英国托马斯米勒有限公司大中华区通讯 - UK P&I Members Area

英国托马斯米勒有限公司大中华区通讯 - UK P&I Members Area

英国托马斯米勒有限公司大中华区通讯 - UK P&I Members Area


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42003Shanghai International Maritime Forum 2003On 17th November2003, the <strong>UK</strong> Clubheld the third seminar,now known as theShanghai InternationalMaritime Forum, with theChina Maritime SafetyAdministration inShanghai. More than 200people attended from<strong>Members</strong>, shippingcompanies, China MSAdelegates from many portsin China, maritime courtjudges, insurers, lawyers,correspondents, Classification Societies and2 003 1117<strong>UK</strong> P&I Club representatives of government environmental200 agencies.The Forum was opened by the Deputy Ministerof Communications, Hong Shanxiang and LiuLunxian, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Peoples’Congress and was chaired by senior members ofChina and Shanghai MSA including Lui Gongchen,Administrative Director-General of China MSA, XuGuoyi, Deputy Director General of China MSA, Yu Chengguo, Deputy Director General of ShanghaiMSA, Zhi Guanglu, Vice President of Shanghai MSAand Yang Xinzhai, Director, Dept of Ship Safety and Pollution Prevention.Speakers included James MacHardy, GeneralManager of SIGTTO, Dudley Tait of Lloyd’s Register,Dr KK Sharma of Norgas, Chao Guorong of Shanghai MSA, Professor Wu Wanqing of DalianMaritime Universityand Jon Hansen of DNV. SLKuang of China Marine Services delivered a paperon the HNS Convention prepared by Dr Wu Chao,the Club’s Legal Director and Environmental Adviser.The Forum was closed by Herry Lawford and Zhi Weblinkhttp://www.msa.gov.cn/Guanglu on behalf of Chen Aiping, Director-Generalof Shanghai MSA.

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