Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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As expected, children of mothers with at leastsome secondary education are more likely to be taken to ahealth facility when they have diarrhea than are childrenwhose mothers are less educated. They are also more likelyto be treated with solution made from ORS packets or byincreased fluids in general. However, uneducated womenare just as likely to treat their children by giving them ahomemade fluid or herbal remedies as are women withsome secondary education.The B<strong>DHS</strong> also directly investigated the extent towhich mothers made changes in the amount of fluids thata child received during a diarrheal episode. To obtain thesedata, mothers who had a child under age three with diarrheaduring the two-week period prior to the survey wereasked whether they had changed the amount that the childwas given to drink during the diarrheal episode. The dataindicate that 32 percent of children with diarrhea were giventhe same amount of fluids as usual <strong>and</strong> 51 percent receivedmore fluids than usual; 16 percent received less fluidsthan usual (data not shown). These results suggest that,although the benefit of increasing fluid intake during adiarrheal episode is quite widely understood in <strong>Bangladesh</strong>,about one in six mothers still curtail fluid intakewhen their children have diarrhea.Treatment With Vitamin A CapsulesTable 8.11 Treatment with vitamin A capsulesPercentage of children under three years whoreceived a vitamin A capsule in the six monthspreceding the survey, by selected backgroundcharacteristics, <strong>Bangladesh</strong> <strong>1993</strong>-94Received NumberBackground vitamin A ofcharacteristic capsule childrenChild's age

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