Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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Column 3 of Table 7.5 shows the proportion of currently married women who fall into the variousrisk categories. Overall, 66 percent of married women, if they became pregnant today, would conceivea child that would fall into a high-risk category. However, since two categories do not have a relative riskof dying that is significantly higher than 1 ("birth order >3" has a relative risk of 1.01 <strong>and</strong> "age >34 <strong>and</strong>birth order >3" has a relative risk of 1.07), actually only about one in four married women (26 percent)are at risk of conceiving a child that would have an elevated risk of dying early.Table 7.5 High-risk fertility behaviorPercent distribution of children born in the five years preceding the survey bycategory of elevated risk of mortality, <strong>and</strong> the pea'cent distribution of currentlymarried women at risk of conceiving a child with an elevated risk of mortality,by category of increased risk, <strong>Bangladesh</strong> <strong>1993</strong>-94Births in 5 yearspreceding the sur~eyPercentage ofcurrentlyRisk Percentage Risk marriedcategory of births ratio women aNot In any high-risk category 42.5Single high-risk categoryMother's age < 18 13.7Mother's age > 34 0.2Birth interval < 24 months 6.4Birth order > 3 23.5Subtotal 43.81.00 34.4 b1.55 5.1* 1.91.89 7.61.01 19.41.31 34.0Multiple high-risk categoryAge 3Age >34 & birth interval3Birth interval 3SubtotalIn any hlgh-rlsk categoryTomlNumber ofbirths1.5 2.55 1.55.0 1.07 20.41.0 3.37 1.56.3 2.18 8.213.8 1.90 31.657.5 1.45 65.6100.0 100.06200 8980Note: Risk ratio is the ratio of the proportion dead of births in a specific highriskcategory to the proportion dead of births not in any high-risk category.Anasterisk indicates that a figure is based on fewer than 25 women <strong>and</strong> has beensuppressed.aWomen were assigned to risk categories according to the status they wouldhave at the birth of a child, if the child were conceived at the time of thesurvey: age less than 17 years <strong>and</strong> 3 months, age older than 34 years <strong>and</strong> 2months, latest birth less than 15 months ago, <strong>and</strong> latest birth of order 3 or~igher.Includes sterilized womenetncludes the combined categories Age 3.98

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