UPS Teamster Magazine, Summer 2011 - International Brotherhood ...

UPS Teamster Magazine, Summer 2011 - International Brotherhood ...

UPS Teamster Magazine, Summer 2011 - International Brotherhood ...


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Right-to-Work (For Less) ResolutionThe war on workers is rearing its ugly head in statehousesacross the country, and right-to-work laws are one of the mainweapons in the arsenal of union busters. <strong>UPS</strong> <strong>Teamster</strong>s havebeen enlisted in the nationwide fight against these laws thatweaken working families and the middle class. Delegates atthe 28th <strong>International</strong> Convention unanimously passed thefollowing resolution:WHEREAS, throughout the country, corporate CEOs and theirconservative allies in governors’ offices, statehouses and Congressare attempting a coordinatedWar onWorkers to eliminate basic workplacerights through an anti-worker legislativeagenda; andWHEREAS,while working familiesstruggle to maintain a high quality oflife, these same anti-worker forces aredriving down wages and benefits byattempting to pass Right-to-Work (forLess) legislation in at least 10 states,instead of assisting the working familieswith necessary tools to succeed in thecurrent economic climate; andWHEREAS, Right-to-Work (for Less) legislation does not offerany rights for workers, and clearly provides no new employmentopportunities for working families; andWHEREAS, new federal legislation has now been introducedcalling for a national Right-to-Work (for Less) law, and this legislationwould also for the first time create a Right-to-Work (forLess) law for employees covered by the Railway Labor Act; andWHEREAS, despite proponents’ claims to the contrary, Right-to-Work (for Less) legislation does not aid in creating jobs in statesstruggling in the current economic climate. The top ten stateswith the highest unemployment rates in the country are evenlysplit between non-Right-to-Work (for Less) states and Right-to-Work (for Less) states. In many instances, business leaders instates considering this legislation do not even consider Right-to-Work (for Less) legislation a priority for the creation of jobs, orfor locating businesses in respective states; andWHEREAS,instead, Right-to-Work (for Less) legislation willundoubtedly drive down living standards impacting workers,their communities, and states. On average, workers in the 22states in which Right-to-Work (for Less) is law earn $5,500 lessevery year, or $458 less each month, than their counterparts inthe 28 non-Right-to-Work (for Less) states; andWHEREAS, workers in Right-to-Work (for Less) states also areless likely to receive necessary health benefits and/or retirementplans from their employers, and are significantly more likely tohave workplace injuries as compared to their non-Right-to-Work(for Less) counterparts; andWHEREAS, statistical evidence also shows that Right-to-Work(for Less) states have worsening school systems, higher rates ofpoverty, and increased rates of othersocietal conditions which negativelyimpact the quality-of-life in those states.NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITRESOLVED, that this 28th Conventionof the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Brotherhood</strong> of<strong>Teamster</strong>s believes that Right-to-Work(for Less) legislative proposals should berejected by both elected officials as wellas the public, and in the current economy,public officials should be providingworkers the necessary tools to succeed inmaintaining a high quality-of-life, not pursuing a right-wingpolitical agenda; andBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that elected officials in states throughout the and Republicans –should be commended for standing up for working families intheir respective states; andBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that right-wing organizationsalmost entirely funded by wealthy zealots, including the Kochbrothers, continue to push Right-to-Work (for Less) measuresthroughout the country in a well-funded and coordinated fashionin an effort to eliminate necessary worker rights and obtainincreased profits and wealth at the expense of workers and thecommunities in which they reside; andBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the <strong>Teamster</strong>s Union shouldremain vigilant in countering Right-to-Work (for Less) threatsthat currently exist in the 28 non-Right-to-Work (for Less) statesand work to repeal Right-to-Work in the 22 states where suchlaws are currently in place; andFINALLY, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that opposing this legislationshould remain a paramount priority for the <strong>Teamster</strong>sUnion, working families, and allies throughout the country as toensure that a strong and vibrant American middle class1 6 | upsTEAMSTER | SUMMER <strong>2011</strong> | www.teamster.org

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