Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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Overall, just over one-quarter (28 percent)of children who have symptoms of ARI aretaken to a health facility for treatment. 4 Childrenof educated mothers are more likely to be takento a health facility than those whose mothers hadless education. Likewise, children in ChittagongDivision who have symptoms of ARI are morelikely to be taken to a health facility, while thosein Khulna Division are less likely to be taken toa health facility.DiarrheaDehydration engendered by severe diarrheais a major cause of morbidity <strong>and</strong> mortalityamong <strong>Bangladesh</strong>i children, accounting forsome 30 percent of deaths to children under five(UNICEF, 1991:38). One treatment for dehydrationis oral rehydration therapy (ORT): either asolution prepared from commercially producedpackets of oral rehydration salts (ORS) (which isalso called khabir or packet saline), or a homemadesolution of sugar, salt <strong>and</strong> water (alsocalled labon gur). Oral rehydration therapy wasdeveloped in <strong>Bangladesh</strong> over 25 years ago bywhat is now called the lntemational Centre forDiarrhoeal Disease Research, <strong>Bangladesh</strong>(ICDDR, B). ORS is currently available throughhealth facilities in <strong>Bangladesh</strong> <strong>and</strong> is also distributedby the Social Marketing Companythrough a network of pharmacies, small shops<strong>and</strong> kiosks.Table 8.9 indicates that 13 percent ofchildren under three years of age were reportedas having had diarrhea in the two weeks prior tothe B<strong>DHS</strong> interview. Only 3 percent of childrenunder three had bloody diarrhea (a sign ofdysentery) in the two weeks prior to the survey.Table 8.9 Prevalence of diarrheaPercentage of children under three years who had diarrhea <strong>and</strong>diarrhea with blood in the two weeks precedmg the survey, byselected background characteristics, <strong>Bangladesh</strong> <strong>1993</strong>-94Diarrhea in thepreceding 2 weeks 1NumberBackground All Diarrhea ofcharactefisfc diarrhea with blood childrenChild's age< 6 months 5.1 0.5 5576-11 months 14.0 1.5 58512-23 months 16.6 4.2 117124-35 months 11.5 3.1 1222SexMale 12.1 2 7 1809Female 13.1 2.9 1726Birth order1 14.0 2.8 8962-3 11.9 2.7 13724-5 1 t .3 3.3 7286+ 13.8 2.4 539ResidenceUrban 10.8 2.3 370Rural 12.8 2.9 3165DivisionBarisal 16.2 3.9 222Chinagong 14.2 3.5 1072Dhaka 9.5 1.5 1073Khulna 14.4 2.7 397Rajshahi 12.6 3.4 771Mother's educationNo education 12. l 3.2 2008Primary incomplete 16.9 2.5 603Primary complete 12.1 2.2 360Secondary/Higher 10.0 2.1 564All children 12.6 2.8 3535Note: Figures are for children born in tile period 1-35 monthsreceding the survey~lncludes diarrhea in the past 24 hoursDiarrhea is more common among children age 6-23 months than among older or younger children;it is especially uncommon among children under six months of age, who are presumably protected bybreastfeeding. Differences in the prevalence of diarrhea according to other background characteristics areminimal.4 <strong>Health</strong> facilities include: government hospitals, family welfare centers, thana health complexes, satellite clinics,community health workers, private doctors, <strong>and</strong> private clinics.112

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