Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

Bangladesh 1993-1994 Demographic and Health ... - Measure DHS

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6.2 Need for Family Planning ServicesFecund women who are currently married <strong>and</strong> who say either they do not want any more childrenor that they want to wait two or more years before having another child, but are not using contraception, areconsidered to have an unmet need for family planning, x Women who are using family planning methods aresaid to have a met need for family planning. Women with unmet <strong>and</strong> met need constitute the total dem<strong>and</strong>for family planning. Table 6.4 presents data on unmet need, met need, <strong>and</strong> total dem<strong>and</strong> for family planning,according to whether the need is for spacing or limiting births.Table 6.4 Need for family planning servicesPercentage of currently married women age 1 0-49 with unmet need for family planning, <strong>and</strong> met need for family planning, <strong>and</strong> thetotal dem<strong>and</strong> for family planning services, by selected background characteristics, <strong>Bangladesh</strong> <strong>1993</strong>-94Met need forUnmet need for family planning Total dem<strong>and</strong> for Percentagefamily planning I (currently using) 2 family planning 3 ofdem<strong>and</strong> NumberBackground For For For For For For saris- ofcharacteristic spacing limiting Total spacing limiting Total spacing limiting Total fled womenAge10-14 31).3 O.O 30.3 22.1 U.O 22.1 53.2 O.0 53.2 43.0 14015-19 22.3 0.8 23.1 21.9 2.8 24.7 45.3 3.6 48.8 52.7 122420-24 15.8 5.9 21.7 20.8 16.8 37.6 38.4 23.1 61.5 64.7 196425-29 10.2 9.3 19.5 11.1 395 50.6 22.0 49.8 71.8 72.8 191130-34 5.5 15.5 20.9 4.2 53.1 57.2 10.1 69.5 79.6 73.7 135335-39 2.8 16.3 19.1 0.8 57.7 58 5 4.2 75.0 79.2 75.9 107940-44 0.6 10.6 11.2 0.3 51.6 51.9 1.o 62.3 63.3 82.3 76745-49 0.5 6.4 7.0 0.4 28.8 29.3 1.0 35.3 36.2 80.8 541ResidenceUrban 7.1 8.6 15.7 12.4 42.0 54.4 20.5 51.5 72.0 78.2 1013Rural 10.8 9.0 19.8 10.9 32.5 43.3 22.5 42.0 64.5 69.3 7967DivisionBarisal 9.7 8.9 18.6 12,4 35.3 47.7 23.5 44.9 68.4 72.8 567Chinagong 15.0 12.2 27.2 6.7 22.6 29.3 22.2 35.4 57.6 52.8 2334Dhaka 9.5 9.1 18.6 10.2 34.1 44.3 20.7 43.8 64.5 71.1 2756Khulna 7.7 6.0 13.7 14.9 40.4 55.3 23.6 46.8 70.4 80.5 1145Rajshahi 8.2 6.8 15.0 14.4 40.5 54.8 23.2 47.9 71.1 78.9 2178EducationNo education 9.8 10.1 19.8 7.4 33.5 41.0 17.8 44.1 61.9 68.0 5093Primary incomplete 10.4 9.5 19.8 12.1 33.3 45.5 23.6 43.6 67.2 70.5 1601Primary complete 12.3 7.0 19.3 11.7 33.8 45.6 25.4 41.4 66.7 71.1 894Secondary/Higher 11.5 5.7 17.2 22.4 33.7 56.1 35.0 39.8 74.8 77.0 1392Total 10.4 9.0 19.4 11.0 33.5 44.6 22.2 43.1 65.3 70.4 8980IUnrnet need for spacing includes pregnant women whose preglmncy was rmstimed, amenorrheic women whose last birth wasmistimed, <strong>and</strong> women who are neither pregnant nor amenorrheic <strong>and</strong> who are not using any method of family planning <strong>and</strong> say theywant to wait two or more years for their next birth. Also included in unmet need for spacing are women who are unsure whether theywant another child or who want another child but are unsure when to have the birth. Unmet need for lirattmg refers to pregnantwomen whose pregnancy was unwanted, amenorrheic women whose last child was unwanted <strong>and</strong> women who axe neither pregnantnor amenorrheic <strong>and</strong> who are not using any method of family planning <strong>and</strong> who want no more children. Excluded from the unmetneed category are pregnant <strong>and</strong> amenorrheic women who became pregnant while using a method (these women are in need of bettercontraception). Also excluded axe menopausal or infecund women.2Using for spacing is defined as women who eae using some method of family planning <strong>and</strong> say they want to have another child oraxe undecided whether to have another. Using for limiting is defined as women who are using <strong>and</strong> who want no more children.Note that the specific raethods used are not taken into account here.~rotal dem<strong>and</strong> includes pregnant or amenorrheic women who became pregnant while using a method (method failure). Theyaccount for 1.4 percent of all currently married women.x For an exact description of the calculation, see footnote 1, Table 6.4.86

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