Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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NO. I318F IQAJESTIONS AND FILTERSUhen was the last time you took a pill?CODING CATEGORIESDAYSAGo ................... F~JSKIPI TOVORE THAN ONE MONTH AGO ........ 97318G]CHECK 318F:318HMORE THAN TtK)r---iTk~O DAYS AGODAYS AGO LT-J OR LESSvWhy arentt you taking the pitt these days?HUSBAND AWAY .................... AFORGOT ..........................BHEALTH REASONS .................. CCOST TOO MUCH ................... ONO NEED TO TAKE EVERY DAY ....... ENAN OUT .........................FFWA HAS NOT BROUGHT RESUPPLY....GRENBTRUATING .................... HOTHERI(SPECIFY)'*I '--''n','-n0 oo,-- o' 0''', oo l *~ ............................. lyou sometimes walt before starting the next package? NO .............................. 2I=0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .318K! Just abOUt everyone forgets to take a pill sometime.IWhat do you do when you forget to take a pilldays in a rou?for twoSTART TAKING AGAIN AS USUAL ..... 1 1TAKE EXTRA/MISSED PILLS ......... 2 IUSE ANOTHER METHOD .............. 3ITAKE EXTRA PILL AND USE323ANOTHER METHO0 ............... 4OTHER 5(SPECIFY)jNEVER FORGOT .................... 6319 I When did you Last have an injection?MONTHS AGO .................319BCHECK 319:MORE THAN 3 ~ THREE HONTHS AGOMONTHS AGO L-r--J OR LESSWhy havenlt you had an injectionrecently?320 May I see the package of condoms that you are using?RECORD NAME OF BRAND.32o IWhy can't you show me the package of condoms thatyou are using?HUSBAND AWAY .................... IFORGOT .......................... 2HEALTH REASONS .................. 3COST TOO MUCH ................... 4NOT AVAILABLE AT PROVIDER ....... 5OTHER 6(SPECIFY)IPACKAGE SEEN .................... 1 |BRAND NN4E~320clI~3231It323|PACKAGE NOT SEEN ................ 2 IIHUSBAND KEEPS ................... 1 IRAN OUT ......................... 2OTHER 3(SPECIFY)195 13I

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