Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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NO.I323B[I 323C I CHECK 322D OR 3151USING (USED) i -i]PILLS OR COIIDONSL~vQUESTIONS AND FILTERSDid you pay for the service you received there?USING (USED) OTHERNETH~O 1~COOING CATEGORIESYES ......... .ooooo... ........ **.1NO...****.. ............ °**......2DOES NOT KNOW ................... 8SKIP] TOI1~325J I325 Who obtained the (pills/condoms) the last time yougot them?I325A| Have you yourselfIIRESPONDENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1HUSBAND ......................... 2SON/DAUGHTER .................... 3OTHER RELATIVE .................. 4OTHER 5(SPECIFY)ever been to e health facility, a I YES ............................. 1doctor, or a shop to get (pit(s, condoms)? I NO .............................. 2°'" or other problems that you might have using this I NO .............................. 2method?CANNOT REHEHBER ................. 8'1I ~325BII ¢325JI325C Did anyone there ever tell you about other methods YES ............................. 1that you might use? NO .............................. 2 325HCANNOT REHEHBER ................. 8II YEs .............................'1teLL you about side effects or problems you might NO .............................. 2have uith this (CURRENT NETHOD)?CANNOT REHEHBER ................. 832 Elo' the''''Y e'f're--'--'"e--rker3z'GI D'° the f'ilY "elfare assista°t ('ieLd'°rker)°vetI YES ............................. '1tell you about other methods that you might use? NO .............................. 2CANNOT REHEHBER ................. 8325H] Did you get the method that you uantedT ] YES ............................. 1IINO,,,,,, .............. ..,.., .... ZI ~325JI325Z Which methodid you want? PILL ........................... 01IUD ............................ 02INJECT I0~4S ..................... 03CONDOR ......................... 04FEMALE STERILIZATION ........... 05HALE STERILIZATION ............. D6SAFE PERIO0, COUNTING DAYS ..... 07WI THDRAUAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08OTHER 09(SPECIFY)15197

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