Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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Table B.8 Sampling errors - Khuhaa, <strong>Bangladesh</strong> <strong>1993</strong>-94Number of casesSt<strong>and</strong>ard Design Relative Confidence bmitsValue error Unweighted Weighted effect errorVariable (R) (SE) (N) (WN) (DEFT) (SE/R) R-2SE R+2SEWOMENNo education .512 .019With secondap t education or higher .164 .011Currently married .941 .0~6Children ever born 3.211 .091Children surviving 2.753 .076Knowing any contraceptive method 1.000 .000Knowing any modem contraceptive method 1.000 .000Knowing soul~'e for any modem method .997 .002Ever used any contraceptive method .767 .018Currently using any method .553 .017CurrenOy using a modem method .428 .022Curmndy using pill .201 .017Currently using IUD .031 .005Currently using injections .054 .013Currently using condom .044 .Off/Cur~nOy using female sterilization .085 .010Currently using male sterilization .013 .004Currently using rhythm .071 .009Using pubhe sector source .351 .023Want no more children .489 .019Want to delay at least 2 years .236 .009Ideal number of children 2.328 .027Mothers received tetanus injection .783 .033Mothers received methcal care at birth .118 .023Had diarrhea m the last 2 weeks .144 .023Treated with ORS packets ,409 ,063Sought medical treat ment .198 .051Having health card, seen .596 .049Received BCG vaccination .918 .028Received DPT vaccination (3 doses) 878 .035Received polio vaccinatmn (3 doses) .878 .035Received measles vaccination .854 .040Fully immunized .807 .045Total fertility rate (3 years) 3 052 .142Infant mortality rate (0-4 years) 77.881 10.487Infant mortality rate (0-9 years) 89.256 7.2881258 1217 1.314 .036 .475 .5491258 1217 1.072 .068 .141 .1861258 1217 .914 .006 .929 .9531166 1131 1.283 .028 3.028 3.3941166 1131 1.271 .028 2,602 2.9051182 1145 Und .000 1.000 1.0001182 1145 Und .000 1.000 1.0001182 1145 1.026 .002 .994 1.0001182 1145 1.443 .023 .732 .8031182 1145 1.197 .031 .518 .5871182 1145 1.516 .05I .384 .4721182 1145 1.457 .085 .167 .2351182 1145 .897 146 .022 .0401182 1145 1.904 232 .029 .079I182 1145 1 123 .153 .030 0571182 1145 1.281 .122 .064 .1061182 1145 1.226 .312 ,005 .0211182 1145 1.135 .119 .054 .0885(]6 490 1.093 .066 .305 .3981182 1145 1.3(]6 .039 .451 .5271182 1145 .736 .039 .217 .2541223 1184 1.276 .012 2.274 2.383429 422 1.647 .042 .717 .849429 422 1.366 .191 .073 .163404 397 1.298 .160 .098 .19057 57 ,971 ,154 .283 .53457 57 981 .258 .096 .301130 128 1.151 .083 .497 .694130 128 1.178 031 .861 .974130 128 1.238 .040 .808 .949130 128 1 230 .040 .808 .948130 128 1.315 .047 .773 .935130 128 1.302 .055 .717 .896NA 3834 1.380 .047 2.768 3.336800 787 1097 .135 56.908 98.8551694 1664 .992 .082 74.680 103 833HUSBANDSNo educaUon .385With secondary education or hlgber .290Knowing any contraceptive method I.OCOKnowing any modem contraceptive method 1.000Currently using any method .653Currently using a modem method .487Currently using pill .226Current/y using IUD .031Currently using injections .062Currenfy using condom .056Currently using female stenhzauon .095Currently using male sterilizaoon ,018Currently using rhythm.1 O1Want no more children .524.016 456 452 .695 .041 .353 .417.020 456 452 .955 .070 .249 .330.000 456 452 Und .000 1.000 10CO.000 456 452 Und .0(30 1.0CO 1.000.027 456 452 1.198 .041 6~0 .707.039 456 452 1.661 .080 .409 .565.020 456 452 1.012 .088 .186 .265.011 456 452 1.311 341 010 .053.015 456 452 1.374 .251 .031 .093.011 456 452 .997 .192 .035 .078.022 456 452 1.620 .235 .050 .139,(~6 456 452 903 ,316 .006 .029.018 456 452 1.264 .177 .065 .136.029 456 452 1.223 .055 .467 .581NA = Not applicableUnd = Undefined160

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