From Baselands to Promiselands - Philippines Bases Conversion ...

From Baselands to Promiselands - Philippines Bases Conversion ... From Baselands to Promiselands - Philippines Bases Conversion ...


News &Views at the BaseOfficial Publication of the Bases Conversion and Development Authority Vol XII. No. 2 March - April 2012The BCDA Story:From Baselands toPromiselands

News &Views at the BaseOfficial Publication of the <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> and Development Authority Vol XII. No. 2 March - April 2012The BCDA S<strong>to</strong>ry:<strong>From</strong> <strong>Baselands</strong> <strong>to</strong><strong>Promiselands</strong>

BCDA bids outmasterplanning ofClark SpecialEconomic ZoneCover S<strong>to</strong>ryMap of available lands in Clark Special Economic Zone as of June 2011.The state-owned <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> and Development Authority (BCDA) began thecompetitive bidding process for the master planning of some 36,000 hectares of theClark Special Economic Zone (CSEZ) that when completed will make Clark a beautiful,highly integrated, high-tech, green community where Bonifacio Global City meets SiliconValley amidst a lush greenery.BCDA President and CEO Arnel Paciano D. Casanova,who is also the acting Chairman of the Clark DevelopmentCorporation (CDC), said the bidding for the ConsultingServices for the Master Planning of the 36,086 hectares ofthe CSEZ is now ongoing and aims <strong>to</strong> prepare a new MasterDevelopment Plan for the CSEZ that is marketable, effective,viable and in harmony with the recent, current and planneddevelopments for CSEZ.“We are calling on all interested firms <strong>to</strong> join thebidding process of this mega project that is envisioned<strong>to</strong> set the pace of socioeconomic development in CentralLuzon,” Casanova said.“We want <strong>to</strong> bring the maximum value, as well as theequitable and inclusive economic benefits <strong>to</strong> the region byimplementing a comprehensive master development plan,<strong>to</strong>gether with all stakeholders and LGU’s in Pampanga andTarlac,” he noted.Casanova said that although there are various existingmaster plans for CSEZ, the renewed inves<strong>to</strong>r confidencebrought about by the Aquino Administration has resultedin favorable market conditions that were not present in thepast and needs <strong>to</strong> be exploited and maximized in order <strong>to</strong>generate more investments and jobs for the Filipino people.“There is a need <strong>to</strong> update and integrate all developmentplans in the context of the recent market trends in the Asianand international setting,” Casanova pointed out.He said the new master plan for the CSEZ will positionClark as the investment destination in Southeast Asia.The master plan also involves a development plan thatprovides for, among others:• Adoption of a Green Building System that wouldpromote vast array of practices and techniquesfrom architectural design <strong>to</strong> the construction of thebuildings;• Use of renewable energy in all building andfacilities, <strong>to</strong> be derived from sustaining sources;• Provision of a clean and affordable publictransportation system that would promote usageof cleaner burning fuels;• Promotion of public health by producing andcultivating locally grown organic foods andprovision of adequate access <strong>to</strong> safe potabledrinking water by protecting the ecologicalintegrity of the city’s primary water sources;• Provision of a state-of-the-art informationinfrastructure which shall implementa c o m m u n i c a t i o n / i n t e r n e t n e t w o r ksystem designed <strong>to</strong> perform all communicationsfunctions;• Provision of a district <strong>to</strong> accommodate facilities forthe development of cutting-edge technology whichshall house labora<strong>to</strong>ries for computer innovationsand the platform test bed for high-tech inventions;and• Protection and maintenance of natural habitats,its corridors and other key habitat characteristics,such as water features, food-bearing plants, shelterfor wildlife, native species.“We will be master planning for the city of the future,”Casanova said.3

In the NewsThe BCDA S<strong>to</strong>ry:<strong>From</strong> <strong>Baselands</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Promiselands</strong>THE MOST DRAMATIC transformation of the Philippine landscape in the last twentyyears occurred in the former sites of military bases. What used <strong>to</strong> be vast tracks ofland where tanks freely rolled and roared; home <strong>to</strong> the defenders of our land, nowstands <strong>to</strong>wering buildings with state-of-the-art facilities: home <strong>to</strong> giant and small businessventures, entertainment and personal development enclaves.That virtually military-purpose driven land only twodecades ago—then known as Fort Bonifacio—is now BonifacioGlobal City and is a showcase of a bustling metropolis. What itis and what it stands for <strong>to</strong>day is about forging partnerships,changing landscapes and transforming lives—all undertakenby the <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> and Development Authority (BCDA),a government-owned and controlled corporation.The present picture is far removed from the backdropof devastation un<strong>to</strong> the milieu which BCDA was born. Lessthan two years before it came in<strong>to</strong> being, or in July 1990, a7.8-magnitude earthquake <strong>to</strong>ppled buildings and killedthousands in the North.Less than a year later, in June 1991, Mt. Pinatubo inPampanga, dormant for 500 years, erupted with great fury—burying communities in mudflow and debris, killing hundreds,destroying crops and livelihood, spewing ashes that reachedas far as other countries, and affecting global temperatures.Even the mighty US military forces, entrenched in these partsfor nearly a hundred years, were forced <strong>to</strong> pull out monthsbefore the US-RP Military <strong>Bases</strong> Agreement would expire inSeptember 1992.4It was in that period of misery and uncertaintythat BCDA was tasked <strong>to</strong> transform and develop in<strong>to</strong>productive centers the former US military bases andfacilities in Clark Air Base in Pampanga, Camp JohnHay in Baguio, Wallace Air Station in La Union, and theformer Philippine Refugee Processing Center (PRPC)in Morong, Bataan. BCDA was also expected <strong>to</strong> createopportunities for investment and employment inCentral Luzon.On March 12, 1992, President Corazon C. Aquinosigned in<strong>to</strong> law R.A. 7227 or the <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong>Development Act of 1992.Despite the herculean task, the BCDA was expected<strong>to</strong> generate revenues internally. It was given otherassets, such as the various former military camps inMetro Manila—including Fort Bonifacio and VillamorAir Base—for sale and disposition. Proceeds fromthe disposition of these assets will also finance themodernization program of the Armed Forces of the<strong>Philippines</strong> (AFP) and provide funds <strong>to</strong> 14 othergovernment agencies.

In the NewsClark Internation Airport situatedinside the Clark Special Economic Zone,Pampanga.Bataan Business and Leisure Park formerly known as the Philippine Refugee ProcessingCenter in Morong, Bataan.BCDA immediately buckled down <strong>to</strong>work, developing assets, entering in<strong>to</strong>partnerships with private contrac<strong>to</strong>rsand real estate developers, and breakingground for major projects <strong>to</strong> convert theabandoned lands in<strong>to</strong> efficient worldclasscommunities and in buildingsustainable cities and centers ofeconomic growth.Where the money wentThe emergence of BCDA as apreferred investment partner can beseen from the funds it has raised.<strong>From</strong> May 1993 <strong>to</strong> February 2012,BCDA generated P52.977 billion fromthe sale of military facilities withinMetro Manila. Of this amount, P33.630billion remitted <strong>to</strong> the NationalTreasury, some P21.788 billion went<strong>to</strong> the AFP, where P12.292 billion wasalloted for its Modernization Programand P9.496 billion was allotted forthe replication of military facilities.Similarly, P1.880 billion was remitted <strong>to</strong>the National Treasury for the country’sNational Shelter Program (NSP) thatfinanced mass housing projects for theunderprivileged and homeless citizens.Linking people and businessBCDA’s achievements, however,cannot be measured alone in monetaryterms. It has likewise triumphed inbuilding communities and ushering indevelopment for all.The former Clark Air Base hasbeen transformed in<strong>to</strong> what is nowknown as the Clark Freeport and SpecialEconomic Zone (CFSEZ), housing some540 loca<strong>to</strong>rs. Total investments hadreached P110 billion and <strong>to</strong>tal exportshit $3.91 billion by end of 2011. <strong>From</strong>20,000 people employed at the formerUS Clark Base, the CFSEZ has given newjobs <strong>to</strong> 64,055 Filipinos.Up north, the Poro Point FreeportZone (PPFZ) in La Union is nowhome <strong>to</strong> Thunderbird Resorts—afive-star Mediterranean inspiredhotel complemented by including anentertainment area and a nine-hole golfcourse. Thunderbird Pilipinas Hotelsand Resorts, Inc. (TPHRI) has pouredP1.2 billion in<strong>to</strong> this venture, a majorchunk of the P1.37 billion investmentsin the PPFZ in 2011.The San Fernando Airport, alsolocated in the PPFZ, has been improvedand plans are underway <strong>to</strong> upgradeit further in the near future. Withthe seaport and airport within justkilometers from each other, the BCDAenvisions PPFZ <strong>to</strong> be the global gatewayin the north.Over in Baguio, the John Hay SpecialEconomic Zone (JHSEZ) continues <strong>to</strong>be a premier <strong>to</strong>urist destination. ThePanagbenga Festival, a <strong>to</strong>urist drawer inBaguio, was spearheaded by the BCDAand its subsidiary John Hay ManagementCorporation (JHMC) in 1995.Meanwhile, the former PhilippineRefugee Processing Center (PRPC) inMorong Bataan, a 10-minute drive fromthe Subic Bay Freeport Zone, is now theBataan Technology Park.A most notable accomplishmentis the four-lane, 94-kilometer—Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX)running from Subic Bay in Zambales allthe way <strong>to</strong> Tarlac. It was completed inrecord time of less than three years andstarted full operations on July 25, 2008.This expressway represents BCDA’spolicy shift from merely creating specialeconomic zones within Clark and Subiccontinued on page 6The 94-kilometer Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway5

In the News<strong>to</strong> expanding their influence<strong>to</strong> the rest of thecountry. The SCTEXhas become anefficient access<strong>to</strong> the SubicBay Seaportand the ClarkInternationalAirport (CIA),r e d u c i n gtravel timef r o m C l a r k<strong>to</strong> Subic <strong>to</strong>a mere 40m i n u t e s a n d25 minutes fromClark <strong>to</strong> Tarlac.The airportin Clark, the seaport inSubic Bay and the SCTEXhave created a portal by which Central Luzoncan now trade directly with internationalmarkets without having <strong>to</strong> contendwith the choking bottlenecks of MetroManila. SCTEX made the constructionof similar expressways viable. The88-kilometer Tarlac-Pangasinan-LaUnion Expressway (TPLEX), a projec<strong>to</strong>f the Department of Public Worksand Highways (DPWH), will connectthe SCTEX all the way <strong>to</strong> La Union,providing seamless and speedy travel<strong>to</strong> mo<strong>to</strong>rists.Modern CitiesWho would ever think that the vast trac<strong>to</strong>f land called Fort Bonifacio would somedaytransform in<strong>to</strong> an upscale commercial-residentialcommunity? BCDA’s partnership with the Fort BonifacioDevelopment Corporation (FBDC)—a consortium of <strong>to</strong>preal estate developer Ayala Land, Inc. and the Campos-ledEvergreen Holdings, Inc.—has made it possible <strong>to</strong> convertthis area in<strong>to</strong> the Bonifacio Global City, arguably the fastestgrowing and probably the most modern Central Business andResidential District in the country <strong>to</strong>day.Similarly, BCDA through a joint-venture partnership withMegaworld Corporation, one of the fastest growing real estatedevelopment companies <strong>to</strong>day, has completely changed thelandscape of the once worn-out barracks of the PhilippineAir Force (PAF) in the former Villamor Air Base in<strong>to</strong> a highendleisure and entertainment city called Newport City thathouses the world-class Resorts World Manila, Maxims Hoteland Marriott Hotel.Collectively, the Bonifacio Global City and Newport Cityhave already generated over 60,000 jobs and provided thelocal government units or LGUs with tax revenues that canhelp improve services for their respective constituents.President and CEO Arnel Paciano D. Casanova, and themembers of the Board of Direc<strong>to</strong>rs, the agency has set its sightson more innovative big-ticket projects <strong>to</strong> vigorously push thegovernment’s national development thrusts.The key is <strong>to</strong> create different economic hubs in all BCDAareas that work in synergy through carefully master-plannedcommunities in Central and Northern Luzon such as PoroPoint in La Union, John Hay in Baguio, Morong in Bataan, andClark in Pampanga and Tarlac. These economic hubs willcomplement and strengthen each other and increase business,<strong>to</strong>urism, trade and investments.Its centerpiece infrastructures consisting of the ClarkInternational Airport, San Fernando Seaport and Airport inLa Union, and the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX)shall be further developed and harnessed <strong>to</strong> bring the greatestimpact <strong>to</strong> the national economy. Likewise, the development ofseveral railway systems, such as the monorail loop system inSouth Metro Manila , and the high-speed rail system connectingMetro Manila and Clark Special Economic Zone in Angeles,Pampanga shall be fast-tracked for the convenience ofthe public.Ultimately, the BCDA areas are<strong>to</strong> become beacons of globallycompetitive and sustainablecenters of economic activitiesthat shall ripple and spreadthroughout their respectiveregions. Consequently,these economic hubs, taken<strong>to</strong>gether, would serve as atipping point for nationaleconomic development whichis sustainable and inclusive.At 20, BCDA is moredetermined and confident <strong>to</strong>build the country with projectsexpected <strong>to</strong> change landscapesand transform lives of Filipinos forthe better.Moving ForwardTwenty years later, the BCDA’s development projectscontinue. Led by Chairman of the Board Felici<strong>to</strong> C. Payumo,6A. Burgos Circle in Bonifacio Global City in Taguig |B. Newport Cityin Pasay | C. Poro Point Seaport in Poro Point, La Union

In the NewsSobrepena group charged with estafafor selling a John Hay property twiceDirec<strong>to</strong>rs and officers of Camp John Hay Development Corporation (CJHDevco), ledby Robert John Sobrepena, have been charged with estafa for the “double sale” of aproperty in the John Hay Special Economic Zone (JHSEZ).The Manor in Camp John Hay.The <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> Development Authority (BCDA),the government body that governs the JHSEZ, filed the criminalcomplaint at Department of Justice (DOJ) last March 9 againstCJHDevco executives.This came after BCDA discovered that Log Home No. 9,which was included among CJHDevco’s dacion en pago, orpayment-in-kind, <strong>to</strong> BCDA was earlier sold <strong>to</strong> another party, afact concealed by CJHDevco.Arnel Paciano Casanova, BCDA president and chiefexecutive, said CJHDevco has been defaulting on its leasepayments for the JHSEZ, so BCDA agreed <strong>to</strong> a payment-inkindarrangement in 2008. BCDA later discovered the doublesaleof one of the dacion en pago properties turned over byCJHDevco.Casanova said “CJHDevco has resorted <strong>to</strong> dirty tricks andtactics <strong>to</strong> evade paying its financial obligations, but we willnot let them get away with their obligations. It appears thatCJHDevco is involved in fraudulent business practice.”CJHDevco’s debts for the unpaid lease rentals of the JHSEZhave already reached P3 billion. While the firm claimed that ithas made payments of P1.4 billion, which includes the value ofthe dacion en pago properties, the <strong>to</strong>tal lease that they shouldhave paid over the last 16 years of leasing the JHSEZ shouldhave been P4.4 billion. So there remains an unpaid balance ofP3 billion.The BCDA chief executive also revealed that CJHDevco hasactually s<strong>to</strong>pped remitting <strong>to</strong> BCDA the proceeds of the dacionen pago properties. Records show that CJHDevco remitted a<strong>to</strong>tal of P4.6 million <strong>to</strong> BCDA as profit share of the dacionen pago properties for the years 2008 <strong>to</strong> 2009. However,the Sobrepena-led lessee has s<strong>to</strong>pped remitting any profitshare since then.“We have asked CJHDevco several times <strong>to</strong> open itsbooks <strong>to</strong> shed light on the non-remittance of the dacion enpago properties,” Casanova said, “but the Sobrepena grouphas refused repeatedly, despite numerous follow-up letterswe sent them. There is obviously a lack of transparency inthe financial transactions of CJHDevco.”Casanova said BCDA has “bent backwards” severaltimes <strong>to</strong> accommodate CJHDevco’s requests <strong>to</strong> restructureits debts. “In fact, BCDA has restructured its debts threetimes,” Casanova said, adding “and the only time CJHDevcoever paid part its arrears was when the debts wererestructured.”CJHDevco asked for a fourth restructuring late lastyear, but this time, BCDA rejected the proposal. “CJHDevcohas had a his<strong>to</strong>ry of asking for a restructuring every time itcannot pay,” Casanova pointed out. “CJHdevco pays a smallportion of the arrears upon the signing of the restructuringagreement. Then once the agreement has been signed, its<strong>to</strong>ps paying. It’s a vicious cycle.”Addressing larger concerns, Casanova said that thepeople of Baguio will be at the losing end if CJHDevco’sdebt is not collected, since Baguio City is continually deniedof 25% share in the rent proceeds -- <strong>to</strong> pay for the BaguioConvention Center and other development projects.7

In the NewsSYMBOL OF PROGRESS. PPMC Chairman Ives Nisce, JHMC President and CEO Jamie Agabayani, BCDA President and CEO Arnel Paciano D.Casanova, Mayor Manuel Ortega of San Fernando, La Union and BCDA Marketing Officer Raul Buensalida prepare the release of the green“hope” lanterns released during the Fluvial Parade, a highlight of the said event. The release of the green lanterns in the skies symbolizes hopein the continued growth of the Poro Point Freeport Zone, the city of San Fernando, the province of La Union and the rest of Northern Luzon.Poro Point launches the“Festival of Lights”If Baguio City has Panagbenga or the Flower Festival and Clark hosts the Hot Air BalloonFestival, Poro Point launched its summer festival dubbed as “Sillag—The Poro PointFestival of Lights”.Sillag is an Ilocano word which means moonbeam orillumination from the moon. The festival, initiated by thePoro Point Management Corporation (PPMC), a subsidiary ofthe <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> and Development Authority (BCDA) isintended <strong>to</strong> promote the 6-hectare lighthouse property as avital component of an Integrated Tourism Complex.“This is part of BCDA’s endeavors <strong>to</strong> change the landscapeof Central and North Luzon,” said Arnel Paciano D. Casanova,BCDA President and Chief Executive Officer, underscoringBCDA’s efforts <strong>to</strong> develop <strong>to</strong>urism and investments in thenorth. “Not only will we see beautiful and modern cities, wewill also see business and employment opportunities thatwill eventually translate <strong>to</strong> the upliftment of the lives of ourcountrymen.”For his part, BCDA Chairman Felici<strong>to</strong> C. Payumo identifiedPoro Point Freeport Zone as the country’s gateway in theNorth.“The holding of the Sillag or La Union’s Festival ofLights in Poro Point will play a major role in not only drawing<strong>to</strong>urists but promoting the Poro Point Freeport Zone with itsseaport and airport as the country’s magnet for investmentsand wealth genera<strong>to</strong>r in the North,” Payumo said.In line with the BCDA’s 20th Anniversary Celebration,Sillag was launched last April 28, 2012 with activitiesthat highlighted the province’s rich his<strong>to</strong>ry and <strong>to</strong>urist8destinations. Next year, it will be scheduled proximate<strong>to</strong> the Panagbenga Festival and Hot Air Balloon Festival<strong>to</strong> promote synergy and complementation with the othereconomic zones under the BCDA group.PPMC Chairman Ives Q. Nisce pointed out that in order<strong>to</strong> ensure the success of Sillag, various public and privategroups were tapped as partners in the undertaking.Among the partners of the Poro Point ManagementCorporation (PPMC) include: the local government ofthe Province of La Union led by Governor Manuel C.Ortega and San Fernando City Mayor Pablo C. Ortega;Thunderbird Pilipinas Hotels and Resorts, Inc.; PoroPoint Agro Industrial Development Company Inc.; PoroPoint Industrial Corporation; Department of Tourism;Department of Trade and Industry; Philippine InformationAgency; Philippine Coast Guard; Philippine Navy, PhilippineMarine; Philippine National Police; Philippine Air Force;Philippine National Red Cross; Bureau of Fire Protection;La Union Hotels, Resorts and Restaurants Association;Chamber of Commerce and Industry of La Union; La UnionTourism Council; La Union Conventions and Visi<strong>to</strong>rsBureau; La Union Tourism Officers Association; BauangTourism Council; San Juan Beach Resorts Association and;BCDA.

In the NewsNisce added that Sillag is but a staging point for a muchbigger objective <strong>to</strong> promote the entire province of La Union.“Through Sillag, PPMC aims <strong>to</strong> attract domestic andforeign <strong>to</strong>urists <strong>to</strong> encourage business and commerce in thePoro Point Freeport Zone, in San Fernando City and the rest ofthe province,” Nisce said.Florante S. Gerdan, PPMC president and chief executive,said, “This festival will surely mark Poro Point’s distinctionamong <strong>to</strong>urist destinations in the country. With this, we hope<strong>to</strong> give light and inspiration <strong>to</strong> our fellowmen facing difficulttimes.”The Poro Point Lighthouse, a distinct his<strong>to</strong>rical landmarkin La Union, will be the focal point of the festival. The PoroPoint Lighthouse serves as a beacon for ships and boats plyingthe sea at night. Similarly, the Poro Point Freeport Zone isenvisioned as the Beacon of the North by catalyzing the socioeconomicdevelopment in Northern Luzon. The lighthouseis considered as the perfect symbolism of the Poro PointFreeport Zone.Sillag will open with an Air Show featuring ultralightaircrafts and paragliding exhibitions. A children’s showfeaturing clowns, magicians, jugglers and face painterswill also be brought <strong>to</strong> light <strong>to</strong> create a festive atmosphere.Simultaneous with the children’s show, there will be Signing ofa Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) at the Lighthouse area.The MOA covers the Adopt-a-Lighthouse Project betweenPoro Point Management Corporation and the Philippine CoastGuard.PPMC, PCG INK MOA FOR LIGHTHOUSE REHAB. Poro Point Management Corporation (PPMC) President andCEO Florante S. Gerdan and Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Commandant Vice Admiral Edmund Cas<strong>to</strong>r Tan seal the deal with ahandshake after signing a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that would allow the PPMC <strong>to</strong> repair and rehabilitate La Union’siconic lighthouse located inside the Poro Point Freeport Zone. Under the agreement, PPMC will allocate the funds and takecharge of the repair and rehabilitation of the lighthouse. The PCG on the other hand will continue <strong>to</strong> be the sole owner andadministra<strong>to</strong>r of the lighthouse, remain responsible for the actual operations, and supervise and moni<strong>to</strong>r the undertakingsof PPMC for the repair and rehabilitation. The rehabilitation and repair of the Poro Point Lighthouse by the PPMC is par<strong>to</strong>f the PCG’s “Adopt-a-Lighthouse” program that encourages third party participation in the preservation and maintenanceof culturally valuable lighthouses. Also shown in the pho<strong>to</strong> are PPMC Chairman Ives Q. Nisce, PPMC Direc<strong>to</strong>r Louis Funa-ayClaver, PPMC Direc<strong>to</strong>r Mitchell Verzosa, PPMC Direc<strong>to</strong>r Jorge Banal, Sr., <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> and Development Authority (BCDA)Chairman Felici<strong>to</strong> C. Payumo, BCDA President and CEO Arnel Paciano D. Casanova, PPMC Direc<strong>to</strong>r Elmer Cadano, PPMC Direc<strong>to</strong>rNicolas R. Tabora, PCG Capt. Leopoldo V. Laroya, and BCDA Direc<strong>to</strong>r Ferdinand S. Golez. The PPMC is a subsidiary of the BCDA.9

Pho<strong>to</strong> Gallery“SILLAG”The Poro PointFestival Of LightsABDFCE10

Pho<strong>to</strong> GalleryG H IJKLMA. Hotel guests and specta<strong>to</strong>rs marveled as the skies were filled with the glittery fireworks during the Pyrolympics Show atthe Sillag Festival. | B&C. The sky illuminated as hundreds of colored hope lanterns were released as symbol of good health,good fortune and progress for the <strong>to</strong>wn of San Fernando and its residents. | D. Almost 100 hundred boats lit the shores ofThunderbird Resorts Boardwalk as part of the festival. | E. Pinoy rock band 6 Cycle Mind entertained the crowd for the rest ofthe night. | F. Colorful boats dock the white sands of Thunderbird Resorts before the Fluvial Parade. | G. Shown (from left) areJohn Hay Management Corporation (JHMC) President and CEO Jamie Agbayani, BCDA PCEO Arnel Paciano D. Casanova, MayorManuel Ortega of San Fernando, La Union, BCDA Chairman Felici<strong>to</strong> Payumo and Councilor Lolita Dyquiangco of San Fernandoholding large green hope lanterns. | H. BCDA PCEO Arnel Paciano D. Casanova explains the concept of the Sillag Festival duringan interview with PTV 4 The Morning Show host Veronica Baluyut-Jimenez. | I. BCDA, PPMC, JHMC and Philippine Coast GuardOfficials pose for a souvenir pho<strong>to</strong> after the MOA signing of the Adopt-A-Lighthouse project. | J. BCDA and JHMC Officials<strong>to</strong>gether with Former Mayor of San Fernando Mary Jane Ortega (center) | K. BCDA Chairman Felici<strong>to</strong> Payumo gives details ofthe Adopt-A-Lighthouse project. | L. BCDA Direc<strong>to</strong>r Vice Admiral Ferdinand Golez (Ret) gives an offering during the holy massat the PPMC Corporate Offices. | M. PPMC and BCDA Officials release the hope lanterns with excitement at the ThunderbirdBoardwalk.11

In the NewsBCDA <strong>to</strong> develop Fort Bonifaciotunnel in<strong>to</strong> a heritage siteThe state-owned <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> and Development Authority (BCDA) in partnershipwith the Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation (FBDC) will develop and rehabilitatethe little known Fort Bonifacio War Tunnel in<strong>to</strong> a heritage site.The old Fort Bonifacio tunnel will soon be a his<strong>to</strong>rical attraction inside BGC.BCDA President and CEO ArnelPaciano Casanova said the projectaims <strong>to</strong> contribute <strong>to</strong> the people’sunderstanding and appreciation of thehis<strong>to</strong>ry of the former military campFort Bonifacio, now known as BonifacioGlobal City (BGC).He said there is a need <strong>to</strong> preservethe heritage and promote the his<strong>to</strong>rythat once played a vital role in regainingback our freedom and democracy. Hesaid preserving the heritage of FortBonifacio and incorporating its heritageand his<strong>to</strong>ry in the development of BGCis what makes BGC a cut above othercities.Casanova said, “Bonifacio GlobalCity, is the fastest growing commercial,business and residential district inthe country <strong>to</strong>day. It is the home ofpassionate minds. Equally important isthe rich his<strong>to</strong>ry that is incorporated inBGC’s development—giving it a soul.”The Fort Bonifacio Tunnel, anunderground passageway located inthe eastern portion of BGC, dates back<strong>to</strong> the American colonial period whenit was first constructed during WorldWar II <strong>to</strong> serve as military headquarters12and s<strong>to</strong>rage of war supplies. It was firstdug up in the early 1900s, under thedirective of General Douglas MacArthurwho served as military adviser <strong>to</strong>former President Manuel Quezon.The original tunnel’s length wasabout 2.24 kilometers with 32 builtinchambers and two passable exits,one leading <strong>to</strong> Barangay Pembo andthe other <strong>to</strong> Barangay East Remo.Today, amidst the rapid developmen<strong>to</strong>f Bonifacio Global City, a 730-metersegment of the tunnel remainsunaffected, existing underneath the C-5Road, with its opening near Market!Market!The BCDA chief executive pointedout that the conversion of the oldmilitary structure in<strong>to</strong> a heritage sitewill also contribute <strong>to</strong> the country’s<strong>to</strong>urism industry, which he said,plays a significant part in stimulatingeconomic growth. “Along BGC’s worldclassdevelopment, BCDA plans <strong>to</strong>rehabilitate, develop and convert theold tunnel in<strong>to</strong> a his<strong>to</strong>rical site in BGCthat will showcase the city’s rich andunique heritage as a former militarybaseland,” Casanova said.He said the Fort Bonifacio WarTunnel will position the country as abastion of freedom and democracy inthe whole of Asia and bring honor <strong>to</strong>Filipino soldiers who sacrificed theirlives <strong>to</strong> fight for such freedom.“We have a rich and fascinatinghis<strong>to</strong>ry on the Filipino’s struggle forfreedom and independence,” Casanovastated, adding that “such struggle hasleft his<strong>to</strong>rical artifacts that remindus how our forefathers fought for thefreedom we now have. Some of theseartifacts, such as the Fort BonifacioTunnel, are beneath the ground wewalk on everyday.”The conversion of the FortBonifacio tunnel in<strong>to</strong> a heritage site isseen <strong>to</strong> promote appreciation of FortBonifacio’s his<strong>to</strong>ry—from the time ofthe American colonial period <strong>to</strong> thetime of the implementation of the <strong>Bases</strong><strong>Conversion</strong> Program, which gave rise<strong>to</strong> world-class communities like theBonifacio Global City (BGC).Casanova said the project is “par<strong>to</strong>f giving back the honor and dignity <strong>to</strong>our soldiers in the Armed Forces of the<strong>Philippines</strong>. They are the unsung heroesof our republic, who are continuallyserving the Filipino people <strong>to</strong> maintainpeace and order in our nation.” BCDA’sprogram of converting former USmilitary bases in<strong>to</strong> economic zonesearn revenues for the government,and a lion’s share is given <strong>to</strong> themodernization program of the ArmedForces of the <strong>Philippines</strong>.“We have a mandate <strong>to</strong> buildbeautiful cities,” Casanova stated,underscoring BCDA’s achievements inconverting former US military landsin<strong>to</strong> business districts and economiczones. “Part of the beauty of each cityis its his<strong>to</strong>ry. And we aim <strong>to</strong> preservethe rich legacy in all the sites that wedevelop,” he added.Casanova noted that each ofcontinued on page 13

In the NewsRelocation of settlers in JUSMAG Areaproceeds smoothly--BCDAThe smooth relocation of informal settlers at the JUSMAG Compound in BonifacioGlobal City (BGC) has generated a bandwagon effect with more and more familiesavailing themselves of the all-out support provided by the <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> andDevelopment Authority (BCDA).BCDA president and chiefexecutive officer Arnel P. Casanovaannounced that at present, BCDA hasalready received applications from 161families who would like <strong>to</strong> avail of therelocation program.“The growing availment turnoutis but a result of the sincerity of BCDA<strong>to</strong> provide dignified housing <strong>to</strong> theinformal sec<strong>to</strong>r in the JUSMAG area,”Casanova said.The relocation program consistsof cash equivalent <strong>to</strong> the value of theirrespective houses as assessed by theTaguig City assessor’s office, plus a cashincentive which the resettlers can useas start-up capital for any livelihoodproject they may set up in their newcommunity.Earlier, Casanova described theassistance being offered by the stateagency as the “best relocation programthat can be offered <strong>to</strong> informal settlers.”Out of the 161 families who haveapplied, 41 families have availed of therelocation program consisting of eitheroutright cash package or the relocationpackage. So far, only a few availed ofthe outright cash package while mostapplicants choose <strong>to</strong> relocate <strong>to</strong> theNational Housing Authority (NHA)relocation sites in Barangays San Isidroand San Jose in Rodriguez, Casanovaadded.Other BCDA officials sharedCasanova’s observation that positivefeedbacks from the early birds atthe relocation sites “apparentlyencouraged their former neighbors atthe JUSMAG area <strong>to</strong> follow suit.”The outspoken ones among therelocated families invariably declaredthat they are now experiencing stabilityand better quality of life in their newhomes which they proudly call theirown.One child, apparently in a state ofdisbelief upon seeing their new house,couldn’t help but ask her father if it wastruly their own and would be livingthere permanently.Another relocatee said their roofno longer leaks when it rains.Some of the transferees havereportedly put up livelihood projectsusing their cash incentives provided bythe BCDA as start-up capital.“These positive s<strong>to</strong>ries merelyconfirm that we are moving in the rightdirection in pursuit of our corporateobjective of developing the JUSMAGarea without losing sight of the interestand welfare of the affected families,”Casanova said.In an earlier statement, Casanovasaid the BCDA’s policy is “developmentfor all.”“ W e h a v e a t r u s t w o r t h yadministration. Ourintention is <strong>to</strong> improvethe situation of thepoor by offering themdignified relocation,” hesaid.D u r i n g t h erelocation of the initialb a t c h o f s e t t l e r s ,Casanova personallya s s i s t e d i n l o a d i n gfamily belongings on<strong>to</strong>trucks that would takethem <strong>to</strong> the relocationsites which he saidwere complete withBCDA <strong>to</strong> develop...utilities and amenities, notablyschools, churches, nearby markets, andhospitals or health clinics.Meanwhile, consultation meetingswith a view <strong>to</strong> persuade the remainingJUSMAG settlers are still ongoing.Casanova said that with thesummer season signaling a hiatus fromschool work, families with children cannow focus on availing of the relocationpackage. “They can now work onthe necessary preparations for theirchildren <strong>to</strong> transfer <strong>to</strong> a new schoolbefore the school year starts in Junewith the BCDA ready <strong>to</strong> assist them.”To facilitate processing of theapplications, the BCDA offers its service,free of charge, for documentation,notarization, and application purposes.<strong>From</strong> the city slums in Metro Manila <strong>to</strong> a quiet countrysidecommunity. Relocatees Noriel Jose and wife Rosalia smileas they look out their new home in a resettlement area inRodriguez, Rizal.the economic zones of BCDA has a rich and unique his<strong>to</strong>ry that can play a part inpromoting the country’s heritage and culture.Aside from the former Metro Manila military camps that were converted in<strong>to</strong>business districts, BCDA governs the former Clarkfield Airbase, which the stateagency turned in<strong>to</strong> the Clark Freeport Zone in Pampanga. In Bataan, BCDA convertedthe former camp of war refugees from Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in<strong>to</strong> what is nowthe Bataan Technology Park in Morong. The former US military rest and recreationfacility, Camp John Hay is now Baguio’s premier <strong>to</strong>urist and investment destination,and the former Wallace Station, now the Poro Point Freeport Zone in San FernandoLa Union.13

In the NewsBCDA launches new products at worldclassHeritage Park memorial complexThe state-owned <strong>Bases</strong> <strong>Conversion</strong> and Development Authority launched lastMarch 30, 2012 new products at the country’s premier memorial park, theHeritage Park.The event was well-attended by <strong>to</strong>p licensed brokersand officers of pre-need companies, government-ownedand controlled corporations (GOCCs), government financialinstitutions (GFIs), and government banks.BCDA President and CEO Arnel Paciano D. Casanovasaid the new products were created <strong>to</strong> provide a beautifulenvironment for memorializing departed loved ones whilegiving privacy <strong>to</strong> families and their visi<strong>to</strong>rs.“The Heritage Park, with its Asian architecture-themedstructures, lush greeneries and pleasing landscape, creates asense of serenity and calmness,” Casanova said.He said the aim is not just <strong>to</strong> develop the Heritage Parkin Fort Bonifacio in<strong>to</strong> a world-class memorial complex withcomplete facilities and amenities for the departed and theirloved ones left behind, but also <strong>to</strong> embrace the Filipinoculture and tradition of honoring those who have passed on.Casanova said that while the death of a loved one maybring deep sorrow, it is also a time when we celebrate thelives that they led and the happy memories that that theyshared with us.“We want <strong>to</strong> evoke joyful memories of our loved-oneswho have gone before us,” he said adding that “it is inherentin us <strong>to</strong> strive <strong>to</strong> give our dear departed an elegant restingplace, out of our love and respect for them.”He said new products in the most exclusive areas of thepark are introduced in this launching.The Pavilion Terraces, which leads <strong>to</strong> the park’s ChineseArchitecture-inspired Pavilion, has various types of primememorial plots such as garden lots, premium private estatelots and the jumbo estate lots that are much bigger than thestandard estate lots in other parts of the park. The ChurchTerraces, located in the northern portion of the park, offers thesame product lines, as well as new inven<strong>to</strong>ries of heads<strong>to</strong>nelawn lots for those who are looking for smaller products.New inven<strong>to</strong>ry of columbary niches are also introducedin Area 2. Located at the base of the “Angel’s Touch”, thecast bronze sculpture created by Jose Mendoza, are newinven<strong>to</strong>ries of columbary niches.The Pavilion Terraces and the Church Terraces whichare both located in the elevated portions of the Park, providevisi<strong>to</strong>rs wonderful views of the park landscape.The Heritage Park Pavilion, the focal point of the complex,conforms <strong>to</strong> the strict requirements of Feng Shui beliefs andpractices. Other impressive facilities can be found inside thepark including the Columbarium Hallways, the Pavilion’sopen courtyard, Multi-purpose Tea House, picturesquegardens and water features and first-class lava<strong>to</strong>ries.BCDA invites licensed brokers <strong>to</strong> apply for accreditationand sell the BCDA-held memorial products. Interested brokersmay contact BCDA’s Business Development Department at575-1758 or 575-1759 for further details.BCDA President and CEO Atty. Arnel Paciano Casanova gives hisshort message during the launch of Heritage Park’s newest products.BCDA Department Manager II Maureen O. Ignacio (center) briefsa group of real estate brokers during the ocular inspection of theHeritage Park.The lush greens inside Heritage Park in Taguig City.14

THE MIND MUSEUMBonifacio Global City“To build a home for science and <strong>to</strong> make it the FIRST WORLD CLASS SCIENCE MUSEUM in the <strong>Philippines</strong>...” This is The MindMuseum’s vision of its 5,000 square meter structure in Bonifacio Global City. The museum showcases over 250 interactive“minds on” and hands on exhibits that entice the children and adults of all ages <strong>to</strong> learn and appreciate the world of Science.This two-s<strong>to</strong>rey state-of-the-art structure features five galleries that will surely keep guests entertained and engaged namely:1) The S<strong>to</strong>ry of the Universe 2) The S<strong>to</strong>ry of the Earth 3) The S<strong>to</strong>ry of Life 4) The S<strong>to</strong>ry of the A<strong>to</strong>m, and, 5) The S<strong>to</strong>ry of Technology.For more information on The Mind Museum, visit

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