPROVES ...... BRELIGION DISAPPROVES ............ CACCESS/AVAILABILITY ............. DCOSTS TOO MUCH .................. EINCONVENIENT TO USE ............. FSTERILIZED, WANTS CHILDREN ...... GOTHERH(SPECIFY)DOES NOT KNOW ................... I--~328E I*329WIDOUED/ ]OlVORCEO r--]l, 328jPREGNANT [~ ~328J16198

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