Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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NO. ~ QUESTIONS AND FILTERSm112 I Do you usually watch television at leastI once a week?SKIPI COOING CATEGORIES I TOINO...°°°°oo..o..,....................................... °2'1113 Uhst is your religion? ISLAM ........................... ICHRISTIANITY .................... 2HINDUISM ........................ 3BUDDHISM ........................ 4OTHERS(SPECIFY)114 Do you belong to any of the following organizations?Grameen Bank?BRAC?BRDP?Mother's club?Any other organization?YES NOGRAMEEN BANK ............... 1 2SRAC ....................... I 2BRDP ....................... 1 2MOTHER'S CLUB .............. I 2OTHER I 2(SPECIFY)116 Now I would Like to ask about the place in whichyou usually live. Do you usually live in a city,in a town, or in a village?IF CITY: In which city do you live?*DHAKA/CHITTAGONG ................ 1SMALL CITY ...................... 2TOgN ............................ ]VILLAGE ......................... 4117 I In which division is that Located? RAJSNANI ........................ IDHAKA ........................... 2CHITTAGO~G ...................... 3KHULNA .......................... 4SARISHAL ........................ 5118 Now I would like to ask about the household in whichyou usually Live.l~hat is the source of water your household usesfor h<strong>and</strong>washing?PIPED WATERPIPED INSIDE DWELLING ......... 11PIPED OUTSIDE DWELLING ........ 12MELL WATERTUBEWELL ...................... 21SURFACE WELL/OTHER tELL ....... 22SURFACE WATERPOND/TANK/LAKE ................ ]IRIVER/STREAM .................. 32RAIHWATER ....................... 41OTHER 51(SPECIFY)I~120~120ION PREMISES ................... 9961'9'1 "°w I°nB ~° Y°° °sualIy "it t° 'el water? I MINUT" ................. ~--~1120 Does your household get drinking water YES ............................. I ,-122I fro~ this same source? I NO .............................. 2 | '185

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