Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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HOUSEHOLD SCHEDULE CONTINUED(~i) l (2) I (3) I (7)fES NO11 I-~ 2| I I12 ~ 2| | |13 ~ 2B I B(8) I (9) I (10) Im~fES NOM F IN YEARS YES NO2 1 2 ~-~ 2I | I2 1 2 ~-~ 2I I !2 1 2 ['~ 2I | |(12) I (13)LEVEL CLASS YES NO2[-I-, 2(14) (15)YES NO DKYES NO2 8 22 8 2|2 8 2(16) Ii111213(17)MFT1(18)11121314 ~ 2I I |2 1 2 ~ 2l I |2 8 2141415 I-~ 2I • |16 ~ 2| m l17 ~ 2H H l18 ~ 2I H l2 1 2 ~ 2l I I2 1 Z ~-~ 2I I I1 2 1 2 ~-~ 2l I I1 2 1 2 ~ 2| I I2FI-, 22 8 22 8 22 8 2|2 8 2|15161718r n1516171819 I-~ 2I B I1 2 1 2 ~-1 2| | In F-T-, 22 8 2191920 ~--~ 21 2 1 2 ~-~ 1 22 8 1 220ZOI I !TICK HERE IF CONTINUATION SHEET USED r--~I IJust to make sure that I have a compLete listing:4)Are there any other persons such as small children orinfants that we have not listed?YES ~--1ENTER EACH IN TABLENO r-75) In addition, are there any other people ~1o may not bemembers of your family, such as dooestic servants,Lodgers or friends who usually Live here?YES F--]ENTER EACH IN TABLENOD6) Do you have any guests or temporary visitors stayinghere, or anyone else who slept here Last night?YES ~• ENTER EACH IN TABLEHO []* CODES FOR O.3RELATIONSHIP TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD:01= HEAD 05 = GRANDCHILD02= WIFE OR HUSBAND O&= PARENT03 = SON OR DAUGHTER 07= PARENT'IN'LAW04= SON OR DAUGHTER-IN-LAW 08 = BROTHER OR SISTER09= OTHER RELATIVE10= ADOPTED/FOSTER CHILD11= NOT RELATED98= DOES NOT KNOt/** CODES FOR Q.12LEVEL OF EDUCATIOR:1= PRIMARY2= SECONDARY3 = COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY8= DOES NOT KNO~CLASS:DO=LESS THAN 1 YEAR COMPLETED98=DOES NOT KNO~3

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