Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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SECTION 3:COBTRACEPTION301 I No~ ( ~ould Like to talk about family planning - the various ways or methods that a co~Le can use todelay or avoid a pregnancy. ~hich ways or metheds have you heard about?CIRCLE CQOE 1 IN 302 F(~ EACH HETHO0 MENTIONED SPONTANEOUSLY.THEM PROCEED DOWM THE COLUMN, READING THE MANE AND DESCRIPTION OF EACH NETHOU NOT MENTIONED SPONTANEOUSLY.CIRCLE CODE 2 IF METHOD IS RECOGNIZED, AND COOE] IE NOT RECOGNIZED.THENf FOB EACH NETHOU WITH COUE 1 OR 2 CIRCLED IN ]02~ ASK ]0]°]04 BEFORE PROCEEDING TO THE NEXT METNO0.302 Have you everheard of (METHOU)?HETHOB 303 Have youever used304 Do you know Wherea person could go(METHO0)? to get (METHO0)?READ DESCRIPTION OF EACH01•02•PIll. MAYAWomen can take a pillday.everyLUg, COPPER T Women can have aLoop or coit placed inside themby a doctor or a nurse.31 INJECTIONS Women can have aninjection by a doctor or nurse~hich stops them from becomingpregnant for several months.CONDOM, RAJAO•J Men can use a rubber sheathduring sexual intercourse.51 FEMALE STERILIZATION, TUBALLIGATIOB, TLWomen can have an operationto avoid having any morechildren.61 MALE STERILIZATION, VASECTDMYHen can have an operation toavoid having any more chtldren.O•SAFE PERIO0, COUNTING DAYS,CALENDAR, RHYTHM METHO0Co~otes can avoid having sexualintercourse on certain days ofthe month when the +oman is•ore likely to become pregnant.81 WITHDRAWALMen can be carefulout before climax.anti putt9] Have you heard of any otherways or methods the( womenor men can use to avoidpregnancy?3(SPECIFY)(SPECIFY)(SPECIFY)YES/SPOMT ............... 1YES/PROBED .............. 2NO ......................3qV--YES/SPOilT ............... 1YES/PROBED .............. 2NO ......................YES/SPONT ............... 1YES/PROBED .............. 2MO ...................... 3]YES/SPOBT ............... 1YES/PROBED .............. 2He,... .......... .o. ..... 3]YES/$PONT ............... 1YES/PROBED .............. 2NO°°,.°.° .... ,.°,*o°°...3~YES/SPOBT ............... 1YES/PROBED .............. 2NO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3]V--V--V--V--V--YES/SPONT ............... 1YES/PROBED .............. 2NO .... o,o. .......... o...V--YES/SPONT ............... 1YES/pROBED .............. 2NO ......................y--YES/SPOilT ...............NO ...................... 3-IYES .......... 1 YES .................. 1NO ........... 2 MO ................... 2YES . . . . . . . . . . I YES. 1NO ........... 2 NO ................... ZYES .......... 1 YES .................. 1NO . . . . . . 2 MO . . . . . . . . 2YES .......... 1 YES .................. 1NO ........... 2 NO ................... 2Have you ever had an YES .................. 1ol~ration to avoidhaving any ntore NO ................... 2children?YES .... 1NO ........... 2YES .......... 1 YES.., 1NO ........... ~ NO . . . . . . . . . 2YES .......... 1 Do you kno~ where a personcan obtain advice on how toNO ........... 2 use the safe period?YES .................. 1NO ................... 2YES ...... 1 mmmmmmmm=,m:mmmmmmmmmm+::::::'+=i]tttitiiitiiiiiiiniiiFi:ti;'-: ':++???++++++t++tiiiiiii+++++++,+ ;+iilJJlJijij,+: ,;++,mmmmm+mmm:+:::+=+NO . . . . . . . . . . . ~ +++++++:::++++++++++::.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++?+++++++++++++++++++++++++i+i++:.,.,.:++++:+z+ ..YES .......... 1NO ........... 2YES .......... 1MO ........... 2YES .......... 1NO ........... 2t+t++++++++++++++++++++H+++++++i++++++++t]++tt h h =......+++++++:+:+:+++++++++++t++++++++++E+++++EE++F" ,' :,;++i++EES+++++tll:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.= ==..i===,:..=L:::3;r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::F;==========illliU=h=h=====+++:+++ii++:;m;q; :.:::::::::::m:::tltttt+tttttttttttt++:W":+'~+,:::::::b,tltJ++]+++++++EtF::";t...... -.:;,:::::::: ....................... ::.:,:::=:m;:: ........+:+++ = :=::::=====:=====::=::+: ...... :=::::::.=.++: =================================== :.. . ..:::::::mtit(tit tit F FP::PF+++++:++++++++++++ttttlllllt F +::F+::+++;++:::,+; ............. !==llII,!L+++JmlAT LEAST ONE "YES"(EVER USED)r SKIP TO ]09192 lo

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