30 - Lebanon School District

30 - Lebanon School District

30 - Lebanon School District


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11<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>Parent Involvement SurveyIn reference to next school year, this information will help usbe prepared for your child.11Parent / Guardian _________________________________________Student Name ____________________________________________<strong>School</strong> __________________________________________________Parent SatisfactionPlease check the appropriate box. This is in reference to the 2010-2011 year.Our <strong>School</strong> Has...Yes, I amsatisfiedI amsomewhatsatisfiedProvided a positivelearning environmentfor my child(ren)Demonstrated apersonal interest in mychild(ren)Encouraged me to bea partner in my child’seducation1Done a good jobcommunicating tome about my child’sprogressIf you could recommend a change for improvement what would it be?No, I amdissatisfied1Would you like to be a mentor for a student? ❏ Yes ❏ NoWould you like your child to have a mentor? ❏ Yes ❏ No<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>Parent Involvement Survey and ChecklistThis year, we will ask parents/guardians to complete our survey twice: at parent teacher conferencesand at the end of the year. The surveys are used to help our schools continuously improve. We need tohear from you.Also, please use this Parent Involvement Checklist to help highlight areas where parents can make abig differenceParentInvolvementChecklist1Please make acommitment to beinvolved in yourchild’s education.If you want supportfrom us withattendance, schoolwork, discipline,and ways you canparticipate, 1 pleasenotify your child’steacher, counselor orprincipal.Attendance1<strong>School</strong> WorkDiscipline1Participation• I am committed to mychild’s education and willencourage perfect attendance,and no lateness.1• I will pick up my elementarychild on time. ✔• I am interested in whatmy child is learning inschool.• I will check onhomework and tests, andencourage extra reading athome.✔• I will review the homeschoolcompact with mychild.• I will sign the homeschoolcompact indicatingI discussed the rules withmy child.• I will support the schoolrules and expect my childto demonstrate respectfulbehavior, self-control, andresponsibility. ✔1• I will review my child’sreport card and attend allconferences.• I will be involved inschool activities whenpossible.• I will encourage involvementin extracurricular activitiesat school and/or inthe community. ✔• Although I want mychild to succeed in school,attendance is a challengefor our family1• I would welcome suggestionsin this area. ✔• I want my child to dowell in school, but Istruggle with making surehe/she does his work.• I would welcome suggestionsin this area.✔• I am concerned aboutmy child’s discipline athome and at school.• I would welcome suggestionsin this area.✔1• I might have a difficulttime attending conferences.• I am interested, but thereare circumstances thatprevent attending.• I would welcome suggestionsof the school.✔(All mentors go through orientation with the <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> and with Big Brother, Big Sister. By checking yes, you are giving permission for your child to be assigned a Mentorthrough both the <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> and Big Brother, Big Sister.)

11Distrito Escolar De <strong>Lebanon</strong>Encuestas de la Participatción de los PadrePadre, madre o encargado __________________________________Nombre Del Estudiante ____________________________________Escola _________________________________________________111Satisfacción del padreFavor de marcar el recuadro correspondiente. Esto es en referencia al anoescolar 2010-2011.Nuestra escuelaha...Proporcionado unambiente positivo deaprendizaje para míhijo o hijaHan demostradointerés personal en mihijo ó hija (s)Me han incentivadoa ser un participanteen la educación de mihijo ó hijaHecho un buen trabajocomunicándoseconmigo acerca delprogreso de mi(s)hijo/a(s)Si, estoysatisfechoEstoy máso menossatisfechoEstoy insatisfecho1Si usted pudiera recomendar un cambio de mejoramiento, ¿Cual sería?Distrito Escolar De <strong>Lebanon</strong>Encuesta de Participación de los Padres y Lista de Verificación.Este año, le pediremos a los padres / encargados completar nuestra encuesta dos veces: en las conferencias entrepadres y maestros y al final del año. Estas encuestas son usadas para ayudar a nuestras escuelas mejorar de maneracontinua. Necesitamos oír de ustedes.También, por favor utilice esta Lista de Verificación de Participación de los Padres para ayudar a resaltar las áreasdonde los padres pueden hacer una gran diferencia.1Participación de losPadresy Lista deVerificaciónPor favor haga uncompromiso de estarenvuelto en la educaciónde su niño. Si usted quierenuestro apoyo con asistencia,trabajo escolar, disciplina, ymaneras en cuanto a cómopuede participar, por favornotifique al maestro de suniño, consejero o principal. .1¿Le gustaría ser el mento de unestudiante? A Si A No¿Usted desea que su hijo o hijatenga un mentor? A Si A No(Los Mentores van a una orientacióncon el Distrito Escolar ylos Hermanos Mayores & HermanasMayores. Marcando SI,usted está dando permiso a suhijo o hija para que se le asigneun Menor por medio del DistritoEscolar y Hermanos Mayores &Hermanas Mayores.)1Attendance<strong>School</strong> WorkDiscipline1Participation1• Me compromento a laeducación de mi hijo o hijae incentivaré una perfectaassisstencia y no el retraso.• Recogeré a mi hijo o hijaa tiempo. ✔• Estoy interesado en loque mi hijo o hija estaaprendiendo en la escuela.• Revisaré las tareas y losexamenes y incentivarélectura aditional en lascasa.✔• Revisaré el acuerdo dehogar-escuela con mi hijoo hija.• Firmaré el acuerdo dehogar-escuela indicandoque he discutido las reglascon mi hijo o hija.• Apoyo las reglas de laescuela y espero 1que mihijo o hija demuestre uncomportamiento respetuos,control de sí mismo yresponsabilidad. ✔• Revisaré el reporte de mihijo o hija y atenderé a lasconferencias.• Participaré en las actividadesescolares cuandosea posible.• Voy a incentivar laparticipación en las actividadesextra-curriculares enla escuela y/o en la comunidad..✔1• Aunque quiero que mihijo o hija tenga éxito enla escuuela, la asistenciaes un reto en nuestrafamilia.• Me gustaría sugerenciasen esta área. ✔• Quiero que mi hijo ohija estén bien en lasescuela, pero me cuestamucho trabajo asegurarque el o ella hagan lastareas.• Me gustaría sugerenciasen esta área. ✔• Me qreocupa las disciplinade mi hijo o hhija enlas casa y en la escuela.• Me gustaría sugerenciasen esta área.1✔• Me podría ser difícilatenderá las conferencias.• Me interesa, pero haycircunstancias que previenenque asista.• Me gustaría sugerenciasen esta área.✔

Right to KnowRight to Request Teacher QualificationsAs a parent of a student at <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, youhave the right to request the professional qualifications of theclassroom teachers who instruct your child. Specifically, youhave the right to ask for the following information about eachof your child’s classroom teachers:• Whether the Pennsylvania Department of Educationhas licensed or qualified the teacher for the grades andsubjects he or she teaches;• Whether the Pennsylvania1Department has decided1that the teacher can teach in a classroom without beinglicensed or qualified under state regulations because ofspecial circumstances;• The teacher’s college major, as well as any advanceddegrees that he or she may have attained;Whether any paraprofessionals provide services to yourchild, and, if they do, their qualifications.1If you would like to receive any of this information, pleasesend a request in writing to your child’s principal. In additionto specifying the information which you would like to receive,please be certain to include your name, address and a telephonenumber at which you can be contacted during the day.Sexual Harassment PolicySexual harassment as defined by federal legislation includesbut is not limited to the following: pressure for sexual activity;repeated remarks to a person with sexual or demeaningimplications; unwelcome touching; suggesting or demandingsexual involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats.111Any student who needs to report an act of sexual harassmentby any employee or student should contact his/herbuilding principal or guidance counselor. The same reportmay also be made using the district’s complaint procedure.Filing a complaint will not reflect upon the individual’s status.The right to confidentiality, both for the complainant and theaccused, will be respected consistent with the district’s legalobligations and the necessity to investigate the allegations.A substantiated charge against a student shall subject thestudent to disciplinary action which could include suspensionor expulsion. A substantiated charge against an employeeshall subject the employee to disciplinary action which couldresult in dismissal.Student RecordsThe Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 states that parentshave the right to examine their child’s school records.Parents may examine their child’s records upon request. Theguidance counselor or building principal will interplay theinformation and answer any questions. Parents may requestthat information be withheld or challenged in accordance withdistrict policy.An appointment to examine your child’s record can be set upby calling either the building principal or guidance counselor.Student record files are purged of unnecessary informationat the conclusion of 1each school year. A copy of 1the schooldistrict policy on the collection, maintenance and disseminationof student records can be obtained form the <strong>District</strong>Office.<strong>School</strong> Safety& Emergency / Inclement WeatherDrug and Alcohol PolicyThe <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> is committed to providing adrug/alcohol free learning environment for its students. A coordinatedcurriculum, Here’s Looking at You 2000, provides awealth of information at various grade levels and is utilized tohelp prevent students’ use of drugs, alcohol and mood alteringchemical substances.<strong>District</strong> rules and regulations are in place to provide a coordinatedeffort by district personnel to respond effectively tocurrent and potential use and abuse of drugs and alcohol.11Drug dog searches are periodically conducted, in our middleschool and high school, to keep drugs out of our schools.No student shall unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense,possess or use any controlled substance as definedin the Controlled Substance Act (21 U.S.C. 812) and asdefined by regulations at 21 C.F.R. 11 through 15 and asfurther defined in the Controlled Substance, Drug, Deviceand Cosmetic Act (34 P.S. Section 780-101 et seq.)Any student who violates this policy may be disciplined, suspendedand/or expelled and/or be required to participate in adrug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved bythe school district.Any student apprehended in the act of possessing, using,distributing and/or being under the influence of an illegalsubstance may be referred to the building Student SupportTeam/Multi-disciplinary Team or guidance counselor and/ormay be referred to an appropriate licensed agency for drug/alcohol evaluation.A student seeking individual help for drug/alcohol relatedproblems may contact his/her building Student SupportTeam/Multi-disciplinary Team or guidance counselor for a listof appropriate licensed agencies.11Emergency Management ProceduresPlease contact your building principal for more informationabout your school’s crisis response plan, or about the Safe &Healthy <strong>School</strong>s Committee.Inclement Weather ProceduresAt the beginning of the school year parents are asked tomake plans for who will pick up their children from school,and where will they stay, if schools are closed earlier thanusual.The decision to delay or close school due to inclementweather will be reported on local radio and television stations.We ask that you stay tuned to these channels whenyou believe weather may be a factor.Radio StationsWQIC (<strong>Lebanon</strong>)................................................. 100.1(FM)WLBR (<strong>Lebanon</strong>)................................................... 1270(AM)WWSM (<strong>Lebanon</strong>)................................................. 1510(AM)WQXA (Hershey)..................................................1 1105.7(FM)WMHX (Hershey................................................... 106.7(FM)WHP (Harrisburg)................................................... 580 (AM)WTPA/ (Harrisburg)................................................ 93.5(FM)WINK (Harrisburg)................................................ 104.1(FM)WRVV (Harrisburg)................................................. 97.3(FM)WHYL (Harrisburg).............................................. 102.3(FM)Television StationsWLYH-15 TV (<strong>Lebanon</strong>)......................................Channel 15WHP-CBS 21 TV (Harrisburg).............................Channel 21WHTM-TV (Harrisburg).......................................Channel 27WGAL-TV (Lancaster).........................................Channel 8WPMT FOX 43 (York)..........................................Channel 43

Safe & Healthy <strong>School</strong>s CommitteeThe <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> holds Safe and Healthy <strong>School</strong>sCommittee meetings regularly throughout the school year.The district works proactively with the city police department,the fire department, the mayor’s office, and other communitybased organizations to ensure the safety of our schools. Inaddition to a district-wide Safe & Healthy <strong>School</strong>s Committee,each building has its own committee.11111The Safe and Healthy <strong>School</strong>s Committee reviews currentand new school policies, conducts roundtable discussions,promotes healthy activities, and develops preventative plansto keep our students and staff safe.Security CamerasSecurity cameras may be installed in your child’s school. Ifyou have any question regarding building safety or security,please contact the building principal.SynreVoiceSynreVoice is an automatic phone communication system.SynreVoice is used to notify parents of upcoming events,their child’s attendance, and important information in theevent of an emergency. Please make sure that your child’sschool has at least one current phone number on record toreach you.Student Services1Directory for Support ServicesChildline....................................................... 1-800-932-0313National Runaway Hotline........................... 1-800-621-4000TEENLINE................................................... 1-717-272-4444<strong>Lebanon</strong> County Children & Youth.............. 1-717-274-2801Mental Health/Mental Retardation............... 1-717-274-3415Juvenile Probation....................................... 1-717-274-2801Drug and Alcohol Agency............................ 1-717-274-0427<strong>Lebanon</strong> Valley FAFSA Workshop<strong>Lebanon</strong> Valley College offers a free FAFSA (Free Applicationfor Federal Student Aid) workshop each year. Seniorhigh school students and their parent/guardians are ecouragedto attend. The date of this event is listed on the eventscalender. For more information please call the Financial AidOffice at <strong>Lebanon</strong> Valley College at 717-867-6181.S.A.P ProgramThe “Student Assistance Program” (S.A.P) program is a wayto identify high risk students who are having school-relatedproblems because of alcohol and drug use or who are atrisk of suicide and other mental health problems. It is alsoa method for intervening and referring these students toappropriate community services. It is an intervention, not atreatment program.11The heart of the program is a student assistance team whichis a core group of school personnel who have been speciallytrained to work with students troubled and at risk.Persons desiring more information may contact the FamilyAssistance Counselor.Family Assistance CounselorWilliam RenneckerSpecial Education Services and ProgramsSpecial education services are available for any exceptionalstudent who requires specially designed instruction to meethis or her educational needs. Instructional assessment isprovided to students identified through screening and evaluationactivities. The instructional assessments determine thedegree of need, the student’s measured instructional levels,and the direct instruction and accommodations that will allowfor greatest individual success in school and in the future.The instructional program is designed to address the students’individual needs with high expectations. A continuumof services and programs 1 to provide instructional 1supportranges from supportive intervention in the regular classroomto full time special education classes. It is the primaryconsideration that exceptional children benefit from regulareducation programs to the maximum extent appropriate andthat the student receives a free appropriate education. Aparent document is available, upon request to the counseloror special education office, which explains the proceduralsafeguards assuring a free appropriate education.Identification activities are completed routinely by schoolstaff using tools including psychological assessments,achievement testing, group-based data, curriculum-basedevaluations, medical records, and teacher reports. Studentsroutinely identified include those with disabilities of autism,pervasive development disorder, blindness, visual impairment,deafness, hearing impairment, emotional disturbance,mental retardation, neurological impairment, specific learningdisability, physical disability, other health impairment, speechimpairment, or gifted under Chapter 16. Additionally, screeningor evaluation activities may be requested by the parentfor a student who is thought to be exceptional, by contactingthe guidance counselor of the school they attend, (717)273-9391.111Records pertaining to identification of a student as exceptionalare confidential and protected under the Family EducationalRights and Privacy Act. Confidential records are onlyavailable to the parents and school officials who are directlyinvolved in the student’s educational program. Confidentialrecords are destroyed when they are no longer educationallyrelevant. Questions regardi ng the record of a student maybe directed to the student’s guidance counselor.For a full list of the Special Education services providedby the <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, please go to the <strong>Lebanon</strong><strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> website, http://www.lebanon.k12.pa.us/specialed/services.phpEarly Intervention Services and ProgramsThe <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> maintains a system to locate,identify, and evaluate young children thought to be eligiblefor early intervention programs. Early intervention servicesare available to children who are three years of age but notyet of school age.1Children thought to be eligible are evaluated to determinetheir individual needs.(Continued toward end of calendar after August 2013)

July 2012S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28September 2012S M T W T F S12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 222329 <strong>30</strong> 31 <strong>30</strong> 24 25 26 27 28 29Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1234567891011

12131415161718• Fall Sports Varsity/JuniorVarsity Season Begins19202122232425• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg., 7 PM• PAC Mtg., 6 PM• Fall Sports Junior HighSeason Begins26272829<strong>30</strong>31First Day for Staff• Fall Sports Team Pictures• NW PATT Mtg., 3:35 PM• Athletic Booster Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong>PM, LHS Cafe• LHS Freshman Orientation,6 PM• HA Meet & Greet, 1-2:<strong>30</strong> PM• HA Open House, 6 PM• SE Open House, 6 PM• SW Open House, 6 PM• NW Open House, 6 PMCEDAR BOWL,7 PM @ AlumniStadiumK4 Students AM Only - Home Visits in PMVisit www.highschoolsports.net for up-to-date information, including junior high schedules!

August 2012S M T W T F S1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 <strong>30</strong> 31October 2012S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 <strong>30</strong> 31Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYFree Breakfast!Did you know that breakfast isfree for all students this year? Toreceive free breakfast, studentsmust use their PIN at the pointof sale system (just like duringlunch-time). If your child doesnot have a PIN, please contactyour child’s building secretary.Remember, breakfast is the key toa great day!AttendanceComing to school everyday is animportant part of a meaningfulschool experience. Daily attendanceis necessary for students to buildupon previous information, toprivide understanding of lessonstaught, and to learn skills in allsubject areas. Daily attendancehelps students develop a sense ofresponsibility and good work habits.12345678First Day for Students• SE PTT Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong> PM• SW PFO Mtg., 4 PM• NW PATT Mtg., 3:45 PM• NW Fall Fundraiser Kick-OffAll Students ReportLabor DayK4 Students AM Only - Home Visits in PM

910• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PMPerfect Attendance Recognition11• LMS Open House, 6 - 8 PM1213• Safe <strong>School</strong>s Mtg., Noon• LMS Scholastic Book Fair• HA PTO Mtg. 3:45 PM• HH Back to <strong>School</strong> Night, 6 PM141516171819202122• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM• Family Night Out, 5:<strong>30</strong> PM,LMS Cafe• SW Laser Tag Fundraiser, 6 PM• LMS 6th Grade Dance,6 - 7:<strong>30</strong> PM• HH Elementary Parent BandMeeting, 7 PM• Elementary Instrumental ParentMeeting at HH, 7 PMRosh HashanahBegins at Sundown23242526272829• Athletic Booster Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong>PM, LHS Cafe• SW Book Fair Begins• LLMEA HS County ChorusAuditions @McCaskey HS<strong>30</strong>Chinese Mid-Autumn FestivalYom KippurBegins at SundownVisit www.highschoolsports.net for up-to-date information, including junior high schedules!

September 2012S M T W T F S12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2224 25 26 27 28 29November 2012S M T W T F S1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 <strong>30</strong>Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY123456• SW PFO Mtg., 6 PM• SW Book Fair/Family Night6 PM• SW Book Fair Ends• NW PATT Mtg., 3:45 PM• LMS Picture Day• LMS 7th and 8th Grade Dance,6 - 7:<strong>30</strong> PM• SE PTT Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong> PM• LHS Picture DayNational Walk to<strong>School</strong> DayInterim Period78No <strong>School</strong>1st Snow Make-Up Day9• Volunteer Orientation, 2 PM- Harding Elementary1011• HA Book Fair Begins• HA PTO Mtg. 3:45 PM• HH PFO Mtg., 3:45 PM12• SE Picture Day23 <strong>30</strong>• LHS Homecoming Dance,137 PM, LHS Cafe• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PMColumbus DayHOMECOMING, 7 PMAlumni Stadium

14151617181920• HA Picture Day• SW Picture Day• HH Picture Day• HA Book Fair Ends• Parent Night at AlumniStadium, 6:<strong>30</strong> PM• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM• HH Family Activity Night• Family Night Out, 5:<strong>30</strong> PM,LMS Cafe• HA Family Night at the Book Fair,5 - 7 PM21222324252627• Athletic Booster Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong>PM, LHS Cafe• SW Wendy’s Night, 5-8 PM• PAC Mtg., 6 PM• SW Fall Festival• <strong>District</strong> 7 HS Chorus Auditions@Central York HS• Girls Night Out, Harding, 6-8PM2829<strong>30</strong>31HalloweenVisit www.highschoolsports.net for up-to-date information, including junior high schedules!

October 2012S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 <strong>30</strong> 31December 2012S M T W T F S12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2225 26 27 28 2923 <strong>30</strong>24 31Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAYCelebrate QualityEducation.Great Public <strong>School</strong>s:A Basic Right andOur Responsibility1• NW PATT Mtg., 3:45 PM23• SAT Testing at LHS• LLMEA HS County OrchestraAuditions @ManheimTownship HS45678910• SW Election Bake Sale• Family Night Out, 5:<strong>30</strong> PM,LMS Cafe• SW PFO Mtg., 6 PM• HA PTO Mtg. 3:45 PM• HH PFO Mtg., 3:45 PM• SW Movie Night, 6 PMStandard TimeBegins• SE PTT Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong> PM• Fall Sports Awards, 7 PM,LHS Gym1st MarkingPeriod Ends

11121314151617No <strong>School</strong>Parent-TeacherConferencesNo <strong>School</strong>Parent-TeacherConferences• Safe <strong>School</strong>s Mtg. Noon• HH PFO Game Night, 6 PM• HS String Exchange @Palmyra HS, 7 PM• Boys Night Out, Harding, 6-8PM• <strong>District</strong> 7 MS Song Fest @Hanover• LHS Parent-TeacherConferences, 1 - 8 PM• Volunteer Orientation, 6 PM- Henry Houck Elemenary• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PMVeterans’ Day1819• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM20American Education Week21Early DismissalHigh <strong>School</strong> - 11 AMMiddle <strong>School</strong> - 11:<strong>30</strong> AMElementary - 12:0022No <strong>School</strong>23No <strong>School</strong>242526272829Thanksgiving<strong>30</strong>• Athletic Booster Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong>PM, LHS Cafe• LHS Picture Retake Day• SE Picture Retake DayVisit www.highschoolsports.net for up-to-date information, including junior high schedules!

November 2012S M T W T F S1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 <strong>30</strong>January 2013S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 <strong>30</strong> 31Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1• SAT Testing at LHS• <strong>District</strong> 7 Band/OrchestraAuditions @Dallastown HS2345678• Winter Sports Varsity/JV andJunior High Season Begins• <strong>School</strong> Board ReorganizationMtg. 7 PM• LMS Picture Retake Day• NW Holiday Concert, 1:<strong>30</strong>,2:<strong>30</strong> and 7 PM• Winter Sports Team Pictures• SW Intermediate HolidayConcert, Grades 3, 4, & 5,2:<strong>30</strong> and 6 PM• SE PTT Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong> PM• SE Holiday Concert, 2:<strong>30</strong>and 7 PM• HA Picture Retake Day• SW Picture Retake Day• HH Picture Retake Day• LMS Winter Dance, 6 - 7:<strong>30</strong> PM• SW One Stop Shop, 10 AM - 2 PM• <strong>District</strong> 7 Band/OrchestraAuditions Bad Weather MakeUp Date• NW PATT Mtg., 3:45 PMHanukkahBegins at Sundown

9101112131415• HA Holiday Concert, 2:<strong>30</strong> and7 PM• HA Holiday Shoppe Begins• Volunteer Orientation, 2 PM- Harding Elementary• HH Holiday Concert, 2:15 and7 PM• Family Night Out, 5:<strong>30</strong> PM,LMS Cafe• SW PFO Mtg., 6 PM• SW Primary Holiday Concert,Grades 1 & 2, 6 PM• HA PTO Mtg. 3:45 PM• HH PFO Holiday Craft Night,6 - 8 PM• Elementary Holiday ConcertBad Weather Make Up Date• LMS Holiday Concert,Instrumental and All Stars,7 PMInterim Period16171819202122• LHS Holiday Concert, LocationTBD, 2 PM• LMS Holiday Concert BadWeather Make Up Date• HA Holiday Shoppe Ends• SW Wendy’s Night, 5 - 8 PM• SW Kindergarten HolidayConcert, 2:<strong>30</strong> & 6 PM• PAC, 6 PMEarly DismissalHigh <strong>School</strong> - 11 AMMiddle <strong>School</strong> - 11:<strong>30</strong> AMElementary - 12:0023242526272829No <strong>School</strong> No <strong>School</strong> No <strong>School</strong> No <strong>School</strong> No <strong>School</strong><strong>30</strong>31No <strong>School</strong>Christmas DayKwanzaa BeginsVisit www.highschoolsports.net for up-to-date information, including junior high schedules!

December 2012S M T W T F S12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2225 26 27 28 2923 <strong>30</strong>24 31February 2013S M T W T F S1 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1No <strong>School</strong>2• SE PTT Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong> PM3• NW PATT Mtg., 3:45 PM45• LLMEA HS Choral Festival @Elizabethtown CollegeNew Year’s Day6789101112• SW PFO Mtg., 6 PM• HA PTO Mtg. 3:45 PM• SW Indoor Picnic, 6 PM• HH PFO Mtg., 3:45 PM• <strong>District</strong> 7 Orchestra Festival • <strong>District</strong> 7 Orchestra Festival • <strong>District</strong> 7 Orchestra Festival

January 2013S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 <strong>30</strong> 31March 2013S M T W T F S1 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2325 26 27 28 29 <strong>30</strong>24 31Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY12• Parent Night, GirlsBasketball, Cheerleaders andMascott, LHS Gym• LLMEA Orchestra Festival@Warwick HS• NW Movie Night, 6 PM3456789• Parent Night, BoysBasketball, Bowling, Trainers& Wrestling, LHS Gym• SE PTT Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong> PM• NW PATT Mtg., 3:45 PM• SE Class Picture Day• <strong>District</strong> 7 Chorus Festival • <strong>District</strong> 7 Chorus Festival • <strong>District</strong> 7 Chorus Festival

10111213141516We welcome ourChinese GuestTeacher, Ms.Yi Yaqin for thesecond year.• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM• NW Spring Fundraiser Kick-Off• HH PFO Fitness Night,6 - 8 PM• SW PFO Mtg., 6 PM• Safe <strong>School</strong>s Mtg. Noon• HA PTO Mtg. 3:45 PM• HH PFO Mtg., 3:45 PMChinese New YearAsh Wednesday1718No <strong>School</strong>3nd Snow Make-Up Day1920• SW Wendy’s Night, 5 - 8 PM212223• Region V Orchestra Festival • Region V Orchestra Festival • Region V Orchestra Festival• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM• PAC Mtg., 6 PM• Winter Sports Awards, 7 PM,LHS GymPresident’s DayInterim Period2425262728• Spring Sports Team Pictures• Athletic Booster Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong>PM, LHS Cafe• SW Mt. Gretna Roller SkatingParty, 6 - 8 PMVisit www.highschoolsports.net for up-to-date information, including junior high schedules!

February 2013S M T W T F S1 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28April 2013S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 <strong>30</strong>Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1234No <strong>School</strong>Parent-TeacherConferences5No <strong>School</strong>Parent-TeacherConferences6• Family Night Out, 5:<strong>30</strong> PM,LMS Cafe• SW PFO Mtg., 6 PM7• NW PATT Mtg., 3:45 PM• NW Bingo Night, 6 PM89• SE PTT Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong> PM• LHS Musical, 7:<strong>30</strong> PM,Location TBD• LHS Musical, 7:<strong>30</strong> PM,Location TBD• LHS Musical, 7:<strong>30</strong> PM,Location TBD• Spring Sports Varsity andJunior High Season Begins• Volunteer Orientation,6 PM -Southeast Elementary• Region V Band Festival • Region V Band Festival • Region V Band Festival

10111213141516• LHS Musical, 3 PM, LocationTBD• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM• HH PFO Skate Night ,6 - 8 PM• HA PTO Mtg. 3:45 PM• HH PFO Mtg., 3:45 PMDaylight Savings-Time Begins171819PSSA Writing: Grades 5 & 820212223• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM• HA Book Fair Begins• HA Ice Cream Social/Art Show/Book Fair, 5 - 7 PM• SW Lazer Tag, 6 - 9 PM• Region V Chorus Festival • Region V Chorus Festival • Region V Chorus Festival242526PSSA Writing Make Up: Grades 5 & 8272829<strong>30</strong>No <strong>School</strong>No <strong>School</strong>31• HA Book Fair Ends• Athletic Booster Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong>PM, LHS Cafe• NW Spelling Bee• HA Spelling BeeEasterPassoverBegins at Sundown3rd MarkingPeriod Ends4th Snow Make-Up DayGood FridayVisit www.highschoolsports.net for up-to-date information, including junior high schedules!

March 2013S M T W T F S1 23 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 31 25 26 27 28 29 <strong>30</strong>May 2013S M T W T F S1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 <strong>30</strong> 31Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY123456No <strong>School</strong>• HH Spelling Bee, 6 PM• SW Spelling Bee, 6 PM• SE PTT Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong> PM• NW PATT Mtg., 3:45 PM5th Snow Make-Up Day• Kindergarten Registration78910111213• LHS Open House, Alumni/Friends/Students/FamiliesWelcome, 1-4 PM• Volunteer Orientation, 2 PM- Henry Houck Elementary• IU13 Convention at LHS• Family Night Out, 5:<strong>30</strong> PM,LMS Cafe• HA PTO Mtg. 3:45 PM• HH PFO Mtg., 3:45 PM• Volunteer Breakfast, 8 AM,LHS Cafe• SW PFO Mtg., 6 PM• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM• Kindergarten Registration• Kindergarten Registration

14151617181920• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM• LHS Spring Vocal Concert,Starr Auditorium, 7:<strong>30</strong> PM• PMEA State Music Conference• Safe <strong>School</strong>s Mtg. Noon• PMEA State Music Conference• PMEA State Music Conference• SW Book Fair Begins• HH Art Show & Book Fair,6-8 PM• PMEA State Music Conference• Kindergarten Registration• Kindergarten Registration21222324PSSA Reading & Math: Grades 3-8252627• Athletic Booster Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong>PM, LHS Cafe• <strong>District</strong> Spelling Bee, 6 PM,SE Auditorium• SW Book Fair Ends• LLMEA Honors Banquet @Eden Resort, Lancaster,6:<strong>30</strong> PM• SW Book Fair/Family Night/ArtShow, 6 PM• PAC Mtg., 6 PM• Kindergarten Registration• Kindergarten Registration2829<strong>30</strong>• Kindergarten RegistrationPSSA Science: Grades 4 & 8Visit www.highschoolsports.net for up-to-date information, including junior high schedules!

April 2013S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 <strong>30</strong>June 2013S M T W T F S12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2224 25 26 27 28 2923 <strong>30</strong>Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY1234• SW PFO Mtg., 4 PM• SE PTT Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong> PM• NW PATT Mtg., 3:45 PM• SW Race for Education• SAT Testing at LHSChinese May DayInterim Period5678PSSA Science: Grades 4 & 891011• LHS Spring InstrumentalConcert, 7:<strong>30</strong> PM, StarrAuditorium• HA PTO Mtg. 3:45 PM• Elementary All City SpringConcert, 7 PM, StarrAuditorium• SW Race for Education Rain Date• NW Carnival• HH PFO Mtg., 3:45 PMK4 Students Do Not ReportCinco de MayoTeacher Appreciation Week

12131415161718• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM• HH 5th Grade Dance, 6 - 8 PM• SW Field Day• LHS Show Choir Concert,Starr Auditorium, 7:<strong>30</strong> PM• Spring Sports Awards/ParentsNight, 7 PM, LHS Auditorium• LMS Spring Instrumental/Vocal Concert, LMS Aud., 7PMMothers’ Day19202122232425• SW Election Bake Sale• NW Field Day• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM• SE Field Day• Senior Prom26272829<strong>30</strong>31No <strong>School</strong>• HA Field Day, Grades 1 and 2• LMS Olympic Day• HH Carnival• HA Field Day, Grades 3, 4and 5• NW Award Ceremony• LMS 2nd Annual Cook Out• LMS 8th Grade Semi-Formal,6 - 8:<strong>30</strong> PM• LMS 2nd Annual Cook OutRAIN DATE• Athletic Booster Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong>PM, LHS CafeMemorial DayVisit www.highschoolsports.net for up-to-date information, including junior high schedules!

May 2013S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 <strong>30</strong> 31July 2013S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 <strong>30</strong> 31Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY12345678• Senior Awards Program, 12Noon• HH Field Day• LMS Olympic Day RAIN DATE• HA Awards Assembly• SW 5th Grade Recognitionand Awards Assembly, 2 PM• SW 5th Grade Dance, 6-8 PM• SE Awards AssemblyLast Student DayDismissal TimesHS/MS - 11:00 AMElementary - 11:<strong>30</strong> AM• NW PATT Mtg., 3:45 PM• SE 5th Grade Graduation• LMS Night of EducationalExcellence, 6:<strong>30</strong> - 8:<strong>30</strong> PM• HH Awards Ceremony,Grades 1 - 4, 9:15 AM• HH 5th Grade Graduation,2:15 PM• LHS Class of 2013Commencement, StarrAuditorium, 7:<strong>30</strong> PM4th MarkingPeriod Ends

9101112131415• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM16171819202122• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PMFather’s Day23242526272829<strong>30</strong>• Athletic Booster Mtg., 6:<strong>30</strong>PM, LHS CafeVisit www.highschoolsports.net for up-to-date information, including junior high schedules!

June 2013S M T W T F S12 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 <strong>30</strong> 24 25 26 27 28 29August 2013S M T W T F S1 2 34 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 <strong>30</strong> 31Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY123456Independence Day78910111213

14151617181920• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM212223242526272829<strong>30</strong>31Visit www.highschoolsports.net for up-to-date information, including junior high schedules!

July 2013S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 <strong>30</strong> 31September 2013S M T W T F S1 2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 <strong>30</strong>Sunday MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY12345678910

1112131415161718192021222324• <strong>School</strong> Board Mtg. 7 PM2526272829<strong>30</strong>31Visit www.highschoolsports.net for up-to-date information, including junior high schedules!

A range of developmentally appropriate programs andservices are provided by the State through mutually agreed,written arrangements between the intermediate unit andother agencies. A child may be referred for early interventionservices by the parents, attending physician, or an agencywhich has provided services to the child. If you believe achild may be eligible, please call Mrs. Betty Miller, Director ofSpecial Education, (717) 273-9391, ext. 6726.Protected Handicapped StudentsIn compliance with state and federal law, the <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>District</strong> will provide to each protected handicapped studentwithout discrimination or cost 1to the student or family, those 1related aids, services or accommodations which are neededto provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain thebenefits of the school program and extracurricular activitiesto the maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities.In order to qualify as a protected handicapped studentthe child must be of school age with a physical or mentaldisability which substantially limits or prohibits participation inor access to any aspect of the school program.1These services and provisions for protected handicappedstudents are distinct from those applicable to all eligibleor exceptional students enrolled or seeking enrollment inspecial education programs.For further information on the evaluation procedures andprovision of services to protect handicapped students,contact Mrs. Betty Miller, Director of Special Education, (717)273-9391, ext. 672511Technology Services1Acceptable Use of Network Resources<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> teachers, administrators, students,and support staff have access to the Internet and networkresources for educational and instructional purposes. E-mail(electronic mail) is also available to teachers, administratorsand support staff.With Internet and E-mail comes the availability of materialthat may not be considered appropriate in a school setting.We believe the availability and value of the Internet andE-mail far outweigh the possibility that users may getinappropriate or offensive material.We cannot control all the information received or sent byanyone using the Internet or E-mail, nor can we ensure thatInternet or E-mail users will be prevented from accessinginappropriate materials or sending or receiving objectionablecommunications.The <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> reserves the right to log,inspect, and review Internet, E-mail and other network useof each user. This logging, inspection and review may beconducted without a reason and without notice. Each userof the <strong>District</strong>’s computers agrees and consents to suchlogging, inspection and review and acknowledges that he/she has no right or 1expectation of confidentiality 1or privacywith respect to Internet, E-mail or other network usage.Network administrators may review student and staff filesand communications to maintain system integrity and ensurestudents and staff are using the system only for appropriateeducational and instructional purposes.• Users should expect that files stored on district serversor computers will not be private.• <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> does not maintain archives ofall E-mail messages.All teachers, administrators, students, support staff and other<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> employees who use the Internet,E-mail and network resources must agree to and abide byall conditions of the Internet Access, E-Mail and NetworkResources – Acceptable Use Policy (No. 815, 815A, 815B).11apple Each staff member must sign the <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>District</strong>’s Staff Internet, E-mail and Network ResourcesAccess Agreement.apple Each student should review the <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>’sStudent Internet and Network Resources AccessAgreement with his or her parent or guardian.apple All students and minors will use technology and theInternet with approval and supervision of a teacher or<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> support staff.Power<strong>School</strong>Power<strong>School</strong> allows parents to view their child’s schoolprogress in the areas of class assignments, grades,discipline and attendance. The Parent/Guardian Accessis found within www.lebanon.k12.pa.us under the ParentCorner menu; simply enter your username and password toaccess your child’s scholastic progress.Power<strong>School</strong> is available to LHS, LMS and elementarystudents grades 3-5. If you have questions about this site,email support will be available at powerschool@lebanon.k12.pa.us. Any questions about attendance and grades shouldbe directed to the school office and your child’s teacher,respectively.111Miscellaneous InformationAHERA InspectionsIn compliance with the U.S. Environmental ProtectionAgency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency ResponseAct (AHERA), inspections were performed at each of ourbuildings for asbestos-containing building materials. Theinitial inspection findings and management plans have beenin place since the required date of July 9, 1989.The EPA requires us to perform reinspections of theasbestos materials every three years. The most recentinspections were preformed August 2010, and no unusualcircumstances were found.The results of the reinspection are on file and may bereviewed during normal school hours (M-F 8:00 AM - 4:00PM).1Mr. Craig H. Boltz, Asbestos Program Manager, is availableat the <strong>District</strong> Office, (717) 273-9391 to answer questionsregarding asbestos in our buildings.Integrated Pest Management PolicyThe <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> uses an Integrated PestManagement (IPM) approach for managing insects,rodents, and weeds. Our goal is to protect every studentfrom pesticide exposure by using an IPM approach to pestmanagement. Our IPM approach focuses on making theschool building and grounds an unfavorable habitat for thesepests by removing food and water sources and eliminatingtheir hiding and breeding places. We accomplish this throughroutine cleaning and maintenance.(Continued)

We routinely monitor the school building and grounds todetect any pests that are present. The pest monitoring teamconsists of our building maintenance, office, and teachingstaff, and includes our students. Pest sightings are reportedto our IPM coordinator who evaluates the “pest problem” anddetermines the appropriate pest management techniques toaddress the problem. The techniques can include increasedsanitation, modifying storage practices, sealing entry points,physically removing the pest, etc.1111From time to time, it may be necessary to use chemicalsto manage a pest problem. Chemicals will only be usedwhen necessary, and will not be routinely applied. Whenchemicals are used, the school will try to use the least toxicproducts when possible. Applications will be made only whenauthorized persons do not have access to the area(s) beingtreated. Notices will be posted in these areas 72 hours priorto application and for two (2) days following the application.Parents or guardians of students enrolled in the school mayrequest prior notification of specific pesticide applicationsmade at school. To receive notification, you must be placedon the school’s notification registry. If you would like to beplaced on this registry, please notify the district in writing.Please include your email address if you would like to benotified electronically.If a chemical application must be made to control an emergencypest problem, notice will be provided by telephone toany parent or guardian who has requested such notificationin writing. Exemptions to this notification include disinfectantsand antimicrobial products; self-containerized baits placed inareas not accessible to students; and gel type baits placed incracks, crevices, or voids. 1Each year the district will prepare 1a new notification registry. If you have questions, please contactMr. Craig H. Boltz, IPM Coordinator, (717) 273-9391.Notification of Special Education Programs & ServicesNotice to ParentsAccording to state and federal special education regulations,annual public notice to parents of children who reside withina school district is required regarding child find responsibilities.<strong>School</strong> districts are required to conduct child find activitiesfor children who may be eligible for services via Chapter14/IDEA. For additional information related to Chapter 14/IDEA, the parent may refer to Chapter 14, IDEA or the websitehttp://www.pattan.net/. <strong>School</strong> districts are also requiredto conduct child find activities for children who may be eligiblefor services via Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of1973. For additional information related to Section 504/Chapter15 services, the parent may refer to Section 504, Chapter15, and the Basic Education Circular entitled Implementationof Chapter 15. Also, school districts are required to conductchild find activities for children who may be eligible for giftedservices via 22 PA Code Chapter 16. For additional informationregarding gifted services, the parent may refer to 22 PACode Chapter 16. If a student is both gifted and eligible forSpecial Education, the procedures in IDEA and Chapter 14shall take precedence. 1 For information regarding 1<strong>Lebanon</strong><strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> Programs for the Gifted, please contact Mr.Chris Danz, Assistant to the Superintendent.This notice shall inform parents throughout the <strong>Lebanon</strong><strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> of the child identification activities and of theprocedures followed to ensure confidentiality of informationpertaining to students with disabilities or eligible youngchildren. This information is published on the district web site(http://www.lebanon.k12.pa.us/specialed/safeguards.php)and in the district calendar of events, as well as annually inthe <strong>Lebanon</strong> Daily News.11Children of school age through twenty-one can be eligible forspecial education programs and services. If parents believethat their child may be eligible for special education, theparent should contact the principal of the local school or theDirector of Special Education at the district central office.Children age three through the age of admission to firstgrade are also eligible if they have developmental delaysand, as a result, need Special Education and related services.If children are less than the age of beginners and at least3 years of age, they are considered to have a developmentaldelay when difficulties exists in the areas of cognitive, communicative,physical, social/emotional and self-help development.If you have questions regarding difficulties your childmay be experiencing, please contact the Lancaster-<strong>Lebanon</strong>Intermediate Unit 13 Early Intervention Program at 1 CumberlandSt., <strong>Lebanon</strong>, PA 17042, 717-450-1545 or 1020New Holland Ave., Lancaster, PA 17601, (717) 606-1898At <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, our first priority is to provide theassistance and remediation that every child needs to be successfulin his or her regular classes. When a child is struggling,our initial course of action is to implement proceduresincluding screening activities, data collection and review,home/school communication, student assistance programs,differentiated instruction and assessment strategies andtutoring.Sometimes, despite every effort in the general educationenvironment, it is thought that the child may have an exceptionalitythat requires specially designed instruction. Parentsor school 1personnel can initiate this Special 1 Education evaluationprocess. When a parent believes that the child shouldbe evaluated, they can submit a written request to the schoolguidance counselor or the Director of Special Education. Ifthe parent makes a verbal request for evaluation or if theschool is requesting an evaluation, a Permission To Evaluate– Evaluation Request Form will be provided to the parentwithin 10 days. This form must be signed and returned to the<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> Special Education Department assoon as possible. When the Special Education Office hasreceived either the parents’ written request for evaluationor the signed Permission To Evaluate – Evaluation RequestForm, the parent will be sent a Permission To Evaluate– Consent Form. This form ensures “informed parentalpermission to evaluate a child in order to determine eligibilityor need for Special Education services”. Once the PermissionTo Evaluate – Consent Form is received by the <strong>Lebanon</strong><strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> Department of Special Education, the districtwill have 60 days (excluding Summer break) to complete theevaluation. A copy of the evaluation will be made availableto the parent for their review by the end of the 60-day period.While a meeting 1 is not required, the <strong>Lebanon</strong> 1 <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>practice is to conduct a Multidisciplinary Team review includingthe school Psychologist, Teacher(s), Guidance Counselor,LEA representative and the Parents to discuss the resultsof the evaluation, eligibility as a student with a disability andnecessity for provision of specially designed instruction. Ifit is determined that the child does qualify for and requirespecial education services, an IEP meeting will be scheduledas soon as possible within the next <strong>30</strong> days.(Continued)* <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong> is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationalorigin, sex and handicap in its activities, programs or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. ForEvaluation information regarding Processcivil rights or grievance procedures, contact Mr. Christopher Danz, Title IX Coordinator and Section 504Coordinator, 1000 South Eighth Street, <strong>Lebanon</strong>, PA 17042-6727 (717) 273-9391. *For information regarding services, activities andfacilities that are accessible to and usable by handicapped persons, contact Mr. Craig H. Boltz, Director of Operations and Maintenance(717) 273-9391.

Parents of school age children my request further informationby contacting Mrs. Betty Miller, Director of Special Education,<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>, 1000 S. Eighth Street, <strong>Lebanon</strong>, PA17042. Parents of preschool age children, age three throughfive, may request an evaluation in writing by addressing aletter to the Lancaster-<strong>Lebanon</strong> Intermediate Unit 13 at 1Cumberland Street, <strong>Lebanon</strong>, PA 17042, 717-450-1545 or1020 New Holland Ave., Lancaster, PA 17601, (717) 606-18981111Consent<strong>School</strong> entities cannot proceed with an evaluation, or withthe initial provision of special education and related services,without the written consent of the parents. For additionalinformation related to consent, please refer the ProceduralSafeguards Notice which can be found at the PaTTANwebsite, www.Pattan.net. Once written parental consentis obtained, the district will proceed with the evaluationprocess. If the parent disagrees with the evaluation, theparent can request an independent education evaluation atpublic expense.Program DevelopmentAs previously stated, once the evaluation process iscompleted, a team of qualified professional and parentsdetermine whether the child is eligible. If the child is eligible,the individualized education program team meets, developsthe program, and determines the educational placement.Once the IEP team develops the program and determinesthe educational placement, school district staff, intermediateunit staff, or charter school staff will issue a notice ofrecommended educational 1placement/prior written notice. 1Your written consent is required before initial services can beprovided. The parent has the right to revoke consent afterinitial placement.Confidentiality of Information:The <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>s, IUs and Charter <strong>School</strong>s maintainrecords concerning all children enrolled in the school,including students with disabilities. All records aremaintained in the strictest confidentiality. Your consent,or consent of an eligible child who has reached the age ofmajority under State law, must be obtained before personallyidentifiable information is released, except as permittedunder the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).The age of majority in Pennsylvania is 21. Each participatingagency must protect the confidentiality of personallyidentifiable information at collection, storage, disclosure, anddestruction stages. One official at each participating agencymust assume responsibility for ensuring the confidentialityof any personally identifiable information. Each participatingagency must maintain, for public inspection, a current listingof the names and positions of those employees withinthe agency who have access to personally identifiableinformation.111For additional information related to student records, theparent can refer to the Family Education Rights and PrivacyAct (FERPA)This notice is only a summary of the Special Educationservices, evaluation and screening activities, and rightsand protections pertaining to children with disabilities,children thought to be disabled, and their parents. Formore information or to request evaluation or screening of apublic or private school child contact the responsible schoolentity listed below. For preschool age children, information,screenings and evaluations requested, may be obtained bycontacting the Intermediate Unit. The addresses of theseschools are as follows:INTERMEDIATE UNITLancaster-<strong>Lebanon</strong> Intermediate Unit 131020 New Holland AvenueLancaster, PA 17601SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICES<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>1000 South Eighth Street<strong>Lebanon</strong>, PA 170421Aviso a los PadresSegún regulaciones estatales y federales de educaciónespecial, se requiere un aviso público anual a los padresde los niños que viven dentro del distrito escolar en loque concierne a las responsabilidades de “child find”. Losdistritos escolares son requeridos a dirigir actividades de“child find” para los niños que sean elegibles para serviciosa través de Chapter 14/IDEA. Para información adicionalacerca de Chapter 14/IDEA, los padres pueden referirse aChapter 14, IDEA o el sitio web http://www.pattan.net/. Losdistritos escolares también son requeridos dirigir actividadesde “child find” para los niños que son elegibles para serviciosa través de Section 504 de Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Parainformación adicional acerca de Sección 504/servicios deChapter 15, los padres pueden referirse a Section 504,Chapter 15, y el Circular de Educación Básica (BasicEducation Circular) titulado “Implementation of Chapter15.” También, los distritos escolares son requeridos dirigiractividades de “child find” para niños que son elegibles para1 1servicios avanzados a través de 22 PA Code Chapter 16.Para información adicional acerca de servicios avanzados,los padres pueden referirse a 22 PA Code Chapter 16.Si un estudiante es tanto avanzado como elegible paraEducación Especial, los procedimientos en IDEA y Chapter14 deben tomar precedencia. Para información acerca de losProgramas para Estudiantes Avanzados del Distrito Escolarde <strong>Lebanon</strong>, por favor póngase en contacto con laMr. Chris Danz,, Superintendente Auxiliar.Este aviso debe informarles a los padres del DistritoEscolar de <strong>Lebanon</strong> sobre las actividades de identificarniños y de los procedimientos que se siguen para asegurarla confidencialidad de información perteneciente a losestudiantes con discapacidades o niños jóvenes que sonelegibles. Esta información está publicada en el sitio web deldistrito (http://www.lebanon.k12.pa.us/specialed/safeguards.php) y en el calendario de eventos del distrito, al igual queanualmente en <strong>Lebanon</strong> Daily News.Niños de edad escolar hasta veintiún años pueden serelegibles para 1 programas y servicios de 1educación especial.Si los padres creen que su niño/a puede ser elegible paraeducación especial, el padre debe ponerse en contacto conel principal de la escuela local o el Director de EducaciónEspecial en la oficina central de distrito.Niños de la edad de tres años hasta la edad de admisióna primer grado también son elegibles si tienen retraso dedesarrollo y, como resultado, necesitan Educación Especialy servicios relacionados. Si los niños tienen menos de laedad de principiante y por lo menos 3 años de edad, sonconsiderados de tener un retraso de desarrollo cuandoexisten dificultades en las áreas cognitivas, comunicativas,físicas, sociales/ emocionales y desarrollo de ayuda propia.

Si tiene una pregunta acerca de las dificultades que suniño/a puede estar experimentando, por favor póngase encontacto con Lancaster-<strong>Lebanon</strong> Intermediate Unit 13 EarlyIntervention Program at 1 Cumberland St., <strong>Lebanon</strong>, PA17042, 717-450-1545 o 1020 New Holland Ave., Lancaster,PA 17601, (717) 606-1898Proceso de EvaluaciónEn el Distrito Escolar de <strong>Lebanon</strong>, nuestra primera prioridades proveer asistencia y remediación que cada niño/anecesita para tener éxito en su clases regulares. Cuandoun niño tiene problemas, nuestro curso de acción iniciales implementar procedimientos 1 incluyendo actividades 1deexploración, colección y revisión de datos, comunicación dela casa a la escuela, programas de asistencia para estudiantes,instrucción distinguida y estrategias de evaluación ytutoría.A veces, a pesar de cada esfuerzo en el ambiente educativogeneral, se piensa que el niño puede tener una excepcionalidadque requiere una instrucción especialmente diseñada.Los padres o el personal de la escuela pueden iniciar esteproceso de evaluación para Educación Especial. Cuandoun padre cree que su niño/a debe ser evaluado, puedenpresentar una solicitud por escrito al consejero escolar o elDirector de Educación Especial. Si el padre hace un solicitudverbal para una evaluación o si la escuela pide una evaluación,se le proveerá un Permiso para Evaluar –Formulariode Solicitud para Evaluación (Permission To Evaluate –Evaluation Request Form) al padre dentro de 10 días. Esteformulario tiene que ser firmado y devuelto al Departamentode Educación Especial del Distrito Escolar de <strong>Lebanon</strong>lo más pronto posible. Cuando la Oficina de EducaciónEspecial haya recibido la solicitud para evaluación porescrito de los padres o el Permiso 1 para Evaluar- Formulario 1de Solicitud para Evaluación firmada, se le enviará al padreun Permiso para Evaluar – Formulario de Consentimiento(Permission To Evaluate – Consent Form.) Este formularioasegura “permiso de padre informado para evaluar a un/aniño/a para determinar elegibilidad o necesidad de serviciosde Educación Especial”. Una vez que que el Permiso paraEvaluar – Formulario de Consentimiento sea recibido por elDepartamento de Educación Especial del Distrito Escolar de<strong>Lebanon</strong>, el distrito tendrá 60 días (excluyendo el receso delverano) para completar la evaluación. Una copia de la evaluaciónserá disponible a los padres para su repaso al fin delperíodo de 60 días. Aunque no se requiera una reunión, lapráctica del Distrito Escolar de <strong>Lebanon</strong> es para realizar unrepaso del Equipo Multidisciplinario incluyendo el Psicólogo11de la escuela, Maestro/a (s), Consejero/a, representativa deLEA y los Padres para discutir los resultados de la evaluación,la elegibilidad de un estudiante con una discapacidady necesidad para provisión de instrucción especialmentediseñada. Si está determinado que el niño/a tiene derechoy requiere servicios de educación especial, una reunión dePEI será programada lo más pronto posible dentro del lospróximos <strong>30</strong> días.Los padres de niños que tiene edad escolar pueden requerirmás información poniéndose en contacto con el Mrs. BettyMiller, Director de Educación Especial, <strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>District</strong>, 1000 S. Eighth Street, <strong>Lebanon</strong>, PA 17042.Los padres de niños1de edad preescolar, tres a1cinco años,pueden solicitar una evaluación por escrito dirigiendo unacarta a Lancaster-<strong>Lebanon</strong> Intermediate Unit 13 al 1 CumberlandStreet, <strong>Lebanon</strong>, PA 17042, 717-450-1545 o 1020New Holland Ave., Lancaster, PA 17601, (717) 606-1898ConsentimientoLas entidades de la escuela no pueden proceder con unaevaluación, o con la provisión inicial de educación especialy servicios relacionados, sin el consentimiento escrito delos padres. Para información adicional acerca del consentimiento,por favor refiérase al Aviso de Garantías de Procedimiento(Procedural Safeguards Notice) el cual se puedeencontrar en el sitio web de PaTTAN, www.Pattan.net. Unavez que el consentimiento escrito por el padre sea recibido,el distrito procederá con el proceso de la evaluación. Si elpadre no está de acuerdo con la evaluación, el padre puederequerir una evaluación educativa independiente con fondospúblicos.11Desarrollo del ProgramaComo indicado antes, una vez que el proceso de la evaluaciónse haya completado, un equipo de profesionalescapacitados y los padres determinan si el niño/a es elegible.Si el niño/a es elegible, el equipo del programa educativoindividualizado se reúne, desarrolla el programa, y determinala ubicación educativa. Una vez el equipo del PEI desarrollael programa y determina la ubicación educativa, el personaldel distrito escolar, el personal de la unidad intermedia, o elpersonal de la escuela charter dará un aviso la ubicacióneducativa recomendada/aviso escrito. Su consentimientoescrito está requerido antes de que los servicios iniciales puedanser proveídos. El padre tiene el derecho para revocarel consentimiento después de la ubicación inicial.Confidencialidad de Información:Los Distritos Escolares, UIs, y Escuelas Charter mantienenlos registros acerca de todos los niños inscritos enla escuela, incluyendo los estudiantes con discapacidades.Todos los registros son mantenidos en la confidencialidadmás estricta. Su consentimiento o el consentimiento de unniño elegible que ha alcanzado la edad de mayoría bajo laley del Estado, debe ser obtenido antes de que sea hechopública cualquier información personalmente identificable,excepto como sea permitido bajo la Ley de los Derechos yPrivacidad 1Educacionales de la Familia 1(FERPA). La edadde mayoría en Pennsylvania es 21. Cada agencia que participatiene que proteger la confidencialidad de informaciónpersonalmente identificable, en las fases de colección, almacenamiento,revelación, y destrucción. Un oficial de cadaagencia participando tiene que asumir responsabilidad paraasegurar la confidencialidad de información personalmenteidentificable. Cada agencia participando tiene que mantener,para inspección pública, una lista corriente de los nombres yposiciones de aquellos empleados dentro de la agencia quetienen acceso a la información personalmente identificable.Para información adicional acerca de documentos estudiantiles,el padre puede referirse a la Ley de los Derechos yPrivacidad Educacionales de la Familia (FERPA).Este aviso es solamente un sumario de los servicios, evaluacióny actividades de exploración de Educación Especial,y los derechos y las protecciones pertenecientes a niñoscon discapacidades, niños que tal vez tengan discapacidades,y sus padres. Para más información o para solicitaruna evaluación o exploración de un niño/a en una escuelapública o privada, póngase en contacto con la entidadresponsable 1de la escuela anotada abajo. 1 Para los niñosde edad preescolar, información, exploración y evaluacionessolicitados, puede ser obtenida poniéndose en contacto conla Unidad Intermedia. Las direcciones de estas escuelas sonlas siguientes:Unidad IntermediaLancaster-<strong>Lebanon</strong> Intermediate Unit 131020 New Holland AvenueLancaster, PA 17601Oficinas del Distrito Escolar<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>1000 South Eighth Street<strong>Lebanon</strong>, PA 17042

<strong>Lebanon</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>District</strong>1000 S. Eighth Street<strong>Lebanon</strong>, PA 17042Non-Profit OrganizationU.S. PostagePAID<strong>Lebanon</strong>, PAPermit No. 48www.lebanon.k12.pa.us

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