30 - Lebanon School District

30 - Lebanon School District 30 - Lebanon School District

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A range of developmentally appropriate programs andservices are provided by the State through mutually agreed,written arrangements between the intermediate unit andother agencies. A child may be referred for early interventionservices by the parents, attending physician, or an agencywhich has provided services to the child. If you believe achild may be eligible, please call Mrs. Betty Miller, Director ofSpecial Education, (717) 273-9391, ext. 6726.Protected Handicapped StudentsIn compliance with state and federal law, the Lebanon SchoolDistrict will provide to each protected handicapped studentwithout discrimination or cost 1to the student or family, those 1related aids, services or accommodations which are neededto provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain thebenefits of the school program and extracurricular activitiesto the maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities.In order to qualify as a protected handicapped studentthe child must be of school age with a physical or mentaldisability which substantially limits or prohibits participation inor access to any aspect of the school program.1These services and provisions for protected handicappedstudents are distinct from those applicable to all eligibleor exceptional students enrolled or seeking enrollment inspecial education programs.For further information on the evaluation procedures andprovision of services to protect handicapped students,contact Mrs. Betty Miller, Director of Special Education, (717)273-9391, ext. 672511Technology Services1Acceptable Use of Network ResourcesLebanon School District teachers, administrators, students,and support staff have access to the Internet and networkresources for educational and instructional purposes. E-mail(electronic mail) is also available to teachers, administratorsand support staff.With Internet and E-mail comes the availability of materialthat may not be considered appropriate in a school setting.We believe the availability and value of the Internet andE-mail far outweigh the possibility that users may getinappropriate or offensive material.We cannot control all the information received or sent byanyone using the Internet or E-mail, nor can we ensure thatInternet or E-mail users will be prevented from accessinginappropriate materials or sending or receiving objectionablecommunications.The Lebanon School District reserves the right to log,inspect, and review Internet, E-mail and other network useof each user. This logging, inspection and review may beconducted without a reason and without notice. Each userof the District’s computers agrees and consents to suchlogging, inspection and review and acknowledges that he/she has no right or 1expectation of confidentiality 1or privacywith respect to Internet, E-mail or other network usage.Network administrators may review student and staff filesand communications to maintain system integrity and ensurestudents and staff are using the system only for appropriateeducational and instructional purposes.• Users should expect that files stored on district serversor computers will not be private.• Lebanon School District does not maintain archives ofall E-mail messages.All teachers, administrators, students, support staff and otherLebanon School District employees who use the Internet,E-mail and network resources must agree to and abide byall conditions of the Internet Access, E-Mail and NetworkResources – Acceptable Use Policy (No. 815, 815A, 815B).11apple Each staff member must sign the Lebanon SchoolDistrict’s Staff Internet, E-mail and Network ResourcesAccess Agreement.apple Each student should review the Lebanon School District’sStudent Internet and Network Resources AccessAgreement with his or her parent or guardian.apple All students and minors will use technology and theInternet with approval and supervision of a teacher orLebanon School District support staff.PowerSchoolPowerSchool allows parents to view their child’s schoolprogress in the areas of class assignments, grades,discipline and attendance. The Parent/Guardian Accessis found within www.lebanon.k12.pa.us under the ParentCorner menu; simply enter your username and password toaccess your child’s scholastic progress.PowerSchool is available to LHS, LMS and elementarystudents grades 3-5. If you have questions about this site,email support will be available at powerschool@lebanon.k12.pa.us. Any questions about attendance and grades shouldbe directed to the school office and your child’s teacher,respectively.111Miscellaneous InformationAHERA InspectionsIn compliance with the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency ResponseAct (AHERA), inspections were performed at each of ourbuildings for asbestos-containing building materials. Theinitial inspection findings and management plans have beenin place since the required date of July 9, 1989.The EPA requires us to perform reinspections of theasbestos materials every three years. The most recentinspections were preformed August 2010, and no unusualcircumstances were found.The results of the reinspection are on file and may bereviewed during normal school hours (M-F 8:00 AM - 4:00PM).1Mr. Craig H. Boltz, Asbestos Program Manager, is availableat the District Office, (717) 273-9391 to answer questionsregarding asbestos in our buildings.Integrated Pest Management PolicyThe Lebanon School District uses an Integrated PestManagement (IPM) approach for managing insects,rodents, and weeds. Our goal is to protect every studentfrom pesticide exposure by using an IPM approach to pestmanagement. Our IPM approach focuses on making theschool building and grounds an unfavorable habitat for thesepests by removing food and water sources and eliminatingtheir hiding and breeding places. We accomplish this throughroutine cleaning and maintenance.(Continued)

We routinely monitor the school building and grounds todetect any pests that are present. The pest monitoring teamconsists of our building maintenance, office, and teachingstaff, and includes our students. Pest sightings are reportedto our IPM coordinator who evaluates the “pest problem” anddetermines the appropriate pest management techniques toaddress the problem. The techniques can include increasedsanitation, modifying storage practices, sealing entry points,physically removing the pest, etc.1111From time to time, it may be necessary to use chemicalsto manage a pest problem. Chemicals will only be usedwhen necessary, and will not be routinely applied. Whenchemicals are used, the school will try to use the least toxicproducts when possible. Applications will be made only whenauthorized persons do not have access to the area(s) beingtreated. Notices will be posted in these areas 72 hours priorto application and for two (2) days following the application.Parents or guardians of students enrolled in the school mayrequest prior notification of specific pesticide applicationsmade at school. To receive notification, you must be placedon the school’s notification registry. If you would like to beplaced on this registry, please notify the district in writing.Please include your email address if you would like to benotified electronically.If a chemical application must be made to control an emergencypest problem, notice will be provided by telephone toany parent or guardian who has requested such notificationin writing. Exemptions to this notification include disinfectantsand antimicrobial products; self-containerized baits placed inareas not accessible to students; and gel type baits placed incracks, crevices, or voids. 1Each year the district will prepare 1a new notification registry. If you have questions, please contactMr. Craig H. Boltz, IPM Coordinator, (717) 273-9391.Notification of Special Education Programs & ServicesNotice to ParentsAccording to state and federal special education regulations,annual public notice to parents of children who reside withina school district is required regarding child find responsibilities.School districts are required to conduct child find activitiesfor children who may be eligible for services via Chapter14/IDEA. For additional information related to Chapter 14/IDEA, the parent may refer to Chapter 14, IDEA or the websitehttp://www.pattan.net/. School districts are also requiredto conduct child find activities for children who may be eligiblefor services via Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of1973. For additional information related to Section 504/Chapter15 services, the parent may refer to Section 504, Chapter15, and the Basic Education Circular entitled Implementationof Chapter 15. Also, school districts are required to conductchild find activities for children who may be eligible for giftedservices via 22 PA Code Chapter 16. For additional informationregarding gifted services, the parent may refer to 22 PACode Chapter 16. If a student is both gifted and eligible forSpecial Education, the procedures in IDEA and Chapter 14shall take precedence. 1 For information regarding 1LebanonSchool District Programs for the Gifted, please contact Mr.Chris Danz, Assistant to the Superintendent.This notice shall inform parents throughout the LebanonSchool District of the child identification activities and of theprocedures followed to ensure confidentiality of informationpertaining to students with disabilities or eligible youngchildren. This information is published on the district web site(http://www.lebanon.k12.pa.us/specialed/safeguards.php)and in the district calendar of events, as well as annually inthe Lebanon Daily News.11Children of school age through twenty-one can be eligible forspecial education programs and services. If parents believethat their child may be eligible for special education, theparent should contact the principal of the local school or theDirector of Special Education at the district central office.Children age three through the age of admission to firstgrade are also eligible if they have developmental delaysand, as a result, need Special Education and related services.If children are less than the age of beginners and at least3 years of age, they are considered to have a developmentaldelay when difficulties exists in the areas of cognitive, communicative,physical, social/emotional and self-help development.If you have questions regarding difficulties your childmay be experiencing, please contact the Lancaster-LebanonIntermediate Unit 13 Early Intervention Program at 1 CumberlandSt., Lebanon, PA 17042, 717-450-1545 or 1020New Holland Ave., Lancaster, PA 17601, (717) 606-1898At Lebanon School District, our first priority is to provide theassistance and remediation that every child needs to be successfulin his or her regular classes. When a child is struggling,our initial course of action is to implement proceduresincluding screening activities, data collection and review,home/school communication, student assistance programs,differentiated instruction and assessment strategies andtutoring.Sometimes, despite every effort in the general educationenvironment, it is thought that the child may have an exceptionalitythat requires specially designed instruction. Parentsor school 1personnel can initiate this Special 1 Education evaluationprocess. When a parent believes that the child shouldbe evaluated, they can submit a written request to the schoolguidance counselor or the Director of Special Education. Ifthe parent makes a verbal request for evaluation or if theschool is requesting an evaluation, a Permission To Evaluate– Evaluation Request Form will be provided to the parentwithin 10 days. This form must be signed and returned to theLebanon School District Special Education Department assoon as possible. When the Special Education Office hasreceived either the parents’ written request for evaluationor the signed Permission To Evaluate – Evaluation RequestForm, the parent will be sent a Permission To Evaluate– Consent Form. This form ensures “informed parentalpermission to evaluate a child in order to determine eligibilityor need for Special Education services”. Once the PermissionTo Evaluate – Consent Form is received by the LebanonSchool District Department of Special Education, the districtwill have 60 days (excluding Summer break) to complete theevaluation. A copy of the evaluation will be made availableto the parent for their review by the end of the 60-day period.While a meeting 1 is not required, the Lebanon 1 School Districtpractice is to conduct a Multidisciplinary Team review includingthe school Psychologist, Teacher(s), Guidance Counselor,LEA representative and the Parents to discuss the resultsof the evaluation, eligibility as a student with a disability andnecessity for provision of specially designed instruction. Ifit is determined that the child does qualify for and requirespecial education services, an IEP meeting will be scheduledas soon as possible within the next 30 days.(Continued)* Lebanon School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationalorigin, sex and handicap in its activities, programs or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. ForEvaluation information regarding Processcivil rights or grievance procedures, contact Mr. Christopher Danz, Title IX Coordinator and Section 504Coordinator, 1000 South Eighth Street, Lebanon, PA 17042-6727 (717) 273-9391. *For information regarding services, activities andfacilities that are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons, contact Mr. Craig H. Boltz, Director of Operations and Maintenance(717) 273-9391.

A range of developmentally appropriate programs andservices are provided by the State through mutually agreed,written arrangements between the intermediate unit andother agencies. A child may be referred for early interventionservices by the parents, attending physician, or an agencywhich has provided services to the child. If you believe achild may be eligible, please call Mrs. Betty Miller, Director ofSpecial Education, (717) 273-9391, ext. 6726.Protected Handicapped StudentsIn compliance with state and federal law, the <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>District</strong> will provide to each protected handicapped studentwithout discrimination or cost 1to the student or family, those 1related aids, services or accommodations which are neededto provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain thebenefits of the school program and extracurricular activitiesto the maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities.In order to qualify as a protected handicapped studentthe child must be of school age with a physical or mentaldisability which substantially limits or prohibits participation inor access to any aspect of the school program.1These services and provisions for protected handicappedstudents are distinct from those applicable to all eligibleor exceptional students enrolled or seeking enrollment inspecial education programs.For further information on the evaluation procedures andprovision of services to protect handicapped students,contact Mrs. Betty Miller, Director of Special Education, (717)273-9391, ext. 672511Technology Services1Acceptable Use of Network Resources<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> teachers, administrators, students,and support staff have access to the Internet and networkresources for educational and instructional purposes. E-mail(electronic mail) is also available to teachers, administratorsand support staff.With Internet and E-mail comes the availability of materialthat may not be considered appropriate in a school setting.We believe the availability and value of the Internet andE-mail far outweigh the possibility that users may getinappropriate or offensive material.We cannot control all the information received or sent byanyone using the Internet or E-mail, nor can we ensure thatInternet or E-mail users will be prevented from accessinginappropriate materials or sending or receiving objectionablecommunications.The <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> reserves the right to log,inspect, and review Internet, E-mail and other network useof each user. This logging, inspection and review may beconducted without a reason and without notice. Each userof the <strong>District</strong>’s computers agrees and consents to suchlogging, inspection and review and acknowledges that he/she has no right or 1expectation of confidentiality 1or privacywith respect to Internet, E-mail or other network usage.Network administrators may review student and staff filesand communications to maintain system integrity and ensurestudents and staff are using the system only for appropriateeducational and instructional purposes.• Users should expect that files stored on district serversor computers will not be private.• <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> does not maintain archives ofall E-mail messages.All teachers, administrators, students, support staff and other<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> employees who use the Internet,E-mail and network resources must agree to and abide byall conditions of the Internet Access, E-Mail and NetworkResources – Acceptable Use Policy (No. 815, 815A, 815B).11apple Each staff member must sign the <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>District</strong>’s Staff Internet, E-mail and Network ResourcesAccess Agreement.apple Each student should review the <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>’sStudent Internet and Network Resources AccessAgreement with his or her parent or guardian.apple All students and minors will use technology and theInternet with approval and supervision of a teacher or<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> support staff.Power<strong>School</strong>Power<strong>School</strong> allows parents to view their child’s schoolprogress in the areas of class assignments, grades,discipline and attendance. The Parent/Guardian Accessis found within www.lebanon.k12.pa.us under the ParentCorner menu; simply enter your username and password toaccess your child’s scholastic progress.Power<strong>School</strong> is available to LHS, LMS and elementarystudents grades 3-5. If you have questions about this site,email support will be available at powerschool@lebanon.k12.pa.us. Any questions about attendance and grades shouldbe directed to the school office and your child’s teacher,respectively.111Miscellaneous InformationAHERA InspectionsIn compliance with the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency ResponseAct (AHERA), inspections were performed at each of ourbuildings for asbestos-containing building materials. Theinitial inspection findings and management plans have beenin place since the required date of July 9, 1989.The EPA requires us to perform reinspections of theasbestos materials every three years. The most recentinspections were preformed August 2010, and no unusualcircumstances were found.The results of the reinspection are on file and may bereviewed during normal school hours (M-F 8:00 AM - 4:00PM).1Mr. Craig H. Boltz, Asbestos Program Manager, is availableat the <strong>District</strong> Office, (717) 273-9391 to answer questionsregarding asbestos in our buildings.Integrated Pest Management PolicyThe <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> uses an Integrated PestManagement (IPM) approach for managing insects,rodents, and weeds. Our goal is to protect every studentfrom pesticide exposure by using an IPM approach to pestmanagement. Our IPM approach focuses on making theschool building and grounds an unfavorable habitat for thesepests by removing food and water sources and eliminatingtheir hiding and breeding places. We accomplish this throughroutine cleaning and maintenance.(Continued)

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