Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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FIGURESPageFigure2.1Hguro2.2~gure2.3Figure 3.1Figure 3.2Figure 3.3Figure 3.4Figure 3.5Figure 4.1Figure 4.2Figure 4.3Figure 4.4Figure 4.5Figure 5.1Figure 6.1Figure 6.2Figure 6.3Figure 7.1Figure 7.2Figure 7.3Figure 7,4Figure 8.1Figure 8.2Population Pyramid, <strong>Bangladesh</strong>, <strong>1993</strong>-94 ................................. 10Distribution of De Facto Household Population by Single Year of Age .......... 11Percentage of Males <strong>and</strong> Females Who Have No Formal Education byAge Group .......................................................... 14Age-Specific Fertility Rates By Urban-Rural Residence ...................... 25Total Fertility Rates by Selected Background Characteristics .................. 26Age-Specific Fertility Rates 1989, 1991, <strong>and</strong> <strong>1993</strong>-94 ........................ 28Trends in the Total Fertility Rate From Selected Sources,<strong>Bangladesh</strong>, 1980-<strong>1993</strong> ................................................ 29Trends in the Total Fertility Rate from Matlab (Treatment <strong>and</strong>Comparison Areas) <strong>and</strong> the B<strong>DHS</strong>, 1982-<strong>1993</strong> ............................. 30Trends in Contraceptive Use among Currently Married Women 10-49, fromSelected Sources, <strong>Bangladesh</strong>, 1975 to <strong>1993</strong>-94 ............................. 45Trends in Modem Contraceptive Use among Currently Married Women 10-49,from Selected Sources, <strong>Bangladesh</strong>, 1975 to <strong>1993</strong>-94 ........................ 46Current Use of Contraception among Currently Married Women 10-49 bySelected Background Characteristics ..................................... 48Trends in Market Share of Specific Pill Br<strong>and</strong>s among Current Pill Users,Selected Sources, 1975 to <strong>1993</strong>-94 ....................................... 54Percent Distribution of Current Users of Modem Methods by Most RecentSource of Supply ..................................................... 60Trends in Proportion of Women Never Married for Age Groups 15-19 <strong>and</strong> 20-24,Selected Sources, <strong>Bangladesh</strong>, 1975 to <strong>1993</strong>-94 ............................. 73Fertility Preferences of Currently Married Women 10-49 ..................... 82Fertility Preferences of Married Women by Number of Living Children ......... 83Percentage of Married Women with 2 Children Who Want No More Children, byBackground Characteristics ............................................. 85Trends in Infant <strong>and</strong> Child Mortality <strong>Bangladesh</strong>, 1979-<strong>1993</strong> .................. 92Infant Mortality Rates from Selected Sources, <strong>Bangladesh</strong>, 1981-1991 .......... 93Under-Five Mortality by Selected Background Characteristics ................. 95Under-Five Mortality by Selected <strong>Demographic</strong> Characteristics ................ 96Percent Distribution of Births by Number of Antenatal Care Visits <strong>and</strong> Timing ofFirst Visit .......................................................... 101Vaccination Coverage Among Children Age 12-23 Months .................. 107xi

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