Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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NO.GUESTIONS AND FILTERS19 What is the source of water your household usesfor dishwashing?COOING CATEGORIESPIPED WATERPIPED INSIDE DWELLING ......... 11PIPED OUTSIDE DWELLING ........ 12WIELL WATERTUBEWELL ...................... 21SURFACE WELL/OTHER WELL ....... 22SURFACE WATERPOND/TANK/LAKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31RIVER/STREAM .................. 32RAINWATER ....................... 41OTHER 51(SPECIFY)01 .on-- oo-- I '''uTE' .................ON PRENISES ................... 996SKIPJ TO!,21m21 Does your household get drinking water YES ............................. 1 ~24I from this same source? I NO .............................. 2 | '22 What is the source of drinking waterfor ,,,=,~ers of your household?PIPED WATERPIPED INSIDE DWELLING ......... 11PIPED OJTSIDE DWELLING ........ 12WELL WATERTUBEWELL ...................... 21SURFACE WELL/OTHER WELL ....... 22SURFACE WATERPOND/TANK/LAKE ................ 31RIVER/STREAM .................. 32RAINWATER ....................... 41OTHER 51(SPECIFY)24 ~/nere do adult women in your household usuallydefecate?25 Where do children in your household usually defecate?SEPTIC TANK/NOOERN TOILET ....... 11PIT TOILET/LATRINEWATER SEALED/SLAB LATRINE ..... 21PIT LATRINE ................... 22OPEN LATRINE .................. 23HANGING LATRINE ............... 24NO FACILITY/BUSH/FIELD .......... 31OTHER 41(SPECIFY)SEPTIC TANK/NOOERN TOILET ....... 11PIT TOILET/LATRINEWATER SEALED/SLAB LATRINE ..... 21PIT LATRINE ................... 22OPEN LATRINE .................. 2]HANGING LATRINE ............... 24NO FACILITY/BUSH/FIELD .......... ]1OTHER 41(SPECIFY)NO CHILDREN ..................... 5126 Does your household have:YESNOAtmirah (wardrobe)?A table, chair or bench?A watch or clock?A cot or bed?Electricity?A radio that is working?A television that is working?A bicycle?Agricultural l<strong>and</strong>?ALMIRAH .................... 1 2TABLE/CHAIR/BENCH .......... 1 2WATCH/CLOCK ................ 1 2COT/BED .................... 1 2ELECTRICITY ................ 1 2RADIO ...................... 1 2TELEVISION ................. 1 2BICYCLE .................... 1 2AGRICULTURAL LAND .......... 1 2180

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