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2005183 167 , , , ( PD )(DAT)PD 99m Tc2TRODAT21,( SPECT)29PD DAT;PD(UPDRS)UPDRS () () () DAT DATUPDRS ( r- 0170- 0180- 0149- 0154,P < 0101) ,( r = - 01018, P > 0105) ;DATUPDRS ( r = - 01782- 0. 83, P < 0101) , DATPD,PD ; ; ; R742. 5 A 100421648 (2005) 0320167203Correla tion of str ia tum dopam ine tran sporter imag ing and the scores of Park in son ian clin ica l sca le inpa tien ts w ith Park in sonπs d isea se DONG Q ing, L I J ian2ping, L IU J ian2jun, et al. D epartm ent of N eurology,R enji Hospital, Shanghai Second M edical U niversity, Shanghai 200001, ChinaAbstract: O bjectiveTo evaluate the correlation of striatum dopam ine transporter (DAT) imaging and thescores of Parkinsonian clinical scale in patients with Parkinsonπs disease ( PD ). M ethods 99m Tc2TRODAT21 SPECTimaging was used to assess the DAT binding in the striatum s of 29 PD patients, their correlationswith the subscales ofunified PD rating scale (UPDRS) , age and disease duration were also evaluated. ResultsThe scores of subscales ofUPDRS II, III and V, as well as the disease duration were negatively correlated with DAT bindings in ip si2, contra2and bilateral striatum regions ( r was - 0170, - 0180, - 0149 and - 0154 respectively, all P < 0101). The scoresof rigidity and bradykinesia, but not tremor and age, were correlated with reduced DAT bindings in ip si2, contra2 andbilateral striatum regions ( r was - 01782 and - 0183 respectively, all P < 0101 ). Conclusion Stratum DATimaging is a reliable indicator of the severity of PD, and it is correlated with the scores of Parkinsonian clinical scalepartly.Key words: Parkinsonπs disease; dopam ine transporter; SPECT; UPDRS(DAT), [ 1 ] 99m Tc2TRODAT21 DAT,DAT,( PD ) 99m Tc2TRODAT21( SPECT) DAT,PDDATPD 11. 1 29PD ,18,11;:(01QN74): 200001 (,,) ,()4782 ,( 68. 4 914 ) ; 1 11,(312 313) ; [ 2 ] 12,17;19,11,10;5,5 CT/MR I, 7 ,221. 21. 2. 1SPECT DAT ADACVertexSPECT,24 h400 mg,,,30 m in 99m Tc2TRODAT21 (

168J Clin Neurol, June 2005, Vol. 18, No. 3) 30 mCi,2. 53 h128 128,360,61,50 s , 5,(RO I) ,RO I,/ 99m Tc2TRODAT21,DAT 1. 2. 2 12 h,UPDRS (UPDRS ) (UPDRS ) [ 3 ] 1. 2. 3 ( gx s),SPSS 10. 0Pearsont2 2. 1DAT / 1. 37 0125 1. 22 0122, t( P < 0105) ;/1. 29 0123DATPD (UPDRS 12),DAT() (1) ;PD (UPDRS 3)DAT() ,(2) 1UPD RS 1PD DAT,, 68DAT2UPD RS 3PD DAT,, 75DAT12. 2PD PD UPDRS , 17, 1. 55, 28, 2. 52, 36,4 1 , ( 1. 98 0182 ) UPDRS (16. 00 8115)UPDRS (25. 90 10120),() ( 1. 17 1151 ) , (8. 41 3167),( )(14. 24 5113)2. 3 / PD /( r- 0154- 0152- 0154,P < 0101) ,( r- 01014- 0. 023- 01018,P > 0105) 2. 4PD/ 1PDUPDRS /(P < 0101) ,;/1PD /PD UPDRS - 0. 715 3 - 0. 667 3 - 0. 700 3UPDRS - 0. 801 3 - 0. 773 3 - 0. 800 3UPDRS - 0. 481 3 - 0. 476 3 - 0. 486 3 - 0. 823 3 - 0. 811 3 - 0. 830 3 - 0. 780 3 - 0. 759 3 - 0. 782 3 - 0. 319 - 0. 265 - 0. 299 3 P < 01013 Maria2Joao [ 4 ] [ 5 ] 18 F2( PET)PD DAT 18 F2,DAT99m Tc2TRODAT21DAT,

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